Scariest match ever...

I had a match today where I loaded into the game, and everything was pitch black...
Like...I could see fire barrels, the killers red stain, auras, prompts, and generator lights and that's it.
I was basically blind.
Luckily I was playing with my friend and she guided me through the darkness the best she could and helped me to do one gen with her before I died. I always expect bugs and glitches in this game but I never expected to make my friend play a "disabled friend" simulator. lol
Was worth a good laugh at least, hearing my friend say: "Girl, you're walking into a wall again". xD
Is this something that has happened to anyone before? or recently? am I alone here?
This bug is not new, it was in the game a while ago (like 2 years ago) and this is the first time I've heard of it being back
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Welp... the new chapter must've brought it back. I started playing about two years ago and I've seen some stuff (flying off hooks, teleporting, being synced with hooked survivors, etc...) but never this. I was the only one who couldn't see anything as well. Everyone else was just doing their thing.
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I may be wrong and this could be an entire new bug, but just to make sure we are on the same page there is an old video made from No0b3
Here it is:
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Yup has this happen to me as bubba last night. I just afked by a barrel and them managed to somehow navigate to a gate and open it.
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It was similar but much darker. Could be cause it was autohaven though.
Here's some screenshots:
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What platform do you play on? (Wondering if that may have something to do with it)
I play PC and Switch, but this happened to me on Switch.
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PC. It was the first time it has happened to me in almost 2k hours
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It is happening to me too. New bug but i found solve. When this happen just change your graphic settings. That will help