Spreading Awareness! :)

This is in relation to the hate that is happening in the real world right now. As an asian person myself, I was glad that BHVR even tweeted a post on their twitter.
I made this mini-poster using the Asian survivors because I loved the representation DBD has made for it's community. This has nothing to do with the #All-Kill chapter hate and regarding the trickster btw.
Just wanted to spread awareness since BHVR themselves have shown their support. If you do not know what is happening, please watch the news or social media. There is plenty of incidents.
Stay safe in the fog, loves!
I forgot to say thank you on the post, but thank you devs for the representation and using your platform when important issues rise! ❤️
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Thank you BHVR!
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I love the poster! And tysm to you and BHVR for spreading the message on here! ❤️
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What's happening with the Asian hate?
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People have prejudice towards Asian people because of the COVID pandemic
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Oh that meme
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Thank you and yes spreading awareness is important! :)
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Yes and unfortunately the hate crimes have been rising at a scary rate :(
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Even tho this chapter sucks I still love the characters and style
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i don't need a post to respect others. but this won't do anything, a post in the internet. well good luck with that. but your intentions are good i guess.
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A post in the internet may not bring back those who were brutally harmed, but it will bring awareness.
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where's survivorface bubba?
stop hating on him for facecamping
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I was gonna suggest something with Spirit, Oni and Trickster but perhaps that's not quite on message...
Seriously though, ######### the racism. It's even been seeping into the forums. It's so disgusting and makes no sense (does it ever?) especially when you look at how poorly almost every single government handled the pandemic.
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what hate?
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That's the only good thing about this chapter, aesthetics.
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Never seen a racist thing on the forum. Unless you count blendett as racist.
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There was probably a lot in the past maybe. I'm not too sure, I wasn't there in the "earlier" days of the forums.
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There is a lot of incidents that is happening (usually in the U.S) where asians and elders are being beat/robbed/and even murdered. The hate crimes are getting worse and it's quite saddening because statistics have shown that COVID has increased the hostility and racism toward the asian community.
So that is why I am here to bring awareness to this serious issue. BHVR has shown their support and are aware so I felt comfortable posting on the forums :)
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There was an entire thread of it not twelve hours ago. Most of it got quietly deleted by mods.
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Zarina's asian? I never knew that.
Maybe I'm just an idiot at this point.
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deleted. Have my upvote.
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Why Zarina is in picture wasn't she African? I thought she was Lebanese
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Zarina can be depicted as Asian due to her Lebanese heritage. I'm no expert about other cultures, but apparently Lebanese people can be considered Asian if the person perceives the term "asian" in the geographical point of view as Lebanon is located in the levant region of western Asia.
Though some people don't count the Middle East as asian due to the culture, it rather lies on the person on how they perceive the term asian. Geographically or culturally. Or both :3
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At first i was wondering why trickster wasn't in this poster but i guess that wouldn't have been the best representation :p
Good for spreading awareness though. There are people harrasing asian people that never even been to china.
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Do you mind sharing who this streamer is? I'd love to spread the word to my friends/fellow players.
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Great post and love the positivity here!
great guy (and actually fun to watch, doesn’t take the game or himself too seriously)!
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Lebanon borders Syria and Israel. That's Asia.
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I’m a little late to this post, but thank you. ☺️
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I haven't seen a sliver of Asian hate since Do The Right Thing.
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Oh, John Wolfe. He's seems to be a very generous guy! I've watched a couple of his videos/streams, but haven't gotten to attached to him.
Thank you for sharing! It's good to hear that people like him are helping out ❤️
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Didn't even know Jake and Zarina are asian, lol. Idc from where survs are anyway, as long as they are good teammates.
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Jake is Korean American, and Zarina is from Lebanon, a country in the Middle East which is also technically in the continent of Asia.