What setting are best for better visibility

I use an amd card so any of those filters I can do. I was also wonder are there any colorblind filters that help. The game is stupidly dark and I keep getting stuck on object that are super dark or losing blendettes mid chase cause I cant see at all.
I'm not colourblind but I applied the yellow-blue colourblind setting, makes colours a lot more vibrant. Whether or not it helps you see things better I can't tell, but it sure does look nice.
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Yeah I try that but it doesnt help with the screen feeling like its pitch black. I upped the contrast on my mponitor and im about to see if that helps
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Play without brightness settings and that's how console players see it!
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Does DBD have brightness on PC?
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Turn the settings way down to low and everything is hyper bright compared to console/high settings.
It's ######### ridiculous how unfair it is.
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oh I play on ultra maybe I will try out low
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install reshade and find settings you like the looks of in a kyf with a friend
dowsey has a guide on this iirc.
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You could also just change the display settings on your pc/monitor.
Same goes for console, just change the display settings on your console or tv.
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Technically yes through filters and PC settings. I believe AMD has a similar thing to Nvidia filters so just use those and up the brightness of the game. Oh and as other people said you should definitely play on low. Ultra has wayyyy too many shadows and ambient occlusion, low disables most of that.
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yep I did low and messed around a bit with reshade and it helped a lot.
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Try to use Nvidia Freestyle filters. It could help (if your GPU is Nvidia, of course)