How to make a popular Survivor

Step 1: Female identifying
Step 2: Small model
Step 3: Good cosmetic variety for fashion and for stealth.
Step 4: Voice acting that isn’t overly annoying to listen to.
If a Survivor is all of those things, you’ll probably see them pretty regularly in your matches
- Is Male
- Is very big
- Lack of cosmetics
- Very loud
Yeah sounds about right
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Yui is objectively the best survivor
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*Cough* Clown best girl Cough
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If we are going off this list, then yes.
However, anyone who plays DBD even a bit knows Jeff is the best survivor.
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Jeff is objectively the best since he requires the most skill to play
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Listen, I like the characters in DBD. Most of them are cool but no one even competes with Yui.
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Have to disagree. Yui is the best and takes the most skill.
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Guys, we all know that Felix's the best.
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I think Felix earns the "Best default cosmetic" award for sure. That suit and hair combo is godlike.
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The best at being forgettable maybe
Nah on a serious note he’s okay but he’s getting too many cosmetics compared to some other characters
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Hey, it's not a competition.
Jeff is cool in the way that your dad or uncle is; he's a really creative, friendly, and smart guy with a huge heart and a lot of stories to tell. (The guy takes care of dogs without homes. He's literally a hero.)
Yui is cool in the way that an action hero is; she never says die, gives zero [BAD WORDS], and overpowered the stalker that broke into her home with a knife. (Everyone likes to say David could take Legion in a fight, but Yui canonically did)
You may personally appreciate one type of cool more than the other, but that doesn't mean they don't both have merit, y'know?
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I didn't mean it like that. I just really want to show how much Yui means to me. I'm just joking when I say she's objectively the best survivor because at the end of the day, the best survivor is all of them. It's just a matter of which survivor that someone likes the most. For me, it's Yui.
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A lot of simps in the world, unfortunately.
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I think that numbers 1 and 2 are a little more... Directly linked.
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- Is male
- Is average
- Good cosmetics but very very bad at stealth
- Lack of cosmetics (licensing issues)
- Very loud and very annoying
Still my favorite survivor
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Feng skipped step 4 and the stealth part of step 3 and I still see her basically every game.
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The best survivor is Ace. He pretty much has Iron Will by default.
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Jeff literally has built in Stridor.
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Is Jeff's grunts a bug or something. Because there is no reason why it should be louder then most?
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This should be a list of most annoying character sounds thread....
- Elodie
- Elodie
- Elodie
- Steve
- Strode
- Yui
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Incorrect. Claudette is the Supreme Survivor. None can match her majesty. Not even the entity can control her. She moves between the worlds harnessing the power of shadows and only enters the entity's realm when she seeks to torture the poor killers.
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- is a chad
- shirtless
- washboard abs
- hella cosmetics
- no annoying voice/sounds
The last one is a big one for me, play Jun Lee and I stopped playing her as soon as I got her to 40. Her voice sounds while hooked are just way too much for me.
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Go watch the Cursed Legacy DLC trailer and watch Yui on that bike. She’s such a badass and no one can outrace her. Yui’s the best and it’s just facts.
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Claudette can travel from shadow from shadow. She can beat Yui at any race.
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Yui beat up a stalker with a knife that evaded her home. I think if Yui and Claudette fought, Yui easily wins.
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But can anyone out paint Jeff though?
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Oh yeah. Yui is a literal angel, she can do anything.
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Can she have a cooler beard then Jeff though? Don’t think so.
You see Jeff is so loud when injured that he actually intimidates the killer
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Claudette will just teleport to Yui's shadow and stab her before she can realize what happened. Yui stands no chance!
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Claudette would just hide in a dark corner of the apartment. Yui wouldn’t be able to find her at all!
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Yui’s loud and has a cute voice. It’s so cute that killers will spare her.
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Yui has incredible instincts that she doesn’t even need to see.
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Yui isn’t on the same scale as Jeff’s pure volume of grunting
Also in an unarmed fight I’d say Jeff would win
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The knife would be embedded into her torso before her instincts registered what happened.
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That's just what we want you to think.
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You haven’t seen what Yui did to that stalker then
Yui is tough enough that even if she did get stabbed, she would pull through and finish the fight.
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Thing is the stalker was probably some pathetic skinny man. Jeff is at least over 6 foot clearly weights a lot and has been a some bar fights in his time (That’s where he got his scar). He also has his perk breakdown which literally allows him to break hooks without any equipment
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He did have a knife and Yui still pulled through.
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True she did but agin it probably wasn’t hard for her considering how weak he probably was.
I don’t think Yui would have much a chance of overpowering Jeff tbh. Not like it’s yui’s fault she is still very strong but Jeff is just a Big guy who could easily overpower her
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That is true. I feel like it would be a close fight but Yui is just more athletic and stronger. Then again, I’m bias because I’m a Yui homer lol.
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The fight would have been finished before it even started, for Claudette would have teleported to Yuis abode and laced her food with poison. There is no beating the Claudette, for Claudette is far beyond mankinds puny mortal brains.
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Ace wins the worst.
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You can't fight something that you can't see 👻
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Also,that one Jeff cosmetic with the face paint is easily scarier than most killers in the game 🤣
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Dwight exists, no one can overcome perfection like him
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Yeah, he did get many cosmetics in a short amount of time, I don't complain, love them all but others do deserve some as well. At least Jeff has his very handsome year of the rat set, really like that one.
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I don't know I just 4k against 2 pigs, a clown, and victor with My Girl Claudette , hooked them all at 5 gens