My facecamper + slugger Trickster adventures

2 DCs, 1 bleed out, and the last one died on hook.
I'm enjoying the only possible way of playing this killer, check my perks btw :D.
I wouldn't be proud of playing like this, it's just pitiful.
Four 4K, five 3K, two 2K, one 1K, and three 0K. He's weak, but you guys need to stop using his power level to excuse your horrible performance.
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to excuse
yourhis horrible performance.0 -
Your name is spot on.
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*sad trickster noises*
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I feed on their hate and salt
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Legit true
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Feel any better?
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A lot.
Collected a couple more hate comments in my profile as well.
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If if it works for you go nuts.
Suddenly getting everyone down is the only way you beat a good survivor team with him so you can't really fault that
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Sad killer main indeed.
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Well then keep doing it. Just don’t complain when survivors pull out their dirty tactics too
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I even camping and tunelling can't cope with the survivors, my best result for the Trickster - 1k. Trickster is really bad.
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Jesus christ you really seem to be lonely in life. I wish things get better for you soon.
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Is it directly related to camp, tunnel and slug with being lonely in life? Clearly it isn't related at all.
Plus you know nothing about my personal life so...that's just a dumb guessing of yours.
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It's actually them who complain to me hehe.
In my steam profile, and in my end game chats, while I always give them 0 attention because I never leave steam comments, and I never use end game chat. I just use it in case that they are tilted, to tilt them even more.
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It's really telling you need to camp in order to get kill(s) as this guy.
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Yeah, pretty much.
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If you face camp, tunnel or slug if necessary then i have no problem about that but if you do it to bait dcs for laughs then you are a troll and you are no different than a survivor teabagging and flashlight clicking but if you body block a survivor or sandbagging him then ill do my absolute best to tunnel and facecamp you to oblivion
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This guy is baiting dcs feeding to him only makes him want to troll harder
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Again i got 4k as trickster without tunneling and face camping but purposefully face camping and tunneling survivors for dcs and laughs makes you no different than a survivor teabagging🤷♂️
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you are a troll
Of course that If I do that with the Trickster I'm trolling and just making them waste their time...isn't it obvious?
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Congratulations, you belong to the 1% of people who actually get 4ks and merciless with this killer.
Now we know where BHVR's "data" is coming from...
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I don't know why you're getting so much hate in this thread. There are literally no rules as to how you should play killer lol you're doing your job.
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I have a feeling that you rage quit as soon as the gates are opened your name is sad killer main after all just a hunch
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And people wonder why this community is so horrid.
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I'm a main killer since before 2018, I'm immune to hate ;)
If anything, hate just makes me feel even better.
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I never rage quit, if anything, I get bored and go afk looking to a wall so survivors can't earn chase BPs.
But that rarely happens, because I value more farming BPs than winning or losing.
EDIT: A username is just something you write at a random point in time, doesn't mean much.
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Cuz they have me, the notorious.
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Funny thing is that i played against a trickster with the same username as you who rage quitted as soon as the exit gates were opened wasnt it you?
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Clearly wasn't me, my forums username and steam ones are different for a reason.
On top of that, why would I close the game just to lose my bloodpoints, what a huge waste of time.
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Just want to say your doing great, I use a very harsh slugging strategy on Pig and am using it on Trickster aswell, don't let people tell you how you need to play.
Slug is Life.
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Slugging if necessary is fine but doing it to bait dcs isnt
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Survivors can suicide on hook
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When a Survivor DC's I see it as their choice and don't blame them for it, I common slug strategy I use is trick all Survivors to use their Unbreakables, down all 4 and match up the bleed out bars perfectly by lifting a survivor and dropping them since it pauses the bleed out. If you do it correctly hatch will never open and I can go make a sandwich or something.
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...match up the bleed out bars perfectly by lifting a survivor and dropping them since it pauses the bleed out. If you do it correctly hatch will never open...
Damn, what a fine art.
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Guys this is clearly a bait thread and you're falling for it lol 😂
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Not really bait, but I have years of experience enraging people :P