MMR would hurt killers experience and it wouldnt be fun for them.

Me runs killer for 3min first chase no gen done.
second chance again 1+min just one gen done
i die 3 gens done total.
scoreboard says me 10k points
all other survivors between 3k - 6k points and still alive.
me getting slowly heart problems with the stress dbd is giving me.
me doesnt have fun with the current matchmaking
killers : we dont care, mmr would be unfair for us just git gud.
MMR doesn't ruin other popular games tho, why would it ruin DbD.
Of course of it's bad designed, but if it's ok It wouldn't hurt.
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I don't see how this is a killer problem or a MMR problem. Sounds like if you had a good MMR, you would have better teammates, and perhaps faced a killer you couldn't run for 3 gennys.
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ofc you cant run a experienced killer for that long but some streamers like Tru3 say good killers would always get god survivors and a high ranked killer wouldnt have fun bc it would be too stressful playing against god players every game. but not only tru3 think like that, there are a lot people who dont want a mmr.
i dont know what happens, but i will quit when something doesnt change when it comes to matchmaking.
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Because DBD is an unblanced mess and most games only have mmr in their competetive modes
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Stop watching true videos, he had no idea what he’s talking about. My pet goldfish had a higher IQ than him.
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Dead by Daylight only has one mode: the competitive mode.
You are always playing for ranking up or down.
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im not a fan of true either, i dont watch him just saw a video on youtube where he said that.
and when a known streamer says thing like that, his community will ofc listen to him and agree.
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I, as a killer main, look forward to the mmr system.
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The issue with MMR is that there's no visual indication that it's actually working.
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I enjoyed the MMR test. Playing both sides.
The only issue i see, is seal team 6 SWF squads that will only get matched against god nurses and spirits that hear a survivor breathe from a mile away. Those players won´t enjoy the game as much as they do right now. Everyone else will love the new MMR.
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Hiw does killer having trouble with mmr differ with survivirs trouble? Im going from yellows to reds because i dont care abkut rank.
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You mean those who make the game unfun for other will have a shitter experience with the MMR? Good!
For real I liked the MMR test
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From what I've seen from the reaction to Skill based matchmaking in Apex and CoD it absolutly has. Sometimes, players, even good players. Just want to chill out and play relaxed outside of ranked modes. MMR doesn't allow that. EVery match becomes a sweat fest and isn't fun.
Good survivor? Enjoy playing od Nurses and stacked slowdown Spirits
Good killer who happens to enjoy a low tier like Clown or Trapper? Enjoy playing against 4 man sweat squads with all meta builds
It's a real bad idea.
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The problem is not MMR in itself, but the fact that this game lacks a quickplay mode where ranks and MMR matter less.
With a quickplay mode, and rankeds, would be fine.
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Their excuse in the past was not wanting to split the playerbase. I feel like nowadays, despite the queue time problems, theres more than enough players cross plat to justify it.
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My experience with the MMR test was great.
kinda wish they just left it on...
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Yes. Also streamers might have a less pleasant experience. But then again, they get paid for playing.
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At the top both sides won't have fun any more when a normal mmr will be implemented. The highest mmr for survivor would 4 men swf with meta perks and so on and there are only 2-3 killer able to even have a chance against that. The killer would always get a stressful game and the survivor will only see those up to three killers and get bored.
But mmr might be a blessing for everybody but the top 5-10% of both sides.
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For general population, well working MMR would improve the experince. For streamers and top SWF teams, probably ruin it as they'll face only each other playing constant stridor spirits and nurses (unless they like facing that ofc).
Still I'd rather see properly working MMR than keep the clown fiesta that is the current emblem farming simulator.
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When mmr was on i had a great time as killer.
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They can go for meme build and not be sweaty: They won't win all game and have super high MMR and they will be entertaining. Think about what Monto is doing.
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Most killers will love MMR. I did.
Imagine you love playing killer and are in red ranks, playing your mains against strong, experienced survivors. Pretty good for both sides, right?
But hey, you've decided to unlock a new killer, whether it's someone you had your eye on for a while or a brand new release.
Well, under the current system I hope you're prepared to have a miserable time with limited perks and experience, learning a new killer while red ranks loop you forever.
Under MMR? The game knows you're not experienced with that killer and will match you against lesser skilled players until you find your natural skill level for that character.
That is an absolute win.
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Not sure if their audience would be happy with only meme builds in the long run.
But we'll see.
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I mean the dev don't make money off streamer that much (outside of visibility). If killer leave because their experience is too trash then survivor get longer queue and then survivor will leave because queue are too long and then nobody buy any DLC or skins so the devs don't make money.
edit: Monto is mostly about meme build in DBD
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Couldn't be more wrong.
I've only been playing a few months, but I'm a rank 5 killer, mainly thanks to Spirit, Freddy and Doctor. 90% of the time I face the sweaty flashlight bully squad.
I can't try out new killers, because 5 gens are done in 3 minutes and I get no kills. So I have to go back to Doctor or Spirit to farm bloodpoints, and my rank just keeps increasing...
When we had SBM for 24 hours, it was AMAZING.
When I played Spirit, I was matched with survivors of my skill level. I didn't have the sweat, but there was still challenge. It was actually fun and not stressful.
When I switched to Bubba, a killer I hadn't played before, I started against brown ranks, then my second match was yellows and greens, and it kept me there. Instead of all rank 1s like usual.
SBM will be amazing for the majority of killers. It's only the top 1% of killer mains who have many hours in every killer with astronomically high MMRs already that will be stuck facing only the best survivors.
For the vast majority, your best killers will be a challenge, and if you want to chill out for a few games, you can just play a killer you don't play much, and get matched with lower skilled survivors.
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But that's what every match is like already for the majority of killers. Because its so easy to reach red ranks.
We HAVE matchmaking, it's just awful rank based matchmaking with a ranking system that's not fit for purpose. It pools everyone who plays regularly into one big pool, so mid-range players get matched up regularly with sweaty god modes, and it's not fun.
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Nobody would play ranked though. And then we'd just go back to what we currently have, because our current matchmaking system is so lose it may as well not exist. And the current system is not fun, because lesser skills players get pitted against players with tons of experience.
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Why nobody would play ranked? They do in other games.
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Why would the top players play ranked, only to face the awful toxic high level opponents they're constantly complaining about, when they can face random opponents such as newbies that they can stomp all over?
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Top players are the minority of the community, so it wouldn't affect queue times in the slightest.
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I didn't even mention queue times.