Has anyone seen Huntress Hatchet's in lockers when the killer is not Huntress/Trickster?

I swear every time I've open a locker when not playing as or facing those killers it's always the Trickster's knives.
Pretty sure Tricksters knives are the default at the moment, and only changes when actually facing the Huntress.
It might be intentional to promote the current chapter DLC, and then next chapter it might go back to hatchets being the default, or just be random in it's not either Huntress/Trickster.
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Lmao, yeah, I always see the Tricksters knives in my lockers now. A few times it's been hatchets (even though I wasn't playing Huntress), but it's usually knives.
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I think it's random which one shows up in a match unless the killer is Huntress or Trickster. I've seen both in the lockers while playing as Billy. I haven't noticed one showing up more often than the other but it's possible that Trickster's knives have a higher chance since he's new.
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I feel like it should be random each match unless you're playing against Huntress or Trickster, of course.
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that'd be like attacking a tank with a stick... xD
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"32 knifes to stun the killer for 2s"
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This is the survivor buff we all need. Especially if the knife thrower makes a loud noise notification every time they throw a knife.
All four survivors get to the exit gate? You don't have to worry about teabags anymore...
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Once I saw Trickster's knives and rolled my eyes because I hate him. They wound up being for Amanda. Then during another match I did see the axes and got kind of excited because I like going against The Huntress, but it wound up being The Doctor or something. I guess the axes are the default for anyone who doesn't have the knives, otherwise it's the knives by default.
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Conclusion: The entity doesn't know how to manifest a second row of weapons
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Tbh they should make it so that it automatically makes it Trickster's knives by default when the killer played Trickster before the game, or Huntress's hatchets by default when the killer played Huntress before (unless the killer is Huntress/Trickster).
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It looks something like this.
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i can see him throwing for a solide 5 minutes or so before the Killer even notices lol