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Feedback on new Wraith changes

I'm sorry about this, but I would rather have old Wraith back.

I expressed concerns about the nerf to his movement speed while uncloaking during the PTB, and it looks as if I was right.

After playing a handful of games with him since All-Kill came out, I am confident that the speed boost he now has while cloaked is no compensation for the nerf you have given his uncloak movement speed.


The whole point of Wraith's power is sneak/surprise attacks, but survivors now make so much distance while you're uncloaking that his initial surprise hit has been almost completely negated. Unless you really catch a survivor in the open, they can always make it to a pallet.

We are talking about a weaker killer, who now has more general map pressure, but can no longer use his power effectively. I cannot stress how unnecessary this is, and my honest feedback as a Wraith main is that the movement speed when uncloaking needs reverted.

Having the increased cloak speed and keeping the uncloak movement speed at what it was before, is not really so much to ask, and it guarantees that we can actually use his power. Otherwise, the improved map pressure gained from the cloak speed buff is completely pointless

Appreciate you addressing his movement speed, but please please consider reverting the uncloak movement speed change because it is so unnecessary and pointless. Thanks for listening to my feedback


  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I definitely don’t want old Wraith back because the base cloak speed buff is fantastic. The post cloak being nerfed absolutely wasn’t needed so hopefully that changes sometime in the future. The worst thing that could happen is he’s considered a little too strong and then they just have to give him a little nerf.. I don’t see him ever being considered overpowered with his new cloak speed and old uncloaking combined.

    I really enjoy Wraith so I can look past it I guess but man it can really feel like you’re walking through a force field of molasses or something while coming out of cloak sometimes.

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    I would prefer some version of the old Wraith back because what I just saw in a match against him - unless the player was exploiting - was beyond over-powered. Near-instant cloak and de-cloak, with a speed while invisible that is patently ridiculous. I literally watched his "glimmer" zip past me, through the pallet ahead of me. The only reason I saved myself was because they forgot to spin around in time to smack me before I could hit them with the pallet. I watched this Killer literally traverse the map whenever they pleased, pop out of cloak almost instantaneously and hit someone at nearly the same time. And if they didn't? They simply cloaked again to chase. It was stupid. At least the Oni has to earn his speed boost - and it's only for a limited time before he has to re-earn it.

    I have never, not once, purposely DCed against any Killer, no matter how toxic. I play through every toxic chainsaw-wielding Bubba and Billy, through every toxic electro-spamming Doctor, through every Huntress with hatchets that go through physical objects.... and I am here to say that the next time I go up against Wraith in this incarnation? I am seriously consider disconnecting. That's how ridiculous this was.

  • Metzu
    Metzu Member Posts: 86

    Wraith's uncloaking speed boost and lunge are currently bugged (unintentionally nerfed). If you browse through the bugs posts you'll see it's already been acknowledged. But yes, current state Wraith's uncloak lunge is indeed weaker than before 4.6.0 and hopefully it gets patched soon.

  • LewJay
    LewJay Member Posts: 24

    @Starr43 I wasn't being entirely serious when I said I want old Wraith back. I was so upset with the new bug + the uncloak move speed at the same time, which has resulted in me performing much more poorly with wraith. Yeah, he could use some extra changes to the uncloaking move speed, but if they fix this bug it might just make him feel better to play, more closely to how smooth he felt before 4.6.0

    I hope @Starshadw is joking, or you really did go against a hacker. Wraith even with his speed buff is far from the strongest killer, and it is impossible for him to uncloak instantly even with double addons for it. His new move speed when cloaked is only 150% (That's about 20% less than a phasing spirit without addons). So unless you were exaggerating details, I think you went against a hacker.

    @Metzu I knew about the bug from various streams, I am holding out that this is what I'm missing because currently he doesn't "feel right" to me.