Endgame collapse is a killer sided mechanic

Why is there a mechanic that basically does the job for the killer? I remember when this did not exist and killers were forced to hunt survivors and actually put in effort to finish the game.
I have been noticing a pattern for a long time that no matter what you do the killer always and I mean every single game will hook the 3rd survivor and immediately go straight to the hatch, close it and watch the gates for an ez win. Isn’t games supposed to be challenging? There is literally nothing as a survivor you can do to win in this situation at all. There is no hope when a killer sits on 3 gens and then wins by closing the hatch every time in this situation. It is not fair.
Before this mechanic was added, killers had tension in either watching the hatch or not. As survivor at least you had an opportunity to escape by either doing the last gen or finding the hatch if the killer didn’t know where it was at. There was actually hope in trying to escape. Now there is not any at all and it really baffles me how this is not discussed more.
I have an idea to fix this grossly imbalanced mechanic and add a little hope and make the killer not have an ez win for free. Why is kicking a hatch closed actually locking it? This is the major flaw in its design. It should be closed but NOT locked! The survivor can still open the hatch but instead of it being immediately opened as it does so with the key, the survivor has a 3 second struggle to open it. This way the killer is not getting an ez win by watching the gates and the survivor can open the hatch and get out if he leaves it.
not your best work Sluzzy, step it up
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It was very unhealthy when the end game collapse didn’t exist. Survivors could extend the game for 10 to 20 minutes or even sometimes to 40 minutes long.
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The EGC literally only exists to prevent survivor from holding the game hostage.
Tell me honestly; when was the last time you saw a survivor die to EGC? You can just 99 the doors and it won't even activate.
C'mon Sluzzy, you're not even trying anymore man.
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Ok, I must say I am happy that someone agrees with me regarding EGC, but I don't think it is a "killer sided" mechanic. I think it is a bad mechanic overall.
I know it is a very unpopular opinion, but I really miss hatch standoffs and that endgame tension and decision making: "Should I watch the hatch? Or hunt the last one?". Now it is just find hatch and patrol gates. I really don't like it. Besides, that timer is weird and annoying.
And I miss being able to use properly use Blood Warden. It still is a very strong perk, even stronger if you know the correct timing, but way more situational since no one opens the damn gates until everyone is safe.
With all that in mind, I would love if EGC was completely removed. Remember, that is just my opinion. If you like the mechanic or think it is healthy for the game, it is fine. I respect it.
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Sluzzy when no bait taken
guys please dont take their bait20 -
Another sluzzy post boys
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There's two different EGC scenarios.
- All gens are done and a gate is opened. 2 minutes default, up to 4 minutes if a survivor is hooked or dying.
- One survivor is left and the killer has closed the hatch. 2 minutes, period.
Scenario 1 is perfect the way it is, but I agree that 2 is kind of a no-win situation for the survivor. They could do with making these two EGCs different, with the hatch-close version having a longer duration.
I wouldn't do anything other than extend the duration a bit though, because scenario 2 is basically "the survivors have failed, the last one gets one last ditch attempt to escape."
Maybe if the hatch is closed, the EGC is extended by 15s per generator completed. So if you've completed 4 gens, you get 3 minutes of EGC.
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Indeed it has
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EGC literally exists to stop giving survivors free escapes after they failed like alarming amount of times.
If you and your team failed to do gens and all died, you have a shot to get to the hatch first. If you fail that, you have a shot to open an exist gate ( I did it many times even as long as RNG doesn't scre you over completely which it doesn't all that often) without stalling the game forever by pointless hiding.
Tell me Sluzzy how is it fair towards killer who managed to beat you and your team, have the last survivor escape by guaranteed escape through hatch as you're suggesting. Don't tell me you actually liked the original hatch stand offs that were extremely survivor sided.
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Like almost every time. I don't remember the last time a killer didn't know where the hatch was. It's very frustrating when you are trying to have hope to escape a 3 gen situation and he hooks the 3rd survivor, and then beelines straight to the hatch, then stands on a hill watching the gates.
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You do realise gates are sometimes too far apart to even patrol right?
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It only exists because of survivors hiding for an eternity once the killer found hatch or when tehere was only 2 players left. It exists to prevent get you out of that goddamn gate.
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Was ready to see what a post like this could be about. Saw that the OP is Sluzzy. Disappointed.
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Another quality post.
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I severely don't miss hatch standoffs...
I'm glad it got removed a long time ago,
If it came back. i'd just quit 100%
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But it very rarely does happen. Even if it does, well, then they have Whispers.
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Fair enough. I understand some players didn't like.
But, by the Entity, I loved it. And when you managed to grab that one survivor... most satisfying thing in the game.
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And the survivor has a key.
See, I can also name the next best thing that helps my argument and is highly situational.
But at the end of this post I am highly questioning myself why I even comment to you, I know your history and very much enjoy it.
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Ah, yes. Bring back hatch-standoffs, arguably one of the least fun parts of the entire game when it existed.
You've done it again, Sluzzy!
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But not every killer runs whispers. It’s actually quite rare for how good it is
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It's supposed to be.
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Well, I really enjoyed it, but I understand that some players didn't.
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Nah it's better this way to ensure the game doesn't drag out because of trolls. And side question what's your opinion on the map reworks.
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I mean if you enjoyed it more power to you. I just thought it was incredibly boring.
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If you bite at this point, it's your own damn fault.
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There's a lot to point out here, but i don't really need to comment on that, seems like most people in the comments get it.
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Hey guys, just wanted to wish you all a nice sunday.
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######### you this is quality
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look at their other discussions and you'll see why this is relatively sub-par
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ehh I like it because it is actually possible for a player to think this
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Sluzzy I wish I understood where you were coming from. But going off your history you're like the kinda guy to run Overcharge on Freddy, it's Banana's...
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you still need to git gud. GET A JOB DUDE
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We still should account for the possibility of a killer having the perk. It's a no-win situation.
Even without whispers, the doors are usually so close together and it takes too long to open them. Or they find a spot and watch for the lights on the gate.
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man i missed the Sluzzy post :(
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You do realise when you’re the only one left you should have a very low chance of escape. The killer managed to kill all your 3 teammates and didn’t slug for the 4k
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I open the gate and shove everyone out.
You know what's really annoying?
When survivors stay right at the exit and then dash away like a little turd.
There's literally no point in you being there except to, again; waste the killers time - just like when there was no end game collapse.
A lot of your posts have been horribly counterproductive, there literally just there to complain about something that's not making the game be easy for you.
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*hand on glasses.
Actually is Entity favored
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Remember the times when we didn't have EGC and games were infinite?
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I certainly remember 30 min games, those were so painful.
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The moment when you actually enjoyed hatch standoffs...
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Those stressful moments for finding hatch were horrible my dude
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I understand that many players didn't like it, but I did. I loved that tension of "Should I watch the hatch? Or hunt the last one?". And the, if both had found it, there was the tension of "Who is going to act first?" Now, you just find the hatch, close it and patrol gates. It is bad, in my opinion, and I would love to see EGC removed.
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It is really a lot less than very low, almost none. But what's wrong with a fair chance of escaping? I think if the hatch can be re-opened it would make it fair.
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We should boycott Sluzzy's ######### lol
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Is this a troll post? this HAS to be a troll post lol.
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if you are so worried about it get better and get gens done. If three survivors are dead with 1 gen left you obviously doing effectively complete your objective.
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You're right Sluzzy. Lets take it away so we can let survivors grief and wait for the killer to come to the exit gate so they can tbag the killers for that EZ win feeling, just like old times.
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Killers never had to "hunt the Survivor" before endgame, hatch battles were a nightmare, let alone survivors forcing you to push them out just to end the match while tbagging you, I thank God for the end game collapse.
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prob bait but... thats called a killer buff, something to help the killer.
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Oh god here we go again 😂😂