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Endgame collapse is a killer sided mechanic

Member Posts: 3,130

Why is there a mechanic that basically does the job for the killer? I remember when this did not exist and killers were forced to hunt survivors and actually put in effort to finish the game.

I have been noticing a pattern for a long time that no matter what you do the killer always and I mean every single game will hook the 3rd survivor and immediately go straight to the hatch, close it and watch the gates for an ez win. Isn’t games supposed to be challenging? There is literally nothing as a survivor you can do to win in this situation at all. There is no hope when a killer sits on 3 gens and then wins by closing the hatch every time in this situation. It is not fair.

Before this mechanic was added, killers had tension in either watching the hatch or not. As survivor at least you had an opportunity to escape by either doing the last gen or finding the hatch if the killer didn’t know where it was at. There was actually hope in trying to escape. Now there is not any at all and it really baffles me how this is not discussed more.

I have an idea to fix this grossly imbalanced mechanic and add a little hope and make the killer not have an ez win for free. Why is kicking a hatch closed actually locking it? This is the major flaw in its design. It should be closed but NOT locked! The survivor can still open the hatch but instead of it being immediately opened as it does so with the key, the survivor has a 3 second struggle to open it. This way the killer is not getting an ez win by watching the gates and the survivor can open the hatch and get out if he leaves it.


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