Wanna get rid of toxicity? Add vote kick system

A majority vote would be a nice idea root out all the trolls and ######### and too many toxic players
It'd just be abused, let's be real.
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A simple kick yes a majority vote wouldnt be as abused easily
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For... what? A ten minute match where no one can talk?
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So what happens if a killer downs everyone, and all the survivors vote kick the killer?
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I'd be happy to just have a block list that prevents me from being matched up against certain players ever again. Yes, that could be abused too, but someone would have to be pretty damn unpopular to be blocked by SO many people that they couldn't still find matches. And if that WERE the case, then there would probably be a good reason for all the blocks.
It's not going to happen, so we just have to accept that instead of a block system being abused, we have to accept that the actual gameplay is being abused. Which is so much better.
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What im thinking is add some restrictions like if someone abuses the system he will get a warning if he does it many times he will get temp banned
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No for obvious reasons.
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That's a bit late for the killer who played really well and was cheated out of all their bloodpoints, and of no help at all if it's various DIFFERENT survivor groups doing it to them.
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blocking people don't work my guy,
Edit: just reread yer post. don't mind my idiotness being a idiot for this post,
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Yes it really can.
Don't like the Killer? Kick him.
Don't like your teammate? Kick him.
You could literally force people back into queue's.
Just no.
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No worries, it's cool.
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Nah I would just prefer getting the game over with and moving on. I don't see toxic players that often especially because this is a game with no chat.
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Maybe that could root out all the trolls...All the single trolls, that is.
A Survivor group of 3 or 4 will become immune to any kind of votes and also decides whether the Killer (or the solo 4th Survivor) stays in the game.
Imagine being kicked out cause the other 3 Survivors don't want you and your Survivor choice cause you put clothes on them that are quite bright.
As per your suggestion: How could you warn people for voting with nonsense reasons?
The SWF group of 3 can just be like: "Hey, let's vote them out for AFKing cause i don't like how they play."
Customer support already has their hands full with actual problems, i don't think they'd have time to check every votekick.
Having played Left 4 Dead 2 Versus mode for many hours, i can safely say: Any mistake you make can easily start a votekick on you.
And it'll often work, cause people generally love the feeling of having done something successfully.
Oh, and even with this vote system, Left 4 Dead 2 still has PUH-LENTY of "toxicity". (It definitely has its good sides, but so do most PvP games.)
I wouldn't see this work at all, and i fear for the game's future (more than ever) from the day they announce this addition.
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This will be so much abused, of course it could be very useful, but just idmagine a surv/killer just playing very well and not toxic, the guy will be out for no reasons just because the opponent will be mad at him
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4 man SWF in a nutshell if this ever happens:
Getting downed while on death hook?: Kick the killer!
The killer is playing a killer you don't like?: Kick the killer!
The killer is just better then you?: Kick the killer!
The killer was nice and let you farm instead of going for the 4k?: Farm points then kick the killer so they don't get any!
I can go on but you get the point.
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No thanks I'll pass Chief, the last thing we need is another abuseable system like Rainbow Six Seige has
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Want to play Spirit? Nah, just get kicked out of the game when people realise who you're playing as. A survivor gets kicked out? There goes your chances of escaping. I see no upside to this feature.
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This is a fantastic idea. I would absolutely make use of it if it existed.
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Thank you.
Would it be abused? Unquestionably. There would be plenty of instances of people getting butthurt and blocking people just because those people won, or any other number of irresponsible reasons. But like I mentioned, I feel that there would have to be a LOT of irresponsible people blocking that person before he finds himself unable to find other matches to play in. I mean how many thousands of people play this game? 500 people could block someone and they'd still find games. Meanwhile those 500 people (well, the 100 of them that were blocking for legitimate reasons) no longer have to worry about ever encountering them again. Sooner or later maybe players could filter out the people that ruin their games and waste their time.
Idunno. That's how I feel anyway. I just think that there's a low likelihood of so many people hating on an innocent player for no good reason that they manage to destroy his ability to find a match. I think that there's a greater likelihood of lots of people having their games ruined because of douche players that go unpunished for ruining other peoples' games.
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It will get abused just like it does on Rainbow six.
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as nice as it would be to be able to kick a player that is throwing the match, itd get abused harder than my neighbors dog
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You're saying like in this game many players. Dude it's not how it works, get rest from this game. It will be nice advice.
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Killer winning?
Guess who the survivors vote to boot?
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If we look at csgo, majority of votes for kick being made because someone trying his very best playing as hard as he can, and team voting for kick because this guy playing bad. He got lost on a map he never played, or he got confused. But team don't care. Also kicked player replaced with a bot.
In dbd if you vote someone out, you get into 3v1 situation. And everyone knows it's better 1 bad player than no player at all. You can't win 3v1 unless killer is that bad. Why would you do that to yourself?
In game survivors can't harass you with text or voice. So I don't even see how you get rid of toxicity with kicking system.
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Well, we could start by kicking everyone using no mither until people stop using it. Doing it with self care is a little bit harder, but if you see someone use that, just kick them.
Also, it makes things easier for swf, because you got a key, and 3 gens done, but that stupid random ....just kick him, and go find the hatch together.
Na, will only be used as intended, noone would abuse such thing.
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Wouldnt work because a lot of people consider toxic everything but curbstomping the other side, Survivors escaped? toxic, Killer killed me? toxic.
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Image this scene: 3 swf + 1 solo vs 1 Killer
3 Gen left, 2 swf dead, only 1 swf & 1 solo ingame.
swf vote the solo to out so the last swf can get hatch.
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I'm not really sure how to interpret your response, nor am I especially upset like you seem to think I am?
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Did you not play L4D2?
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For a majority vote to go through 4/5 people would have to be vote yes.
There's 4 survivors and 1 killer.
Let's be honest with ourselves, it's just going to be used to kick out killers with no retaliation.
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Back when MLGA was a thing a streamer that only played nurse had hour long queue times because survivors kept blocking nurse players.
We don't need that back in the game.
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I wanna get rid of toxicity, but I would also like to be able to play the game. This is gonna be a "no" from me.
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Blendettes would never find a match again, lets be real.
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Anyone who gets blocked enough to have hour-long queue times (which I doubt; what did this streamer do to prove it, show completely unedited footage of himself just sitting there looking at the lobby screen for an hour?) then he's clearly a problem player who pissed dozens if not hundreds of people off. The player base simply isn't small enough to force anyone to wait that long to find a game. Hundreds of players would have to report every single nurse player they saw, and that person would have to have been playing no one BUT the nurse in every game, to get that kind of result. I find that highly unlikely. And I would think that if some kind of filter or block system were added at this point, it could be implemented intelligently enough, or looked at from time to time, to ensure that players weren't just blocking everyone who happened to be in a match with them using a character that they didn't like.
As I said, the system would be abused. Players abuse everything which is why people even need to have discussions like the ones in this thread. That doesn't mean that there can't be safeguards put in place, or that it would even be abused to such an absurd extent that it would actually completely block someone out of a game. Let's say that hypothetically the devs instituted this block system and set up an algorithm that they didn't make public. Say for example a player would have to get 10 reports about the same disruptive activity within a 24 hour period. We don't know that, but the devs do. Once this criteria is reached, the game automatically gives the person a warning not to do it again. Let's say that for every five more times he's reported he gets another warning, then five more for the last warning. That's 25 instances of the guy being reported for ######### behavior with three automated warnings. After that, the next time he's reported his account is blocked for a day, a week, whatever. What are the odds that a bunch of random people in a bunch of random matches decide to report an innocent person for the exact same false actions 25 times in the span of a single day? The guy would have to be pissing people off, for one reason or another, in every game he was in for like two or three hours straight. And if that's the case, he DESERVES to be looked into regardless.
A checks and balances system is not impossible. Everyone just wants to pooh-pooh it on principle because they want to assume that somehow it will immediately destroy the ability of all fair players (wherever they are) to enjoy their game. The anger and spite between survivors and killers is such that seemingly everyone would rather shoot down any attempt for people to get away from actual toxic behavior because they believe that the other side is nothing but babies who will abuse any such system to the breaking point. I'm sick of seeing "naw, the survivors will block people who beat them" as the reason not to even consider a system that could filter out game scummers. They can already falsely report the people who beat them, and that goes both ways, so what's the difference?
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How will the game know that it's being abused in isolated instances?