Trickster should have an original Killer title.

All killers have a title they are described with in their description.
Trapper is an Area-Control Killer.
Clown is a Stratigic Killer.
Nurse is a Warping Killer.
Trickster shares his Killer Title with The Huntress, both labled as a Ranged Killer, I feel like this is a huge oversight by BHVR, even Deathslinger is known as a Vengeful Killer instead of Ranged. My question is:
>What fitting title would you give Ji-Woon Hak aka The Trickster?
If we keep this somewhat civilized maybe one developer will notice and make a simple text change using one of ours.
A virtuosic Killer, perhaps?
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A killer that needs a buff really bad.
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I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that.
Maybe a diminishing killer? Since he can 99 survivors to their final state before they become injured/downed.
Orrr a devious killer?
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A Flashy Killer or A Sadistic Killer would be my choices.
All Flash and no Bang but at least he's nice to look at.
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A joke of a killer, unable to do well without addons.
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Trust me; you need more than addons, perks, offerings and skill to do well at Rank 1 as Trickster.
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Don't forget therapy.
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A Tik-Tok killer
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That's the problem, Trickster doesn't have an identity.
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Whoever mentioned sadistic earlier would be my best one
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An optional hard mode?
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Fan-service "killer"
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A good one I heard was a deranged Killer.
(Multiple puns in one)
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I think you're talking about niches, not necessarily titles.
Not every killer needs to have a catchy title. Freddy's title would be an entire essay, Demo's title is Usain Bolt on 12 Red Bulls who can also teleport, Twins' title would be a dissertation, Bubba is literally a man with a chainsaw, and Clown would be a very risqué joke about Bill Cosby.
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Its the title when you scroll over a Killer or Survivor, when you are in the video game known as Dead By Daylight and pass the main menu, open to play as Killer or Survivor and scroll over a Killer or Survivor you are displayed with a title and discription if that Killer or Survivor.
Freddy is a Nightmare Killer.
Demo is a Unidentifed Killer.
Twins is a Cooperative Killer.
Cannibal is a Chainsaw Weilding Killer.
Clown is a Stratigic Killer.
(You can look up more in game or on the wiki)
Tricksters Title is literally a copy paste of Huntresses "A Ranged Killer" is the point im trying to make, it was probably an oversight and I hope it gets changed because this is the first time this has happened since the launch of the game and seems pretty lazy. Hope this clears up your confusion about the titles given to Killers and yes every Killer gets a canon catchy title, they have for years.
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The Chewtoy
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A devoided Killer, able to injure Survivors from a distance with incremental lacerations sadistically, using his power Showstopper.