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Why do I get called a tunneler, slugger and camper I am just trying to win. [thanks for replies :)]

fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

(im not actually doing these things so read before you comment)I had downed a person and the other survivor was right there injured of course ima hit her and not just pick up the downed person but thats slugging, I see a person and hook them the one survivor takes them off the hook, then they run and run and I stop the chase as I wanna patrol gens, then I see the still injured person that was recently unhooked... am I meant to just let her go??? End game I hook a person see nea and the silent hill girl around the area I go to nea and the silent hill girl goes I go back and forth I get hit off on nea down her pick her up hit the silent hill girl put nea up and IM CAMPING??? do they want the win handed to them? I literally am not aloud to win under any circumstance or else I am being toxic/scummy when they are running meta perks and im running "fun" perks. then the post game is the red rank nea "slugging, tunneling and camping." wait so its ok for you to use ALL OP PERKS but I am not aloud to try to win the game.

Post edited by fatbabyslayer on


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Well you had to read Survivors Rulebook for Killers. Everything on it. You will see it. You had to do everything on that book. Because survivors wanna this. :)

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    To me, your camping when you hook a survivor and sit right there and dont move at all or very little,,,thats lazy. Your called a tunneler when you keep going after the same survivor passing up other easier targets because you didnt like the pallet stun or the fact that he/she carried you on long chase and its an endless down and hook thing for the same player ignoring everything else that happens in the game. But hey thats good for a survivor like me who runs kindred and then ignores that killer main plowing through the gens with Prove Thyself/Spine Chill and tool boxes etc.. and out of the gate before you get on the second victim. So you can keep playing like that for me.

  • SaFwAn_X3
    SaFwAn_X3 Member Posts: 10

    you paid money in the game , play how you like, They cant do anything as long as you dont break the game rules

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    Someone sent me a message asking why I was slugging so much when they kept going towards someone I downed while injured and someone kept trying to get a flashlight save.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    You can be and do all of these things. They're allowed and not mutually exclusive. The fact that someone else doesn't like them can affect you only to the point you let them.

  • CyperX
    CyperX Member Posts: 103

    I got a msg from survivor because I wouldn't let him heal another survivor lol

  • VispeR
    VispeR Member Posts: 39

    I am still confused why u guys creating this post's. Just play like u wanna play, it's ur game and tactics. Main survivors do whatever they want. Meaning of game for killers is to kill right? so don't be upset mate.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    People say a lot of stuff when they're mad that they lost.

    Example: I played against a team that had the entire team using BT & DS--at the end one of them swore I was a tunneler. I'm not sure how I was a tunneler if I had literally no idea that their entire team had DS & BT.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    Can you post the link to this book?

    or do you have a copy?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474

    Well because, its usually easy to win as killer if you do nothing but go for the win, a single camped basement hook can usually win an entire match, its easy to win if you camp for pressure, or tunnel someone out early and is usually boring for the other side, because if they see you camping/tunneling either A they slam gens and don't get to actually play the fun part of the game which is the chase, or B they just don't do gens and forgo winning just to try and have fun.

    Basically going for the win at any cost usually puts the other side in a lose/lose situation of be bored out of your mind and lose out on having fun or get killed waiting around for something more interesting to happen

    Not that survivors can't do the same but I can't really take much pride in abusing this lose lose situation as much as I can going for a good amount of hooks before anyone is dead and still managing a 4k

    Sure a win at any cost is fine but its just not as interesting or usually as skillful as it could be

  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Member Posts: 451

    A LOT of survivors like to throw around the word tunneling.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293
    edited April 2021

    That’s a meme YouTube video

    do you have the official transcript written by whichever survivor wrote it?

  • pigsaag
    pigsaag Member Posts: 206

    because if you don't follow their unwritten rules, then you are a loser. simple, just ignore them.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    It is hiding by survivors. When they need the book, they will tell you, what you have to do. Dont worry about it

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266

    in Fact , Play like YOU Want ,

    Personally , i dont understand Killers who Camp @ 5 gens remaining it feel like Lazy and boring from killer. But i understand Camp , slug and tunnel later in the game if the game goes out of control for killer.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    I have a tip for you: Make their salt and hate your food.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    It's about the same for survivors who must play by the killers rulebook too.

    1) no gen fixing

    2) no BT

    3) can't go for the saves.

    4) no swf

    There's a few more but we'd be here all day 😂

    Screw the stupid rulebooks on both sides. Play how you want! You brought the game and money spent on perks ect... and at the end of the day it's a fun game! Both sides needs to get a grip!

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Just play how you play. they don't have the rights to tell you anything. If they send you a message that you suck just say "Thank You" or ignore it, that's what I do.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Play how you want

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    As an ex-survivor main, up until about April-June 2020, I have the Quadrant 2 Rulebook (or Page 1 of it, anyway). I've never been taken off of the EntitledSurvicorMainCouncil™ even when I don't attend the meetings anymore, so I still receive the updated versions though they're usually used as firestarters for my lovely cabin, so you'd have to wait till June this year for the Q2 2021 Publication.

    Anyway, here's the first page:

    Not what you were expecting? I know, it's pretty shocking, but most survivors don't play by it either effectively making the joke null and void.

    And as a fun fact, it was actually the early killer players who devised this "rulebook", not the survivor players. It's the killer players that taught me Noed was a crutch, and that camping and tunneling makes the game unfun, not a single survivor :).

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    Except nothing the OP mentioned was "a win at any cost" but very common scenarios that regularly occur, usually due to the actions of survivors.

  • worriedfeng03
    worriedfeng03 Member Posts: 82

    I see no issue with how you played here tbh speaking as a survivor main. When I play killer I'd do the same thing too (when it comes to downing both injured survivors in close proximity). I've always considered slugging as downing at least 2 or 3 survivors and refusing to pick them up until the others are down.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Looks like someone didn't read the rulebook

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Other side makes dumb mistakes and refuses to accept the played bad and try to say you play scummy instead. Has happened in the history of multiplayer games since the beginning and most likely lasts forever.

    You can only ignore their arrogance.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2021

    As a Killer Main, I played several hours of survivor last night. Nothing OP described is a problem, but what does bug me is when I get tunneled off a hook when 4-5 gens remaining. I think when you have a choice to go after multiple survivors, purposefully tunneling the one that was recently hooked is poor play - unless you are facing a SWF or losing, in which case I'd say go for it.

    Put another way, I think it's fine to tunnel out a survivor later in a match to help get the win. But in the first 3-4 minutes, with 4 gens up, there's no need to kill me off. I wouldn't do that as a killer unless they were being toxic (which I wasn't).

  • Zora_sauce
    Zora_sauce Member Posts: 8

    Don't worry about people like this, sadly many survivor mains are very entitled and think that the killer...y'know...the role that kills people, should follow made up rules made by them so the game is easier for them, keep your head up king you did good.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Do you accept that others will also play however they want? Yes? Okay cool, that's the only requirement to get your official Play How You Want License*. So don't worry about what people say, report if they actually break rules with what the ysay, and play however you want.

    *License might be revoked if you're found being a hypocrite playing how you want while complaining about other players doing the same, make sure to avoid this.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    The average survivor wants it both ways. They want to have fun and win, so they'll be sure to pop every generator ASAP and evade the killer as best they can with the strongest perks and strategies available.

    But if the killer does the same? What an #########! What a piece of crap human being, how dare you.

    Ignore it, play how you want.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    I have never heard someone refer to Cheryl Mason as "Silent Hill Girl" until now and it has awakened a dark energy in me

    That said, this seems more like them making mistakes like unsafe unhooking and you capitalizing on it. They were the ones here making dumb mistakes and not wanting to feel culpable for them.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    that's pretty typical actually. Survivors will destroy a killer verbally for doing things that they don't like, but everything survivors do is fair game and a tactic to win. I play both sides so I hear it all.

    As survivor if I'm on a team that gets stomped, camped or tunneled they all complain about it.

    If I'm playing killer and I have to camp to even get one killer against a team(sometimes I don't even get that thanks to game mechanics) or I can only ever see one person, or the team is being super altruistic and saving right in front of me. I get called trash and told to get good. I'm a low rank killer too. I know I'm not the best killer but sometimes the game feels impossible at some points.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    Difference is, killers complain about second chance perks. And that's what they are. Second chances.

    Survivors straight up gatekeep and try to tell killers how they should play.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    To be fair, just calling them hypocritical (which probably isn't the case if they aren't running keys, maps, and a 4 man SWF) (And don't be lenient about the usage of "OP," there are literally no "OP" perks in the game for either side other than maybe old, old DS and NOED), doesn't detract from the point that slugging camping and tunneling are pretty sweaty and unfun ways to play the game. The whole point of games is to have fun, after all.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    People complain a lot, I had a few messages tonight from salty red ranks.

    calling me a tunneller and camper and said they were going to report me. Fact they died on hook or they struggled.. but some left so what’s the point?

    in faceted I chased their team mates equally I’m in green ranks I have just over 100 hours playing survivor and killer these red ranks probably have more hours than I do

    some people get salty and go out their way to send a message

    I’d just ignore them.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    You should only ask one question - "Should I care if they don't like how I play?"

    Seriously... just ask yourself that. Because let me tell you something - no matter what game you play, the mediocre players are always going to call out strategies they can't work around rather than trying to get good. Question you must ask yourself as a gamer is if you want to humor them or not.

    I used to be among those players. Then one day I realized the reason I was mad is because I wanted to use those strategies but was shamed out of doing them and I wasn't having fun. Once I let go and started playing how I wanted, the games got a lot more enjoyable because I no longer could get mad when people did the same thing to me (as that would be hypocritical of me to be that way). I was forced instead to find a way to beat those strategies. And if I found I couldn't and still wasn't having fun, I was able to let go of these games and accept they weren't for me.

    Besides, best way to find a strategies weakness is to use them yourself and observe how others beat them

    If you ask me, my answer is "No, as long as you aren't blatantly cheating or engaging in exploits the devs have expressly forbidden, you're 100 percent fine. All you are doing is annoying people you'll probably never see again anyway"

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "A lion does not concern itself with the opinion of the sheep"

    Remember these words the next time a survivor complains.

    Or if your a Legacy of Kain fan you can quote Vae Victus. Latin for "woe to the vanquished", or "woe to the conquered". It means that those defeated in battle are entirely at the mercy of their conquerors and should not expect—or request—leniency.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Lol. Whenever someone messages me salt, I just respond with, "oh sorry. I wanted to win too".

    I think survivors think that we're just bots maybe.

    I mean, I'm usually not going to tunnel or slug at 5 gens. But if there are 4 survivors left and 2 or less gens, yeah I'm going to tunnel, camp, slug or do whatever I need to make my chances of winning go up. Unless, I'm just in a super chill mode.

    I had someone complain that I slugged and camped the body of someone to avoid DS. This was with all five gens done. Like why would I go out of my way to eat the DS and have three survivors leave. They gave me a 4k but that's my fault. Blah blah blah you suck.

    Classic survivor entitlement.

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    sorry I never played any silent hill games also didnt expect to get so many replies

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    🤓 looks like you broke rule 4000223333 of the survivor rulebook sir!

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    honestly since the new update to DS I dont get dicked over by it as much I feel its in a good state rn

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    ikr ide say if you cannot see any survivor and there arent any signs of them being there and you decide to go down 2 other ppl you are slugging but when they egg you on its just scummy

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Honestly slugging isn’t cheap, but tunneling is. If you’re a decent killer you won’t need to stoop that low.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Because you win them.