Suggested Hex: Blood Favor Rework


I really like Blood Favor. The concept of holding up pallets when you hit someone to cancel loops is really, really nice. However, the execution of it is very, very inconsistent, and more often than not ineffective I find. To me, if you do get it to work around a loop, a survivor can just run through it like normal if they want to make a good play, and run off to another loop or area, making it act like that perk doesn't exist. On top of the fact, the perk is breakable via a hex totem, it's sub-optimal in my opinion. I have an idea that I think would be a cool implementation, although I don't fully know the implications of the balance yet.

I think that Blood Favor would be a very fun perk if it had an effect similar to Dark Devotion. When a survivor gets hit, the duration of the pallet blocking effect would actually track with them, so that 16-meter distance of pallet blocking would stay with them for that duration of 15 seconds, maybe more or less depending on the strength. Maybe to balance that effect you could increase the cooldown of the perk to at least 60 seconds or so? Maybe 80 seconds? Again, I'm not sure of the implications for balance, but I think that the pallet blocking effect tracking you would be just super fun to utilize.

I would love to have a discussion about it!


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I think your idea is spot on! Something like: Hitting a healthy survivor will block all pallets within a 16 meter radius of that survivor for 20 seconds. Blood Favour has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

    It's kinda silly it enters cooldown right now when you down an injured survivor, but maybe you'd still want it to block pallets to prevent pallet saves? 15 seconds is a bit too brief in my opinion as well. Good discussion can be had though!

  • TamboRhyyn
    TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124

    @GoshJosh Thank you! I also think that having the perk trigger on injured survivors going down is sub-optimal, but it still has usefulness so I guess it's bearable in regards to preventing pallet saves. I also do wonder how much the time would need to be tweaked, taking into consideration if they DO stay at the loop (which the perk discourages) versus running to another loop, how much time you'd need to add to the effect to compensate for that time where they're not at a loop? 20 seconds does seem like a good place to start regardless. I'm glad you enjoy the idea, it means a lot!