

Who is better range killer?

Member Posts: 39

Who is better range killer? 69 votes

52 votes
5 votes
12 votes

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  • Member Posts: 206

    in my opinion. slinger, but that's maybe because i suck with huntress.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Huntress due to her practically having an infinite range while only needing one shot to do so and being able to have multiple shots (hatchets) at once.

  • Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2021

    Hunteress, because it is possible to transfer to a dying state, the difference between the shooter and the hunteress is minimal

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Russian lady throw hatchet at survivor, very simple and effective.

    Deathslinger is sort of similar, but is like scorpion from mortal kombat.

    Trickster is just... a disappointment (gameplay-wise).

  • Member Posts: 785

    Certainly not Trickster.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I’m just waiting for that one person to vote Trickster lol

  • Member Posts: 873

    Quick comparison:

    Deathslinger - small TR for better ambush potential

    Anna - Large lullaby that can never be hidden with the use of perks. The lullaby is non-directional and gets louder the closer she is but it definitely can work in her favour

    Stealthslinger - able to reload on the fly

    Anna - currently looking for whoever replaced her lockers with Chanel No5 and neon cuticle trimmers

    Slinger - Max range is limited to 18m

    Anna - Throwing dots like Tom Brady and Hail Marys like Roger Staubach

    Slinger can reel a healthy person back from an unhook that could result in death, reel around a pallet etc for a hit which can take away extra distance you would have gained while with the Huntress she hits you where you stand

    Slinger gives no hint that he’s a about to shoot

    Anna - has to wind up and audible cues can be heard even when canceling

    Okay that’s long enough...

    Ps. Rip Trickster when Anna get her hands on him...

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Deathslinger isn't really a "range" killer, he's pretty much just extending the reach of his arms. If I glued a bunch of sticks with a knife at the end to my arms, I wouldn't be a range killer. He's pretty much just a hotter version of nurse that slings spears instead of himself. Same thing with trickster.

    Huntress is really the only killer who has "range" capabilities. Unlimited range and a curve allow you to snipe off survivors at a range.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    deathslinger doesnt need to go to lockers+his harpoon is really accurate. sure he has terrible map pressure and he cant spam shoot like huntress can but he can end 1v1 chases pretty quickly

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Huntress has a better 1v4 game and her 1v1 chase is not much weaker than Deathslinger which makes her better than Deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 286

    Freddy aka Daddy Long Arm

  • Member Posts: 618

    Huntress is almost as strong in the 1v1 as Deathslinger, and her 1v4 and snowball potential is insane.

    Also why is Plague not included???

    It doesn't matter how fast you can end chases if you can't keep Survivors off of gens. A Huntress hatchet is more accurate than his harpoon as well, given that its the size of a small continent and is just as fast when fully charged. She ignores pallets too.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Zero counterplay beats cross-maps.


    His passive makes people take the game less seriously because they think its a win from the start lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    She can snipe you from the other side of the map, definitely the best out of three. Trickster is gonna be the weakest out of all of them, even if he was buffed he'd still be the worst.

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    Deathslinger is the most consistent out of the three. Best ranged 110% killer without a doubt.

  • Member Posts: 622

    I can't believe that some people chose Trickster LUL

    The day has come!

  • Member Posts: 294

    My favorite is Deathslinger, but Huntress is SO MUCH more efficient.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    whoever votes trickster in his current state is trolling

  • Member Posts: 39

    Trickster can compete with others now hopefully

  • Member Posts: 39

    After patch Ofk

  • Member Posts: 773

    Blind hatchet hits through half of the map are priceless.

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