Small BP boost when queues are long? :)
I have been thinking, maybe a small BP boost could be cool when queues are long. For example, when survivor queues are longer than 4-5 minutes, playing killer could give you a small boost and vice versa. It doesn't need to be much, it could be fixed (couple thousand BP per match) or a percentage (10-20% maybe?).
Also it would be nice to have a mark on the main menu which queues are faster.
It is a working mechanic, good example is the system what OW brought. Overwatch suffered wrong long dps queues, sometimes even tens of minutes (and DBD's queues sometimes are as long) and they brought up a system where playing less played roles gave you a little reward. After that all the queue times got little bit more even.
Hope everyone has a nice evening at the fog.
edit: to fix my unclear words, if survivor queue is long, and the game lacks off killers, I wished the killers could get a small BP boost as a carrot. And other way around if the killer queues are long.
No. That just another incentive for survivors. You want quicker ques? Then the devs need to help bring in more Killers. Not enough killers to go around and most quit after awhile due to gen rush and just the absolute sweat of SWF. If anythjng, they need to give a little more something something to keep killers around.
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I agree there's a plenty in this game that must be done to improve the quality of life of the game, but I don't see how giving a killer a small BP boost when survivor queues are long is incentive to survivors. Lot's of stuff has to be fixed, but this could be one of the something (but I agree, not the only something and it's not alone a fix) that encourages the killers (like myself) to play. ☺️
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It's a good idea, but I'd rather see incentives for whichever role is not being played atm.
I'd take this too, though. Anything to ameliorate the grind.
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Oh, I may have worded my post little bit unclear. What I meant, was
When survivor queues are long (game lacks of killers), give a small BP boost to the killers, and other way around when killer queues are long.
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Could I get a reason why? I don't see why it would be bad.
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If you mean to give more BP for killers during the busy time, then yes.
More people need to play killers to reduce the wait time.
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