I don't know why, but I always have MUCH more fun playing these not so popular/mid tier killers

Legion, Doctor and Wraith (even the old wraith)
Idk why but it's like gosh, I have the best time of my life playing wraith and being sneaky af.
With Doctor I can be annoying af and locate survivors every time. They can't hide.
With my beloved Legion well, pretty much the same as Doc but I STAB STAB STAB.
I never get tired of it <3.
Bruh, you and me both.
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They're all pretty simple to play and don't take much thought. Nothing wrong with that though, I do enjoy Wraith even if he is one of the easiest to play Killers... if not the easiest.
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Doctor is a blast.
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I don't like them because they are simple, actually I literally every game I play I prefer challenges rather than easy stuff.
I love them because their gameplay is actually fun, compared to other killers like Hillbilly, whose gameplay I find the most boring of all.
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I knew you'd come because I mentioned Wraith hehe 👊
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Well yeah, but i also like Doctor and don't dislike Legion.
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I think it helps playing the mid to low tier killers because you go in not expecting to do well (or maybe that's just me). A lot of the pressure of doing well is lifted as you don't really expect to be able to compete with the bad killers so if you lose, it was expected and if you win, it's an extra little boost to the ego.
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Well, it's something all of those share in common. Very simple and straight forward killers that it's hard to "screw up" their power or be punished for misplays like a bad Nurse or Blight is screws up often and is punished for it.
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I went from playing Spirit and Deathslinger and Ghostface every game a year or so ago to pretty much exclusively playing Clown, Doctor and Blight. Blights really the only high tier I remotely enjoy playing.
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I don't care how busted Spirit may be, but she's boring af.
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Yeppers. A few month ago I was in a Legion phase trying out a whole mix like Deathbound, surge, devour/undying before the change so I had to gain tokens back lol. Doc is a killer I always eventually go back to. More recently Wraith has been my go to feel good homie. For a basic bro his stealth and speed always feels nice and there are so many combinations of addons and perks that he can get some fun/interesting use from.
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I think her speed and momentum is fun, but once you're good with her the challenge outright evaporates.
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I like playing non meta killers but when I run into a try hard swf. I feel as if I need to switch to a real killer to stand a chance. Then when I play Nurse and obliterate the next group I come across(who had nothing to do with my bad match) they get upset and say "Why you try hard?" "because the last group did the same to me. I wanted to play my way but your side took advantage of me using a weak killer"
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From now and then it's fun to not sweat a game.