After years playing surv, I began today playing killer

15 matches pay to win Freddy. 60 dead survs without camping or tunneling. I expect more difficult games in red ranks, but Freddy is op as hell. Ah, and only 9 DS
Hey cool, the guy who does nothing put pull the victim card every time he posts!
Freddy is getting nerfed, rightfully so. There is no point in beating a dead horse.
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I forgot. Only 5 gens get done in 15 matches with tinkerer, ruin, surveillance and thana. No salty comments yet, but I would start camping and tunneling if needed, so I expect to be cursed many times. I would only write... devs say it’s strategy, so play civi6 if you don’t like it
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I buy It today. 3eur
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Gotta be honest, I have no idea what your saying to me.
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Sorry buddy your history of posts doesn't make this purely anecdotal statement believable in any way.
Also given that if you really already played hundreds of hours in this game and know many ins and outs of the game it is only logical for you to slaughter rank 20.
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Now do it at high mmr.
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Today in things that never happened
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Yes, I know. I had 2 pips per game, so I expect to achieve red ranks soon
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Now lets see you use that against actual survivors in a 4 man swf that has some time invested into survivor,
Go ahead. i'll wait =D
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Won't help. Since the rank reset change and ruin missing as a slow done for less experienced survivor red rank is a diluted skill mess. I was green rank last time I played since is stopped caring and play this game on an only casual scale but the survivor i was matched against were often red ranks and their skill ranged from less than 5 minute game to games where I though I was playing against a rainbow group with much yellow in it. Some green/purple groups were harder than some other reds.
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I’ll tell you anyway. Ah, and another thing. In rank 15-20 wait times for killers is about 10 min. Far worse than survs in red ranks
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I anxiously await your video series on YouTube or Twitch where you're beating Red Rank survivors with ease in countless 4K after 4K, putting people like Otzdarva or Dowsey or others to shame, all the while preaching to us all how you were right all along, and everything killer is too OP and badly in need of a nerf.
I'm sure we'll see that about the time the check from the Nigerian Prince who emailed me shows up in my bank account. What a great day that will be! 🙄
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And a sweet, sweet day that shall be. I await it with baited breath.
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I know this Nigerian guy too :D
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He's probably one of the survivors you were facing off against.
ETA: Assuming your story if accurate -- and that's taking a leap of faith -- you're facing off against brand new survivors. They won't have DS or BT or UB or DH because they're probably playing the base characters, and they won't have the BP or time in the game to have gotten those perks. I have a friend who's been trying to pick up the game -- she's Brown rank at survivor, and it's almost painful to watch her and her teammates play. Those matches end up in 4K's regualrly because even hitting basic skillchecks is a challenge for them (as it is for anyone just starting the game), not to mention other basics like hiding from the killer, knowing not to kobe when hooked, etc. Looping? Advanced strategies? Forget about all of that at those ranks (no offense intended to anyone new at the game -- we were all there once). If you run against someone who can do something other than run in a straight line against an outer wall, that's like spotting a unicorn or the Loch Ness Monster.
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That could be why. you're getting survs to Your rank. you'll see alot better...ish survivors rankin' up
Then you can clearly see =D
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Another 60 survs met the entity today. I don't know about death squad swf, but solos and normal swf can't beat freddy with tinkerer, surveillance and pop or ruin. They barely can do a gen. I know freddy is an m1 killer, but when pallets are gone, the party starts. You only need to protect gens and do small chases until all pallets are left
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Good for you man.
I figure you're out probably wanting to prove something about Freddy (though he's already lined up for a nerf, so kinda futile IMO), but either-way you should really give some of the other killers a shot too. (And I don't just mean Spirit lol.) Try the killers you don't see often in the red ranks and get a feel for them too.
Based on the crazy amount of hours you've got logged as survivor alone, I'd say you're right that you'll probably slaughter your way through the lower ranks without a decent challenge for some time.
You'll largely be side-stepping the biggest difficulty/learning curve faced by new killers since you're already packing the major knowledge of loops/techs/spawns/gen-efficiency/etc that you'd otherwise be learning the same time you're learning all that stuff as a survivor. (Also sounds like you're rocking all the strongest perks/add-ons already, eliminating that grind-fest playing weaker killers too). You're actually not likely to encounter much bullying then either. Like all bullies, they prey on the weakest and most vulnerable from a position of relative strength, so it's never really that same "kicking you while you're down" experience when you're not actually down.
In fact--as least for the meantime--you probably won't even see that initial cocky behavior (those moments just before survivors realize to take a match for real) where they casually teabag after every pallet-stun... if only because pallet-stuns are so ridiculously bugged to the point of near non-existence right now. 😵
But if you're specifically looking for a challenge along the way, I would definitely recommend trying for some of the killer adept trophies and also consider playing in the evenings/weekends where you'll go up against more SWF groups.
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Be cool if you could stream it.
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Oh cool, rank 20-15 killer telling storys how easy killer is. Please tell us more!
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I always feel like I’m possibly one of the only people that enjoyed original Freddy... I at least loved the dream pull mechanic. I’ve found him quite boring since his rework and strong or not I have zero reason to play him except for maybe a dream demon daily which is essentially just smack 4 people as Freddy..
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God luck doing the same with mid tier killers.
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Nope, you´re not the only one. Freddy was my main, before they turned him into something else. Now i only play him for dailys.
I wouldn´t mind, if they changed him back to the original concept. But with some QoL changes.
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You suddenly started playing killer and you got to red ranks in 15 matches.
I smell bull crap.
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I was also an original Freddy Main and I was very good with him (if I say so myself). I had little problem wrecking strong red rank teams because I knew how to make getting gens repaired a total nightmare for survivors, and buy myself all the time I needed to make up for Freddy’s shortcomings.
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How about you post at least 2 screenshots of theses easy games, maybe let us see your emblem scores too.
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Oh my Godddd! We're playing the other half of the game!!?
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i mean you are playing a high tier killer so there isnt much to be surprised about.
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There’s a lot to be surprised about. Even getting perfect wins, it’s impossible to go from rank 20 to rank 4 in just 15 games.
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i havent done the math but i think its physically impossible to go from rank 20 to rank 4 in 15 games even if you only get double pips
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That’s pretty much exactly what I said. The op is full of crap.
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easy then, record your games, and send us the link to the red rank games (where you played vs red ranks as well, not you being the only red rank in the game). then, lets see how well you do.
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Oh the good old day's of freddy.
So much fun with red paint brush and purple Z block.
The always thought they could reach a pallet before falling asleep 😂
Used to had a nice strong solid build with him back in the days, was so much fun to see the survivors struggling against him, even though he was considered as the weakest killer back then
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He plays killer in ranks 20 to 15, the place where killer is actually strong because survivors don't know what to do yet.
It will change whenever he gets to the purple and red ranks.
His stories will fade away then
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He was a lot of fun back then. Keeping all 4 survivors all the time asleep wasn´t an easy task. But it sure felt rewarding. People called him pay2lose back then. But i loved it.
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Good for you. I also easily 4k with Freddy and his strongest perks. Which is why I don't play Freddy.
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Hahaha yeah you had your hams full on getting them in dream world 😂
When i first started playing him I hated it.
But when I got the right perks and add ons, he became really strong and way more fun.
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I miss old Freddy. Playing hit&run was fun. Coming back for survivors that thought they´re save and healed was the best feeling ever!
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You are not alone, my friends. Freddy has been my main ever since I first started playing, prior to his rework. I loved Old Freddy and I really want him back. But I don't dislike his new power, and still play him more than any other killer.
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Imagine picking up strong Killer, after years of playing only Survivor, and thinking that proves anything at all.
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Why does this thread exist?
You probably have hundreds if not thousands of hours in this game, and seem validated that you can destroy likely solo queue brown ranks as freddy so he needs a nerf.
You can do this literally any killer.
This thread only proves that you bullied some low ranks.
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Hahaha yeah i agree he was so much fun back then.
For me they didn't have to do a complete rework, if they only added his current teleportation and take away the aura reading he had back then for survivor in the dream world, that would have been completely fine.