Windows of Opportunity is the most underrated survivor perk

The information of knowing where pallets are, and what's been used is what makes this perk if not the best for solo queue. It's very helpful when you're being chased, and with the amount of info you have if you're good at looping then the killer is gonna have a hard time. I see this perk a little bit, but not that often. It's not the most meta perk in the game, but damn it is great to have on and just feel like I never want to take it off.
I'd argue Windows is terrible, right when you need it the most it disables. A perk that helps much much more to make the killer have a hard time is deja vu.
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I think the most underrated survivor perk is we'll make it. It is literally a godsend when your teammates are boosted and take unecessary hits in solo queue and is just great to have. It also counters sloppy.
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Gotta go with Detective’s hunch for the most underrated honestly. Stops 3 gens, Stops Noed and other hex perks and is just great info all around
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Its my favourite perk. But i never see other people with this profil icon.
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Definitely a really good perk. There are times where it's actually saved me.
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Gotta love when your teammates run away when you have it though
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One of my favorite perks tbh. A teammate with Detective's Hunch is a really valuable one.
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I don’t think this perk can really be called underrated as I see people using DH / WOO in a lot of my matches.
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For solo i like- woo, kindred, lithe and q&q.
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And you can see spirit phasewalk though the aura. Maybe intended. But its interesting to see
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*Breakout joins the chat*
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I agree with this. You rarely see We'll Make It, but it can completely destroy a killers map pressure.
I also think WGLF is quite underrated. I think people don't realize how crazy strong this perk is. Just near one person running this and slugging is heavily punished.
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I’ve never tried Windows but I want it very badly, I’m sad I didn’t get it on the shrine when I had the chance.
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Detective's Hunch is a perk I can never remove from my build now, it's so useful. I hate Hex perks, so I'll be busy in the corner crushing the killer's bones >:D
We'll Make It is great as well, it lets you reset so fast when you need it the most.
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I just need to know... Does it counter dream pallets and illusionary pallets?
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Same with that perk, WGLF is also pretty good despite being situational. I actually frequently use both and when they are both active the killer just cannot snowball.
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Only baby survivors use that perk
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Honestly from my experience using it the wiggle speed increase is pretty negligible. You’d be better off running sabetour.
If you commit to a full sabo build It is worth it then
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I'd say the cooldown on Windows is small enough that you can usually get it back when need to run to another point, and that's assuming you don't already know where to go because Windows already showed you another available pallet/window before it deactivated.
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Nope dream pallets show up. Not sure about doctor pallets though
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I agree that it's a very good perk, however I can't play with it at all because I find it incredibly distracting.
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I run it with Sabotuer sometimes and it has saved lives.
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Yeah it’s great with synergy perks but by itself is rather weak similar to something like Dance with me
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Yes it does
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I want them to buff all of Yui’s perks tbh. It really bothers me how my main’s perks aren’t good. Any Means Necessary and Breakout are fun to use but situational, and Lucky Break is just a joke of a perk.
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Yep all my mains perks are kinda bad
Jeff: Aftercare is amazing but breakdown and distortion are underwhelming
Jane: Head on is decent but solidarity and poised are just trash
Quentin: All his perks are very mediocre
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Take the perk with open handed and you get an increase in the pallet and windows auras.
Make sure you look around when not in a chase and while you're in a chase remember where you saw pall and windows.
Works perfectly
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Yeah, it's awesome! Gotta crack those bones if ya know what I mean.
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Or you could learn the map and pay attention to which areas run out of pallets. It takes some skill, but frees a perk slot.
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it is one of the most underrated perks but not #1. i feel like we'll make it is the most underrated
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Well there's your counterplay to know if she's phasing through a perk
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Whips out Starstruck
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I second this.
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This perk is in my build since 2 years
I ALWAYS play with it
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A fellow Detective's gamer.
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No one's convincing me to take Windows over my Alert, Leader, or Detectives.
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It's definitely great, but the stupid part is that it deactivates right after you vault. I guess it's because you've already found a loop, but if you want to break away, then you've got nothing.
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Windows of Opportunity needs to be able to tell the difference between Freddy's fake pallets and real pallets. Still it's really good otherwise.
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No. Their auras show as well.
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Yep. I’m gonna just magically know that as a solo working on gens on Lery’s, Midwich, Hawkins, and Gideon.
Great tip.
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They key is to use it to plan your route before it goes down.
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Okay so how am I supposed to know if someone wasted killer shack pallet if I'm on the other side of the map in solo? Do you think I have the powers to be in two places at the same time?
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In that case... Yeah, I don't think I'll be using it any time soon. I don't see any viability beyond new players unless it can negate those.
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That would be broken though. If a pallet Freddy went up against 4 WoO users, he’s almost entirely powerless.
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It would only be useful against two specific killers. And would still be useless unless those two specific killers were using specific addons. Fake pallets are not basekit for either of them. You think WoO would be OP in those specific instances. But things like Iri Head + Infantry Belt and Infinite Tier 3 + Tombstone are still in the game.
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You’re misunderstanding my point. No counter should be so strong that it renders a killer “without a power” (for all intents and purposes). This is the reason Lucky Break and No Mither do not counter Oni, in case of those outliers where all 4 survivors run those perks.
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Honestly... They should. Why is it okay for Killers to have builds that completely counter survivors (the ones I said earlier) but it's not okay for survivors. Especially when it would only be one survivor out of the 4 in a match?
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Because that’s the killers entire goal. A comparable problem would be if a killer could make it 100% impossible for survivors to repair any generators.