

Chapter concept: Inhumane thoughts

Member Posts: 698

Chapter: Inhumane thoughts.

new killer: webster harv, the twisted

new survivor: Jeremy gates

new maps: broken Macmillan estate, twisted coldwind farm, distorted autohaven wreckers

new realm: distorted memories

Killer movement speed: 115% (100% when disguised)

killer height: average (legion height)

Terror radius: 10 meters

Killer difficulty: hard?? i guess

survivor difficulty: easy

realm offering: sacrificial coin

"A coin with one half showing the Killer side and the other half being completely scratched off"

Killer primary power: one of them

Press the primary power button to disguise as one of the survivors currently in the trial. Pressing it again will switch to another, cycling through the list of 4 survivors in the trial. Disguising would have a 5 second cooldown. Disguising would completely remove your terror radius and red stain. Being stunned by a pallet would remove your disguise and make you scream, revealing your location to any survivors. Missing a survivor will remove your disguise. Hitting a survivor will remove your disguise. While disguised, you can work on gens, however instead of progressing on them, you would regress them. If working on a gen with multiple survivors, it would just slow down the gen repair speed by 18%. You would be able to grab people off of gens, pallets, and windows while disguised.

"Peekaboo." -Webster Harv.

Killer secondary power: twisted games

You start the trial with 5 Enti-Traps. Pressing the active ability button while looking at a pallet to "Sabotage" it. Next time a survivor drops the pallet, it will instantly break. Sabotaging a window will force the entity to block it after a survivor has vaulted it, also alerting the killer to it's location. Sabotaging a gen will cause any survivor who works on it to get a very difficult skill-check. Failing this skill-check will alert the killer to their location but it will not regress the gen. Pallets that are sabotaged will have amber particles over them, telling survivors that "Yep, this is trapped".

Lmao I have so many ideas ughhhhhhhh.

You gain the ability to hide in lockers. Hiding in a locker will suppress your terror radius and force you into the 2rd person. Leaving a locker will automatically fast exit it, causing a loud noise notification to alert all survivors to where you are. You will see a radius in front of the locker, (Same amount of range as head on because yay why not) If you catch a survivor within the radius and exit the locker, you will automatically put them in the dying state and pick them up. If a survivor somehow tries to enter the locker, you will also put them in the dying state. Survivors can hear your breathing reeeeaaaaalllly faintly, they basically have to be right next to the locker to hear it.

You will gain the Enti-trap back when it is triggered.

Passive ability/hinderance: Frail body

You may be a killer, but you're still one of the weak guys. Survivors wiggling speeds and struggle effects will increased by 25%. Being stunned will stun you for 2 seconds more. (Cancelled out by Enduring) Being stunned will also make you scream, causing a loud noise notification to all survivors. Hooking and picking up survivors are 1% slower. Your vault speeds are increased by 11%. You are able to vault pallets by pressing the active ability button near a dropped pallet.

Killer perks:

sick and tired

You've been running and hiding for so long. Maybe it's time for a change.

  • While in a chase, all survivors gen repair speeds are decreased by 16/18/20%
  • After getting out of a chase, a random gen that is being worked on will recieve a difficult skill-check
  • If they fail this skill-check, the gen loses 15/20/25% progression
  • The skill-check portion of this perk has a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds after it is triggered

"No one has ever bypassed the Entity. Well... no one but him." -Lost Tape

hex: Obsession's honor

One person has to get the all attention, don't they?

  • You become obsessed with one survivor.
  • The obsession has a 15/20/25% increase in healing speeds
  • You see the obsession's aura whenever you perform a breaking animation
  • Hooking the obsession causes any survivor to have healed the obsession to scream, revealing their location to you for 3 seconds

"Sadistic in all forms, incredible, actually. Makes you wonder how he was one of us in the first place." -Lost Tape

endangered experience

You may have been in danger, but atleast you picked up some tricks along the way

  • When the hatch opens, you get a loud noise notification at it's location.
  • Closing hatch lets you see the last survivors aura
  • Closing hatch lets the last survivor see your aura
  • Exit Gates are opened 5/4.5/4% faster if you close hatch

"Oops, were you looking for that? Sorry." -Webster Harv

Survivor perks:

just business

You're ready to do business, and business only.

  • Repairing a gen for 35/30/25 seconds will fully heal you for one health state.
  • Healing a survivor will give you the haste status effect for 3/4/5 seconds (150%)

"It's simple business, really." -Jeremy Gates


You'll find ways to get what you want

  • After cleansing a totem you see the auras of all killer belongings and gens for 5/10/15 seconds
  • Cleansing a dull totem will not reveal your location to the killer

"Ohhhh you'll see, I have my ways, old man." -Jeremy Gates

rush hour

Every hour here is rush hour.

  • After being unhooked, have the broken status effect for 30/35/40 seconds
  • During this time, get a 9/10/12% increase in healing, cleansing, and repairing speeds
  • If you get downed during this time, your wiggle speed is decreased by 3/4/5%

"Rush this, pretty boy." -Webster Harv


The twisted

One shudders to even imagine the inner workings of a man named Webster Harv. He used to be one of them, one of the people running and fighting for their lives in the entity's sick games, but now he is one of them, one of the monsters making the sick games. After what seems like years, decades even, he finally snapped one trial. Take a nearby branch and slaughtering his other companions. The Entity had never seen anything like him. It liked him, it decided to take him in, to try and shape him into the sadistic and brutal "human" he is today. The Entity gave him a special power, nothing like the survivors had ever seen before. He liked it. With all this power, he began to have thoughts... Inhuman Thoughts even.

Jeremy Gates

Born into a very rich lifestyle, Jeremy Gates had his way with everything. Nobody ever dared say "no" to him. Those who did, well, they never said no again, that's for sure. His family had a rival, a big one at that, the Macmillan family. He envied them, somehow they had gathered more profits than them, and he hated that. So he was glad to hear one day that the family vanished without a trace, no more competiton. He went to go to the estate, he wanted to see what happened, what made the family leave with no warning. All he found was the foggy remains of the estate, broken down already. He went in, into the basement to see if there was anything worth seeing in this dump. All he found were the skeletal remains of Archie Macmillan before the mist surrounded him. Nobody ever said "no" to him again, because he was never seen again.


Dwight's glasses (brown add-on)

"A pair of broken glasses found in a locker."

  • Slightly increases the radius of the Locker grab power FOWARD (1 meter lol)

This-is-not-happening drawing (brown add-on)

"A drawing of a damn useless perk."

  • You can only disguise as one player (You only get them as a disguise, not the other players)
  • Gain 100% bonus bloodpoints in the deviousness category

Rusty bear-trap (yellow add-on)

"A rusty trap seemingly belonging to one of the brutes."

  • Increases Enti-Trap amount by 1
  • Pallets that have been sabotaged no longer can be pulled down
  • The sabotaged pallets last for 120 seconds, after that they can be pulled down by survivors and you will gain the Enti-Trap back

broken syringe (yellow add-on)

"A half broken syringe with some sort of serum dripping from it."

  • Removes the ability to grab people while disguised
  • Makes it so that you do not lose disguise when hitting or missing attacks
  • Increases base movement speed to 115% while disguised

mud-in-a-jar (green add-on)

"A glob of mud in a jar, seems unnatural."

  • If a gen is repaired within 15 meters of you while you are disguised, you lose the disguise
  • You gain the haste status effect for 5 seconds (10%)

David's skull (green add-on)

"A skull of a tough yet rather dumb man.

  • All survivor's icons in the HUD appear injured (Basically they can't tell if they're injured or not)
  • When disguising, you appear injured

"Please stop farming me David." -GoobyNugget

polished hook (purple add-on)

"A meathook that is suprisingly clean."

  • Hooking a survivor immediately disguises you as a random player
  • A decoy terror radius of 34 meters is put around the hook
  • A survivor who unhooks the hooked player will get the oblivious status effect for 30 seconds

claudette's skull (purple add-on)

"A skull found in a bush."

  • Getting a disguised hit will power a meter
  • Getting 4 disguised hits will fully power it
  • After it is full, you gain the ability to instantly kill a survivor when grabbing them, catching them from a locker, or grabbing them from a locker.

Iridescent decisive strike picture (pink add-on)

"An iridescent framed picture of a perk that is well-known."

  • Completely removes Frail Body
  • Movement speed is increased to 120% when disguised
  • Disguises now have a time limit of 30 seconds
  • Disguises have a cooldown of 15 seconds

azarovs spine (pink add-on)

"The spine of a cruel man, now turned into an even crueler weapon."

  • Replaces "One of them" With MindTaker
  • Press the primary action button while looking at a survivor to take over their body for 10 seconds
  • During this time you can do whatever a survivor can do, with the added ability to see the auras of all other survivors.
  • MindTaker has a cooldown of 20 seconds

Other cool stuff idk:

the twisted's description:

A disguising killer, using his powers One Of Them and Twisted Games to disguise and sabotage the survivors trying to complete their objectives. The Twisted's 3 teachable perks, Sick and Tired, Hex: Obsession's Honor, and Endangered Experience allow him to pressure survivors while being in a chase, benefit from the obsession, and end the endgame quicker.

Jeremy gates's description:

A spoiled brat, using his 3 teachable perks, Just Business, Spoiled, and Rush Hour to get his way and ensure HE gets out.

base cosmetic descriptions cuz yea:

Webster (Head and upper body slot): The look of a once terrified man, now concealed from the world in the darkest "clothes" he could find.

Borrowed Pants (Pants duh): The surpisingly clean pants of a burned serial killer, now being used by Webster.

Snapped Branch (Weapon): A snapped branch used as a sharp weapon, brilliant.

Jeremy (Head slot): The well-kept hair of a teen who had everything

Business man's apparel (body slot): A red necktie and blue office shirt, perfect for bossing people around and getting mad when others boss YOU around.

Muddy office pants (pants, duh): Muddy office pants, what'd you expect?

Anyways uhhh yea that's it. @NoOneKnowsNova and @ImHexyAndINoed

Since I said before that this used to be a scrapped idea of mine for a HACKER style killer, I wanna share some stuff I had for that.

One of the perks that I was gonna use for it was:

pull the plug

You play with your prey before ending them.

  • After being in a chase for more than 20/15/10 seconds, you gain the undetectable status effect and lose your red stain
  • After downing a survivor, all survivors see your aura for 5/4/3 seconds

"I never said you were useless, you have some talents." -Jeremy Sull (Basically Jeremy Gates but different name)

The power was gonna be a terminal based power, where survivors would have to interact with 4 terminals in order to weaken the killer, this was the reason why I didn't like this concept, so I scrapped the entire thing.

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  • Member Posts: 117

    Honestly this is a good concept, it has it's issues obviously but overall it's a good concept that I think would suit the game. Obviously I'm not a dev but I think they should really consider some of these concepts.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    It's here yay

    Anyway, I think the killer power is kind of on the weaker side. Shapeshifting gets destroyed by an SWF, after all. I'm assuming that the other two parts of his power only apply when disguised, and I think frail body and the locker thing should stay that way while sabotaging should be usable all the time. It has potential though!

    As for the killer perks, I think Sick and Tired is very powerful and allows you to keep gens in check without actually doing that. Might actually need a tone down. Obsession's honor is pretty good but it has the same problem as Dying Light which is that it benefits one survivor, and the seeing obsession's aura in a break animation thing isn't all that good because you have to look down while doing that. As for the other part of the perk, it's just a niche BBQ. Definitely needs a buff. Endangered experience lets the game end quicker, which is good. But it's not really viable, almost just a QOL perk.

    Just business is really good, Spoiled is good, Rush hour is good, they're all good.

    Okay, time for the Killer add-ons. First of all, I love how they tie in with the other killers and survivors. I'm only going to go over the red addons because I'd be here for years going over all of them. But they are very well designed and I like how they favor unique effects over stat boosts. Iridescent DS is pretty good and shakes up the playstyle a bit, I like it. Asarov's Spike also does it and it seems great but I would probably extend the cooldown by like, a lot.

  • Member Posts: 504

    A very interesting concept! Like I said before I'd love a disguise based killer in the game, but I agree mostly with what DoritoHead said. And There is the added issue of SWF's and voice comms, but you can't really do all that much about that even as Nurse.

    I do really like this Consept, good job!

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Aight I'll start off with his power. Although it would be extremely fun, swf would completely ruin it as you can just say to your friend "Hey, is that you coming to me or is that the killer disguised as you?". His traps however seem great, and his head on like ability also seems fun, although it could promote camping. I'm not a fan of Frail Body either, a killer shouldn't have a hindrance to them other than their height, movement speed and TR (which for some killers isn't a hindrance) OR that their power is strong but restricted (Hillbillys restricted turning, Slingers restricted range, Nurses fatigue).

    Onto the killer perks

    Sick and Tired seems way too strong, and I fear that it would pair too well with Thanataphobia even if it didn't have the skill check part, although I do like the concept of survivors being hindered while a team mate is being chased.

    Hex: Obsessions Honor seems too weak. Even if it wasn't a hex I don't think it would be worthwhile running simply because it'll usually only be one survivor, and possibly no survivors depending if the obsession has a med kit or is hooked first.

    Finally, Endangered Experience. It's a decent perk. Although it's kind of niche, its effect is powerful once you get it and I wouldn't change it any way due to such. Quick question however, what happens if a key is used and multiple survs are left?

    Aight onto the survivor perks.

    Just Business is similar to a perk concept I've thought of a lot, however, my opinion has always stayed the same on it, in that you shouldn't be able to be healed while progressing the game majorly. It would simply increase gen rushing. The haste status effect is fine IF it doesn't apply to healing yourself, and maybe the healed survivor must be below 50% while you start healing them for it to take effect.

    Spoiled is a great idea. A perk that rewards you for doing totems. We truly do need more perks that reward totems being cleansed, and the perk does so much to help. Definitely the best of the three survivor perks balance wise.

    Rush hour seems mostly fine, 12% isn't too major so it should be balanced for the most part.

    Next, lore.

    Webster Harvs lore is great. The concept of a survivor gone killer is something I've always liked the idea of, and this lore executes it perfectly.

    Jeremy Gates lore is also good, and it's nice to see his relations to Evan Macmillan, additionally we don't really have a "rude" survivor yet (Nea could be rude but her archives makes her out that she isn't).

    Onto the add ons, if I don't mention it presume the add on is fine.

    Broken Syringe completely removes the point of his power tbh. He needs to be slower otherwise survivors will recognise that it's the killer instantly.

    David's scull add on qoute is great. That's all I had to say.

    For Claudettes Skull, when you say "Instantly kill" do you mean mori? Or just exposed?

    Iridescent DS picture is a no, now you have a situation where you want to be disguised at all times because you're faster than you are at base.

    Last but not least, pull the plug seems weak.

    Overall this was an interesting chapter concept to read and I hope to see more soon!

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    The only inhumane thoughts I have are when Bill takes off his shirt

    Which is a euphemism for if I can't have Bill then nobody can

  • Member Posts: 785

    Hilarious to see that this fan made chapter is much more interesting than the All Kill one.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Wow thanks you single handedly killed my love for Bill

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    There's some nice stuff here.

    Though I think the Locker stuff is entirely unnecessary and a bit too convoluted.

    Also the passive ability Frail Body seems unnecessary too. We already have Legion, who has no problem breaking pallets and carrying survivors despite one of them being a teenage girl.

    The 'working on a generator to regress it' either needs to be substantial (like 300%) or it's only going to be used for a second for two at a time to feign being a survivor, in which case the fact that it regresses at all is inconsequential. Having built in regression might be a little OP, however there are killers that have some minor built in gen pressure, such as Freddy's teleports.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    You better stop this madness before I call the FBI on this operation

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