I'm about to use Stridor in all my builds and with all the killers

Iron Will is getting on my nerves really.
Is not that the perk is so strong, is a passive ability, but I rely heavily on sound and psychologically is a pain to find a lot of people with this perk.
For sure, not joking than listening gets me more kills than watching since your view is kinda limited as killer.
You do know that footsteps are audible right?
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That's sad
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Didn't take that into account, but depending on the surface you can hear footsteps better or worse.
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Tracking is always a skill you need to improve on. I wouldn’t recommend getting used to stridor since you’ll only get into bad habits
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I would place bets on the reason you're finding more folks using Iron Will is because - and for some reason this isn't getting the notice it deserves - ALL survivor sounds (not just injured, but uninjured as well) increased in volume during the mid-chapter update (the one that introduced so many bugs and issues, I think folks have lost track of many of them). So I'm not surprised to find a lot of survivors electing to run the perk to deal with the fallout.
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Well he is a sad killer main so...
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Very hard to hear sometimes tho
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Yeah, only if the ambient is quiet you can hear them. When there is some sort of sound, they are almost impossible to notice.
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Don't play Stridor. If you get used to it, it's hard playing without it and Stridor is bugged currently.
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Iron will is as strong as dead hard and that's why I play bubba and learn ho to play plague. I hate it and hope it gets nerfed. It's just a crutch
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Using a perk to bring back a feature that used to be in the game, I like it.
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Stridor is a great perk. It annoys me that it’s dismissed as pointless except on Spirit. That said though I much prefer Bloodhound rather than Stridor. An Iron Will user will hear if you’re running Stridor, but Bloodhound will screw with their head wondering how you’re constantly finding them.
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Oh, this guy again. It seems his personal situation didn't improve at all. Feels bad man.
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Also it’s worth taking the time learning to get better paying attention to crows. As a Clown main that simply can not afford to be out of a chase long, or lose momentum, I had to force myself to get better at tracking, and paying attention to environmental cues. I’m almost always scanning the horizon for crow movement. I find I’m ultra sensitive to any crow movement or crow sound now.
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While footsteps may be harder to hear on dirt as opposed to stone / interior maps, remember that grass makes a VERY distinct sound effect when being stepped on.
Grass is a dead giveaway on outdoor maps where footsteps are otherwise softer in dirt. Hope that helps somewhat. Iron Will is incredibly strong.
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I use stridor in a lot of my killers, since my biggest issue is tracking survivors.
I still don't think Iron Will needs a change, specially since Stridor basically makes it useless.
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Truth - and that was before every single survivor sound got amplified in the mid-Chapter (whether by design, or yet another bug, the end result is the same).