Bamboozle: Problem? Or not?

We're back to perks. Starting with Bamboozle, a teachable perk for the Clown.
This perk is pretty fun to use on killers like Bubba or Billy.
So, opinions?
Damn, I got bamboozled, GoobyNugget.
One of the most fair perks in the game. It displays it well to the survivors that it's in use, while it also can only block one window at a time.
Overall an extremely balanced perk that's great on many killers.
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It's not fun being bamboozled.
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Brain-dead perk imo. All this perk is saying is "I don't wanna learn to run tiles, so I'll press space at the window and now you have to drop the pallet lmao". Plus every single Bubba and Billy player left run it, which were two of my favourite killers to play against, but bamboozle on any killer is just a snoozefest because every bamboozle player and interaction are the same. It's not too strong or anything, it's just boring.
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It's a fair perk. I don't personally get that bothered by it, mostly because I hate window vaulting. My hitbox always lags about a full second or two behind, so I usually take a hit if I try to make a break for it with a window vault.
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I think its good on bubba to help him get saws faster in places he otherwise wouldn't like shack, but thats about it. Its just ok on other killers. You definitely shouldn't use it on every window though.
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Boring perk
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People can call it boring to go against, but I can assure you, its boring to go against survivors who just camp Killer Shack and loop it repeatedly and since its such a strong structure and some Killers struggle with it, it takes too much time to down them.
That's the main reason I use bamboozle, to get rid of Killer Shack, it's annoying how effective it is.
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Time to bring out the OP Bamboozle Nurse.
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Eh, it was a bandaid fix for infinite windows, it could probably be changed to something better since it is only really good on the chainsaw killers.
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Whoa now let's not bring up the forbidden meta.
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One of the only chase perks worth using in my opinion. Most other chase perks are way underwhelming.
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Someone not having fun is not reason enough to remove it. If that were the case literally every perk, item, add on, offering would be removed.
The forbidden meta is fire up Nurse!
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It's ok honestly.
It's not even bad to go against once you know the killer has it,because it's very very easy to bait them into using it while you already run to the next loop
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Weak perk to me, survivors can just run to another tile, and usually most tiles have more than 1 window.
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Boring and pretty brain dead but not really OP
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In my opinion, this perk used to be a life saver. Infinite loops such as Ironworks of Misery and Disturbed Ward were countered by Bamboozle. Nowadays, with most (not all, most) infinite loops gone, this perk has fallen from grace. At least I don't see it too often anymore.
Nevertheless, it is a good and balanced perk.
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Yeah on a serious note for the longest time I played Hillbilly without Bamboozle and still do unless I'm certain a sweat squad is upon me. But man I miss Hillbillies.
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It's a "let me take away your ability to do anything other than drop pallets and hold W" perk, aka extremely unhealthy.
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I like the idea of the perk, specifically vaulting faster as killer because usually, you don't want to vault as killer. Takes too much time unless you're mind gaming.
But the much more powerful and notable effect where it blocks off the window you vaulted.. Yeah that's why people run it, obviously. It's insanely strong. Bamboozle straightup forces shack pallet or forces survivor to move away from it if they don't want to use it.
I wouldn't have a problem with it so much if it wasn't exclusively used on Billy and Bubba. Well, mainly Bubba
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Bamboozle is fine, it's not even strong. Have fun playing Trickster at killer shack without bamboozle lmfao.
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A fair and balanced game it would be broken but however, the game we're playing isn't fair and balanced.