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Who is your favourite DBD content creator?

Zesty Member Posts: 380
edited April 2021 in Polls

Now I'm sorry I cant fit all of them on here, but ill do my best to put the most I can! Thanks for understanding, if they aren't on here pick the "OTHER" option!

Who is your favourite DBD content creator? 116 votes

BlueberryGlamourousLeviathanPsychobeastzRoachesDelightGuiltii 5 votes
BeHasUGeneralVVeckmanDesarmemkhakanson 5 votes
syain 1 vote
KieranD2006WardenQueenChurchofPigDwightFairfieldItzZane_swager21MildMegamindAmethystPurgatoryReaperZAJNomporu 10 votes
TaigaOddProvidence 2 votes
Not Otzdarva
AdeloomintchapstickWoodywoolTapeKnotAztreonam78Piratezach3734InsaneCoasterPlantCollectorSebaOutbreaknimesulidefakeDawnMadNullclinescheetocultleadermalatruseLumionestyFobboDudelPumaAceYords 45 votes
Other (Sorry cant add more!)
White_OwlDimekSacrilegeGG_HSboom04_[Deleted User]MrPenguinUistreelSneakyPigMainParallaxCornpopers_EvanCritical_FishIcewhisperSadLegionCornHubOBXDarkMagikMadLordJackbm33DerZuntorglitchboi 48 votes
Post edited by Zesty on


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
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  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308
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    Pupper's is my all time favorite DBD content creator, with trueta1ent coming in at 2nd place, and not Otzdarva at 3rd.

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698
    Not Otzdarva

    this is a pretty easy decision for me.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
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    Paulie has and always will be my favorite DBD creator. May not always see eye to eye with him but hey, that's ok. :)

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
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  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271
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    #########, why is there no love for PAIN RELIEVER-

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399
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    Scott Jund is my favorite, I love his sarcasm lol

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
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  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
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    Umbra, she puts all the boys to shame lol.

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380
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    I love his content! I said I can't add more xd

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369
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  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
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    Stalky Boi, Stalky Boi is the best.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818
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    Lately I've been enjoying DyllonKG's videos. I like Tofu and Tru3 as well.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    I like Tru3's opinions and his persona. Also, he posts every match of him on YouTube and it has become a habit of mine to watch his videos before going to sleep. I don't watch/like livestreams, so a creator that posts everything on YouTube is a plus for me.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854
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  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    Not Otzdarva

    Not Otzdarva is the best streamer you can learn from, you can learn so much from him when he's playing Trapper.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,169
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    Ohmwrecker. He really gets into the trial and character. Every trial feels like a mini-story and I prefer content creators who get immersed into the role, rather than those who feel detatched from the round.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727
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    Paulie, because I love learning about all the little Easter Eggs and toolboxes hidden in the game.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157
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    Paulie Esther and Samination. Does McLean count since he streams? If so him too.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583
    Not Otzdarva

    I cannot believe Scott Jund didn't get a listing when I have never heard of four of these people.

  • _HSboom04_
    _HSboom04_ Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2021
    Other (Sorry cant add more!)

    Paulie, The King, Yerv, MuteNewt, Scott Jund, Mr. Gimms, Raging_Ryuga, Pixel BoomBot, OhTofu, Luminious, CoconutRTS

    Oh and TydeTyme

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    + Scott, Ardetha, Yerv, Demi and probably Ussylis

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399
    Not Otzdarva

    Otz is my fav one. While I watch others as well Otz is the reason why I bought this game. I enjoy when I watched him.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
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    OhTofu. Overall a cool, funny dude who plays kinda chill although he is quite good.

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
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  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    noob if he was still uploading

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited April 2021
    Not Otzdarva

    Otz's videos are awesome. You have regular gameplay, maybe with some spiced up perks... then you have challenges he proposes to himself, experiments, informative videos of many hours long. He's also usually a very kind and chill person, I got to know him last year but I can say with confidence that he's the best DBD content creator I've seen. As for honorable mentions:

    • Big kudos to Bricky (who doesn't seem to be doing DbD content anymore), back when I started playing, I always watched his videos and they helped me in making builds with certain killers and other stuff.
    • Vinc3ntvega is also pretty funny, tho I suggest to avoid watching him if you're eating... xD
    • PainReliever is also ok, I used to watch him because of his informative videos and chill voice, but then I met Otz and I haven't watched a lot of Pain's videos since then
    • Finally, Paulie Esther is pretty cool and I like that he hunts secrets and easter eggs hidden inside the game

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703


    I would rather do something else than watch videos of someone playing a video game after blurting "What's happening, guys?"

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
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    Right now its Scott. Otz is second but he white knights the devs a bit too much for my liking personally to be on top. No shade or anything, wish him the best, I just disagree with his takes sometimes (which is fine).

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
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    Meh, I don't blame Otz. He probably wants to keep his Fog Whisperer status, which is understandable.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited April 2021
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    Yeah I can understand that as he worked to get it to begin with. But I was watching his trickster stream and he essentially said (paraphrasing here) "If you guys are complaining about the devs decisions why are you playing their game, go play something else."

    I just don't agree with his attitude towards feedback when that's his response. People who care about the game just want it to be better. I enjoy him as a player and content creator, just not his attitude when it comes to stuff like that. Really confuses me as he himself gives criticism sometimes (or rarely depending on your view), but then talks down to others when they give theirs for even saying anything. But everyone has their flaws. Overall he's seems like an ok guy.

    Again, not attacking him or anything, just expressing my views.

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222
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  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
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    Jeez he actually said that? Ouch.

    I still like him but I feel like it was unnecessary of him to say that. People are allowed to state their opinions on the game's state and still like playing the game. He really didn't have to say that :/

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited April 2021
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    Reading that back it might sound a little worse than it really was. Its different explaining something and actually being there.

    Its best if you see it yourself and judge, I don't want my impression/understanding to unjustly effect how you see him or anything.

    If you want to hear the moment in question its in his stream titled "New Handsome Boy Killer dude is out" and the time it starts is about 53:30 and ends around 56:00. (link at the bottom)

    In that same clip he brought up things like insta-heals and Mori's getting changed when someone expressed they feel like devs don't listen, and when someone else said "those things took years though" his attitude/response was "yeah I didn't say it didn't. So? They changed it eventually that's all that matters."

    I just feel like he boils a lot of things down to dev bashing when people are just upset (rightfully so in a lot of cases imo) or he just gives out too many excuses for things that happen.

    He just doesn't have an outlook I can get on board with personally when it comes to feedback and what quality we should expect as players. I don't think years for glaring balance issues to be addressed should be the norm or acceptable. Its literally their jobs to improve/work on the game.

    But I can still enjoy him for his other content and such.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
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  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    Tru3talent, he is extremely good and knowledgeable at playing both sides. I've learned a lot from him.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
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    Scott is my favorite, but I do like Otz and Noob3 as well. I'm sure the others are great as well, though.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
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  • SacrilegeGG
    SacrilegeGG Member Posts: 85
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    Long videos/streams: Otzdarva

    Short videos: SacrilegeGG

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2021

    Noob and JRM are my favorites the rest of the content creators are good but...JRM and noob are my favorites Noob is better than JRM no hate to JRM tho I like demi too

  • missjay
    missjay Member Posts: 31
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  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
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    Yerv, Farmer John, and also a bunch of obscure very small content creators

  • myersmain69420Xx
    myersmain69420Xx Member Posts: 31
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    demi and noob3, i just really like their sense of humor and the only reason i got moris in the bloodweb besides for flexing

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,522

    Monto is the best! Always was, and always will be.