What if Trickster was throwing glass playing cards instead of knives?

I have come up with this idea literaly a few minutes ago, and I think it would somehow resolve the issues with his name for some people. Like, imagine that he is throwing stylish glass playing cards, something like TF from League of Legends, it would not only make more sence damage-wise, because, let`s be honest, cards are less damaging than knives, so 8 cards to deal damage would seem more legit, than 8 knives. Lore-wise it could be explained by his pseudonim and maybe by his general style. So, is it a good idea?
What if Trickster was throwing glass playing cards instead of knives? 25 votes
Yes, I like that
Would've been way cooler.
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No, that just isnt right
I feel like a Trickster Main since he came out i played him 95% of the Time cuz he is fun. he is way too weak but the Devs will hopefully buff him. The Knives are ceramic knives to pierce the Shattered Splinters into their Body so its just fine. The Glass Cards are actually not a bad idea but i stick with the Knives for the lore and his Trailer.
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No, that just isnt right
Btw i do but its just so annoying. You want to have fun and as soon as they found an infinite the only thing you see is: No matter who you chase where they all run to the infinite where they can avoid the knives. You cant do anything against it i even tried his Perk Crowd control (Which shouldnt be a Hex) or bamboozle but then i cant use other perks to buff him for me. No matter if i play fair and try to avoid the fresh unhooked they bodyblock with Borrowed time so i cant hit the saver only to be called tunneler receive Harrasment, Tbags, Flashlight clicking and Provocative Moonwalking at the Exit gates. And now to the Topping: Instead of being nice i only get L2p, Baby Killer, or GG Noob same for gG eZ bAbY kIlLeR!!!.
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Purple rank classics, man, I find this expirience just frustrating and slow, but when it works, you get more dophamine boost, than with other killers, with an exception of Slinger maybe.
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Yes, I like that
I hate facing Twisted Fate but I like this idea, and he already looks like a gambler
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Yes, I like that
The glass playing cards would make a cool cosmetic.
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No, I dont like that
it'd be shoehorned as a cosmetic you'd have to buy, and even then it would need modeling, sound design, and animation time that could be used making the trickster better instead of shoehorning another "weapon" cosmetic.
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Yes, I like that
Maybe it can be part of the COSMETIC ABILITIES THEY MENTIONED like 6 months ago. :)
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Then the transformation to Jared Leto's "Joker" would be completed.
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I actually agree, hope the devs shall notice the noise in the community to make him better