Someone use the Felix Visionary perk? Is a good perk?

At least seems better than Deja Vu or Detective's Hunch. But is good?
it is inferior to both. Deja vu tells you which gens you should be focusing on to avid a 3 gen. Detectives hunch also shows totems. Visionary is only any good on indoor maps and even then doesnt stop you 3 genning yourself
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For finding generators it’s god Tier! But then again with enough hours in the game you can just know the generator spawns and can also see their flashing lights in the distance. So at a certain point this perk doesn’t really help you that much anymore. On indoor maps it’s awesome.
If you want a super version with a little work, combine detectives hunch with a map. Any map even without addons. Whatever auras you reveal with detectives hunch get saved in the map regardless of how far you are from the objects the map will always show you the auras as long as detectives hunch revealed them. The work is just doing gens to get the perk to work.
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Agreed. I much prefer Deja Vu between the two. You can have a much easier endgame by using it. Otherwise finding gens usually isn't a problem.
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detective's hunch is the better of the 3.
visionary is good if you still don't really know where gens are.
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Equip deja vu instead so you not only know where 3 out of the max of 7 gens are, but you are doing one of the three most important gens.
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Then is a bad perk? seems better than the anothers. Detective Hunch can be good but only 10 seconds u can forget the placements o remember only 1 if killer is catching you or doing pressure. Deja vu sometimes don't help much since the 3 pointed motors are far.
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I like it and use it in one of my builds. It's extremely helpful on indoor maps.
Although detectives hunch is definitely better.
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Detective hunch is miles better. Mostly because it shows you so much. Gens, totems and chest. Especially the totem part is crucial to deal with killer hexes
What visionary has above Detective Hunch is that it's easier to use. No need to finish a gen or remember where the aura's were.
One mayor weakness of visionary is that it's disabled for a while after a gen is finished which is just when you need to find the next gen the most.
It's honestly a real headscratcher why this is a thing and really sabotages how good this perk can be.
In short, it's good to run if you're new but you should eventually replace it
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visionary sucks on outside maps. you dont need a perk just to be able to find generators
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I use it a lot with Open Handed because trying to find gens on Gideon, Hawkins, Midwich, or Lery’s irritates me a lot.
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It's more or less a quality of life perk so you don't have to constantly worry about finding gens. I think it's superior to dejavu because it shows you gens within 32 meters so by going around a gen before repairing it you can see all the possible 3 gens that can be created, and inferior to detective's hunch, because it shows literally everything on a 64 or so meters radius
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Visionary is very good on Hawkings, Midwitch and Lerys. I can never easily find random gens on those maps. I'd combine it with Prove Thyself and if you're playing solo pair it up with Better Together. So you'll notify other survivors which gen you are doing and if somebody get's downed you can prioritise gen repair vs unhooking survivors if others are too far.
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Visionary is a beginner perk. It becomes unnecessary quickly since it becomes easy to find gens.
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I think I will buy it, maybe will be a waste, and maybe perks like bond can be better for tracking gens, but ok.
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I run it on my gen rush builds, just keep track with what gens get done and you will love it.
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It's pretty meh. Finding gens near you isn't that hard, deja vu is better for finding generators so you don't three gen yourselves and detective's hunch gives you totems and stuff.
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There's really no reason for Visionary to exist as part of a character's 3 perks. It's only good for new players and they're probably not gonna know it exists when there's so many characters and better perks to choose from.
Honestly perks like Visionary, Kindred, Deja Vu, Small Game and Windows of Opportunity should just be unlocked at tier 3 by default for all of your characters. Then Felix and Kate get something better. That would help reduce the grind a bit and help out new players
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it's better to use no perks than to use visionary