If I go against one more tunnelling Freddy or spirit

I will uninstall, basically cannot play a decent match anymore. What’s the point in plying at all.
Please save the DS talk, I’m not interested. I’ve recently added back DS to my build as no one else is running it. Shocker it doesn’t make a difference to the current tunnelling meta.
Matches are ending way to quickly, no ones earning any points. Legit not fun any more.
Dont think I’ve ever been this frustrated with DBD.
Well they were always there. New nerf does not increase nor decrease their rates. Some killers tunnells and camps and there is nothing you can do againts it. My advice take a small break like 2-3 days maybe more. Try to play with your friends if you are playing solo so that they will distract killer. If you dont have friends try to find good survivor mates from your matches and ask them to group with you or team up with them. Other than that if it starts to get you mad giving break is the best solution.
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Just had two matches with the same wraith killer who simply hooks then goes invisible right next to the hook and stays there to camp all survivors who try to save. Literally the same one doing the same thing LOL. A six year old (which is prob who he was lol) can hook then sit there doing nothing else until a save. I am not complaining because I won one of the games but just seems boring to always do that and never really play the game.
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Tunneling meta?
DS didn't change in that department, survivors did. If survivors continued running 4 DS every match, nothing would of changed.
Its been 7 minutes since you posted this so I'm assuming you already uninstalled. ☠
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I love to play competitively, I will normally sacrifice myself to save a team mate one the EGC if I’ve had a exciting match. Killer pressuring gens, going for chases, survivors cleansing totems and looking for chases and not just sitting on gens. But this isn’t happening anymore. It’s all the same, team mate gets hooked, proxi camped by a easy killer. They kill them selves on second hook. Rinse repeat.
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Also I can give you an advice that I used which sometimes work. I am using Second-Wind from Steve which lets me heal after being unhooked and wait 20 secs at tier 3. For activating that perk I need to fully heal somebody. I run Empathy so that I can find injured or take protection hits for them. After killer hook me and my Second-Wind is ready if the killer s camping and my survivor buddy saved me I need 20 secs. During that time me and my survivor buddy both injured and I am also broken due to perk. Killer starts chasing me I use DH to get a distance or save myself from sticky situation. After 20 secs pass I am now fully healed and killer that saw usually go to injured ones if they are close because now I am fully healed and I am not the weak chain. You can use that perk which is quiet nice.
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I get very rarely tunneled or camped. Not to mention if you were actually legitimately being tunneled/camped your DS would be working.
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Tell me about it. I ran in to unless 7 freddys in one hole day.
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I would love to see my main so often. Would you like to trade? I offer you 4 Nurses with Infectious Fright in a row.
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So your saying u don’t experience any tunnelling in your games, well happy birthday.
there’s 3 other survivors, it only take one of them to get tunnelled and kill them self on second hook. I cannot control that. I use DS, it doesn’t change the fact that everyone I seem to go against are assuming no ones running it. By time they get hit with DS they almost always commit to re down. Doesn’t mean DS isn’t working!
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I still run DS and I think it works as intended. When a killer intentionally ignores other survivors and just focuses on me then I get a stun and a few seconds to get away. It also helps out at endgame when teammates try to get me without BT. I've gotten the DS stun and then out the gate a few times. I don't see any issue with how DS is working. If I'm working a gen or healing someone else then it goes away and I'm really not being tunneled at that point.
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I wish
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I only tunnel when I absolutely have to. Like if 4 gens get done on a big map like Ormond by the time I get my first down, what am I supposed to do?
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I respect that but there are killers that tunnel when there are 4 or 5 genes left and that's what makes me mad
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The killers I go against are tunnelling survivors from the start. And they’re using Freddy spirit huntress.
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It is settled, then. I hope we both get better games today.
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Okay I get that you say that you don’t have an issue with tunnelling. How about your team mates? That’s where the snow balling starts in my matches. They’re not running it killers are abusing it. Me alone running DS in 90% of matches won’t change the team experience.
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I feel you. I'm literally playing red rank killers every match I get and they're just toxic shithead killers nodding up and down as they tunnel and slug you like they gotta beat their dick to the DS nerf. I said this would happen before DS got nerfed and everybody said "No, DS will be fair. Actually skillful"... nevermind it's still beaten by doing exactly what was done before only now it works more in killers favour. Gg. That's why I stopped playing the game. Probably wont again after latest Fortnite killer release
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Sure, I get that. Just remember: They may have just had a very rough match. While they shouldn't take it out on someone unrelated, and I don't think it's healthy to do that, they probably just don't want to experience that again. So they figure if they take someone out of the game early: Hey, they stand a better chance at dealing with the generators. Personally, I try my best not to tunnel. In some cases, your teammates can do a better job of getting the killer's attention. I'll GLADLY go for the rescuer over the rescuee. But I have to see them.
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Don't forget that people have a different definition of "tunneling".
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Then learn from it like I had to do.
Old ruin: I learned to hit greats.
Tunneled: I learned loops, tactics & perks.
Camped: I stayed as long as possible to buy my team time on gens.
Everyone wants free wins now and complain online for the devs to cater to them when they don't succeed.
Try to learn and get better after a small break from the game.
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Peace all, hopefully less toxic days are coming! Gyms will be back open soon so gg
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Enjoy your break man. It's good to take a breather and come back fresh
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Everyone should listen to this guy. He knows where it's at.
Now all we have to do is figure out how to deal with getting tunneled straight off hook and slugged while the killer nods up and down thinking you have DS and when he does pick you up, he has star struck which practically makes protection hits non existent. We also have to deal with Dump Truck Huntress hitbox and getting vaccumed to drop a pallet when we want to heal a teammate.
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Yes mate, learning to get better at not being tunnelled is what I need to do.
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Appreciate it. Hopefully I haven’t lost my money on the rift.
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I mean it's still going to happen but more tools the better.
I learned I play better after a break. I don't take this game serious anymore and my play style is better in result.
Best of luck dude.
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That would be enough to make anyone uninstall damn.
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I hear you, but I run mostly solo so I don't really know what their experience is like. I pound gens, get an unhook if I'm close, loop as well as I can and try to get out.
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This is EXACLTY what happens in just about every match now. There are a few matches where it is actually fun and you get chased and heal, and do gens, and get hooked, then saved and interact with the killer. I dont care if I win just play the game,,,dont hook then sit by the hook and camp that makes it crappy for everyone for the sole sake of winning.
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DS is fine lol
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No offense to you at all but I see this more and more where killer mains say "I only do this when I have too" well there are a lot of you killers out there who "have" to do this,,,I mean a lot! It is funny though so many killer mains "have" to do this on the first hook and when not even one gen is completed??