Chapter Idea: The Forsaken Son

_The Forsaken Son
The Killer: The Prospector_
-Dawson was never the son his father wanted. To go to school and become well-educated like his brothers. His father hated the gold drunk fool that was his own father. But Dawson loved his grandfather. The stories of mining and finding the yellow riches. He listening endlessly to his grandfather's mining tales. The good times, and the bad, and the eventual bankruptcy of all his grandfather ever worked for. In time, his grandfather imparted what knowledge he had left to him, and passed away, quietly in the night. Dawson cried for him.
So when Dawson took up his grandfather's old pickaxe, his father disowned him. Forsaken by his own family, he set out to make the same riches his grandfather once held in his own hands. Dawson chased news of gold all across North America, using his grandfather's old equipment to make his claims.
For a while, Dawson was successful. He may never have hit the greatest payload, but he always made a profit. He saw the specks of what his grandfather spent his whole life chasing, in his own palm, and he grew obsessed. He wanted to prove his family wrong, and his grandfather right. That the old ways were still good ways. And Dawson grew old.
Then he met Tom, a miner like him, with a golden tooth. By chance, the name his parents gave him, was brought up in conversation. Dawson City. Rumours that had not been widely known yet. Tom told him there was gold, and Dawson believed him.
The pair headed to the Klondike to make their claim. What followed was an unfortunate series of setbacks and prepayments that Dawson grew tired of in his old age. Dawson wanted to feel the fever again. He wanted to please the memory of his grandfather.
Tom, ever the optimist, kept a wide smile on, always saying the next dig would strike it rich.
Dawson, was not an optimist. He had trusted this man, who was drunk on gold. Who whittled away their funds. So Dawson set up a surprise for his friend, and Tom became a pile of meat. Taking Tom's gold tooth, Dawson felt the rush he longed for. Then it occurred to him. A lot of the men chasing gold, kept their spare earnings in their mouth. If the gold wasn't in the ground, well. Dawson did know where to find it.
So when mines shut down, and people vanished. There weren't many who didn't blame people for running home. To family. But for those that saw what remained of abandoned quarries, it took on a much darker tale.
All those that dared to smile with a golden light, would soon find themselves no longer man, but meat. For the Prospector was a Forsaken Son, and gold was all he wanted in this world.
As the Klondike Gold Rush met it's end, and the moon blotted out the sky, in a fantastic golden eclipse. The Prospector vanished with it, only leaving his gruesome tale behind.
As for Dawson, he met a creature far more obsessed then he, and he knew it was time to hunt.
-The Prospector is clearly an older man. Hair gray, and eyes dull. He sports a ragged beard. But decades of mining, having given him tempered muscles, while not as apparent as the Trapper's, he is still well-toned. He wears old timey Klondike gold rush inspired hat. Sporting similar clothes from the era. He is also covered head to toe in dirt and soot. Sporting a belt or two with wire cutters, a loop of wire, and some sticks of dynamite.
Weapon: Grandfather's Pickaxe
-The pickaxe his grandfather once used to mine gold of his own. To the Prospector, his grandfather meant everything, and this pickaxe is his most prized possession. Even when it broke, he repaired it, and keeps using it. Even against human flesh.
Ability: Trip-Wire Dynamite
-The Prospector can set up traps, specifically between two points. In spots where the gap is 2 meters or less. When set the trip wire it stays in place and becomes hard to see.
-When tripped, causes a dynamite explosion injuring a survivor. It instantly notifies everyone on map similar to a gen explosion, causing deafening.
-If triggered by his own foot, the prospector is stunned.
-The Prospector can only carry one trip-wire at a time, and must refill at lockers in order to set another up. Setting up a maximum of 3 trip-wires at a time.
-Only survivors with Sabotage can destroy a trip-wire. (To help make sabotage useful again.)
-Trip-Wires also can be detected by Small Game, to make that perk useful again.
Memento Mori:
-The Prospector wants to know if you have golden teeth. Using his pickaxe, he pins a survivor to the ground, then bends over to thrust his hands in their mouth, ripping out a tooth. As he gets up, he twists the pickaxe, killing the survivor.
Trip-Wire Mori:
-The Prospector doesn't even care for any gold you may have, he'll take it off your body. The Survivor gets caught in a trip-wire without it activating. Instead survivor plays struggle animation, to try and free their leg, and just as they think they're free, the trip-wire explodes, killing survivor.
-Requires survivor to have been hooked during match, and generators are done.
Possible Add-ons:
Tough Wire:
-Tensioning wire, used in quarries. Slightly increases length of trip-wire gaps that can be set-up.
Oriental Wire:
-Wire from the far east that can better be tensioned. Moderately increases length of trip-wire gaps that can be set-up.
Grandfather's Wire:
-Specially made wire handed down from grandfather to grandson. Considerably increases length of trip-wire gaps that can be set-up.
Tom's Tensioner:
-Tom's tool for tensioning wire. Slightly reduces trip-wire setup time.
Expert's Tensioner
-An expert's well crafted Tensioning tool. Moderately reduces trip-wire set-up time.
Grandfather's Tensioner:
-Specially crafted by grandfather to tension wire. Considerably reduces trip-wire setup time.
Tom's Dynamite:
-Less then well maintained dynamite that is a bit unstable. Slightly increased trip-wire's explosion radius
Miner's Dynamite:
-Professional grade dynamite for mining. Moderately increased trip-wire explosion radius.
Grandfather's Dynamite:
-Procured through lifelong connections, special dynamite for specific jobs. Considerably increases trip-wire's explosion radius.
Gunpowder Mixture:
-Inflicts Bleeding on survivor.
Gunpowder 2 Mixture:
-Inflicts Hemorrhage on survivor.
Black-powder Mixture:
-Inflicts Mangled on survivor.
Black-powder 2 Mixture:
-Inflicts Blindness on survivor.
Nitro Mixture:
-Inflicts Hindered on survivor.
Nitro 2 Mixture:
-Inflicts Exposed on survivor.
Black Gunpowder Mixture:
-Inflicts Hemorrhage and Mangled on survivor.
Grandfather's Mixture:
-Inflicts Hindered, Bleeding, and Blindness on survivor.
Gold Fever Mixture:
-Not designed with mining in mind, but for killing. Puts survivor's caught in trip-wire explosion into dying state.
Hunting Wire:
-Wire used to hunt animals. Disables explosion of trip-wire, and instead ensnares a survivor, similar to bear-trap.
Tom's Golden Tooth:
-Tom never saw or knew what was coming for him, but in the skull left behind, everyone knew why it had happened. On activation of trip-wire, all survivors are inflicted with killer's terror radius for moderate time.
Grandfather's Sock:
-The old man had quite a few tricks, sometimes with just his sock. Trip-wire explosion is completely silent, and does not notify other survivors.
Gold Rush:
-The sound of explosions fill you with excitement and adrenaline. Your movement speed is increased for a period of time.
-Activates whenever Generator Checks are failed, Hex Totems are destroyed, or Trip-Wires set off. Applies to Hag's Phantasm Traps as well.
Hex: Miner's Rage:
-You hate the sloppy mining skills of those around you. For each pallet broken receive a token. For every token, your ability to damage pallets/gens, check/resupply at lockers is sped up.
Hex: Miner's Ground:
-They are on your land, and they are not wanted. Hex: Miner's Ground grows in strength as generators are completed. Received 1 token on completed generator.
-Each token reduces a survivor's visibility. Traps and the Killer become much harder to see at a distance.
-1-5 tokens, Killer and killer objects can't be seen in the distance. The number of tokens reduces this visibility.
-3-5 tokens, Killer's Red Stain is invisible until chase is commenced.
-5 tokens, Exit Gates do not give a location notification when all Generators are completed. Hatch does not make any sound.
-The Prospector is designed to combat looping and camping. His traps are harder to see then the Trapper's, but also requires specifics to be met to place it. His traps and perks are meant to be constantly searching for survivors, and never camping them. Trip-wire is meant to make survivors more cautious of their footing, and try to use stealth more then looping. That is why the Prospector has little to no ability for aura reading or to cross the map well, and why he relies on clever trip-wire placement. Coldwind will be difficult for him, but Lery's will allow him to place a trap almost anywhere, for example.
The Map: The Quarry
-An old cursed Quarry left to fester and rot. No man dared to ever mine here once more. Those that did, never returned, and those that looked for answers to the disappearances, only found horror. The Curse was kind on those that never attempted to mine. But once you have that urge, the curse found you, and no one would see you alive again.
There was only one man who went to mine, and ever returned from that place. He came back without teeth or a leg, and when they asked him what happened, he only said three words. The Prospector came.
Even as the new age rolled in, and ghost hunters scoured the place, the place remained abandoned. The tales of the curse, far outweighed the tales of gold, because no treasure was worth your life.
-The Quarry should be a two part map.
-The outside: A section of quarry with a long creek running through it. Lighting should be similar to Coldwind, and look like it's daytime, but with a solar eclipse, and the moon blocking out the sun. Giving the entire area a golden glow.
-The Mine: A section of indoor-like areas similar to Lery's in layout, that is much darker and contain at least 2 generators.
-This two-part style of map, should be able to mix up the play-style of both survivors and killers and perks involved. For example, Huntress would have more open area to throw hatches better, or tight hallways where they're be harder to dodge. Most maps are only one of these things. Indoors or outside, and rarely mix the two, and quarry should be the first map to have a mix.
Special Features:
-Creek: Water isn't used very much or at all in any maps, so allowing this one long stretch of ditch, would allow survivors to duck down into it, or allow killers like hillbilly to run down it.
-Eclipse: The entity is all about the moon, and we never see the sun, so thinking of a visual style for a solar eclipse, would allow the entity's power to be truly shown. That it's influence can even blot out the sun's light.
-The Mines: This mixture of bright outside, and dark inside, allows for survivors and killers to mix up their play-style and hunting style. No one specific action will be better then another. You have to play smarter as both.
The Survivor, Anita, The Historian
-Anita, since she was a little girl, always loved stories of the past. History was her greatest love. So much so she never had a family. She had gone to college and worked towards ever diploma that involved history that she could.
Then she began her career as a historian. Scouring books, artifacts and places for knowledge of the past. It was relatively easier for her to rack up accomplishments, and find new exhibits for museums, and she was well known in the community around the world.
But Anita knew the stories of history, that with every rise there came a fall. She soon became a person people came to to help make of their minds. For a time she curated a museum, and eventually she passed the torch to the next generation. Teaching classes and seminars.
Anita was happy. She had got exactly what she wanted in life and was proud of her accomplishments. So when a student reached out to her for her help on a gold rush study, she happily agreed.
The more she delved into the history of the Klondike, the more something caught her eye. A brief mention here or there. Like rumours on the wind. A use for a word to describe something that was a monster, not a man.
So feeling her blood pumping in her veins, she chased the Prospector. Across the places that his legend had been whispered about. Despite her student overcome with the new workload, she pushed forward. Seeking the truth, the history.
The student, never saw Anita again. No one did. The old mines of the Klondike weren't all safe. The wilderness they sat next too, wasn't always quiet. So Anita was never found.
For Anita awoke in a new place. Far different from where she had come from. The Campfire and the moonlight. There she found survivors, and she knew even if she'd die here, that she'd loved every minute of what came next.
-Anita should be on the gray side of an adult woman. With gray hair tied back in a bun. Faded eye colour and glasses. Wearing college professor clothes, with a hint of them been used for dirty work. She should be confident and prideful.
Hex Maniac:
-Your hunger for knowledge makes you obsessed with artifacts. Your ability to cleanse totems, allows you to disable hex totems without notifying the killer within a certain distance.
-Like sabotage, should add a secondary option to destroy totems. Silent Cleanse. Allowing survivors to choose to announce their presence or not.
-This should allow you to safely escape from a totem location, when you destroy a hex totem.
Professor's Knowledge:
-Your knowledge of the history of people, allows you to predict the actions of people.
-Using a map grants you the ability to track survivors or killers you've met.
-Rank 1-3, Allows you to track the last survivor you met.
-Rank 2-3, Allows you to track the last two survivors you met.
-Rank 3, Allows you to track the last three survivors you met, and track the killer if they are nearby.
The Art of War:
-Your knowledge of war gives you great insight. Attrition is key to winning, you saved your energy and now you wish to face the entity directly. Your ability to survive a stage 2 hook is increased, as well as the struggle is more lenient.
-The entity takes longer to kill you on the hook during struggle phase. The length is increased with rank. You shouldn't HAVE to press the space bar as frequently. (You won't die from a slight frame skip.)
-Anita should make up for a lack of older women amongst the survivors. She's knowledgeable and smart, and her perks should reflect this. She is not a fighter, she's not strong or agile. But she is clever, and should be able to stealth better then anyone, because she has more knowledge then them.
The Forsaken Son
This chapter idea is an idea to break current meta builds present in both killers and survivors. Looping and camping can be pretty common. But also allows a solo survivor to gain some knowledge that SWF parties may already have. It would require a re-balance on how totems spawn, but should improve the idea of stealth over looping.
The other idea is to expand on the concepts of map design and lore. Mixing up map layouts for an experimental layout for possible future map ideas. Then also what can be done with maps that can be linked with the entity.
Feedback is welcome. I'd love to balance the perks to be better.
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I think that the perk Professor's Knowledge would actually work better as a new add-on for the map that lets you see the auras of survivors within the map's radius. This is mainly because the perk is specific to one item. This could be said about saboteur, but that perk can be used without a toolbox as well.
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SolarFoxVB said:
I think that the perk Professor's Knowledge would actually work better as a new add-on for the map that lets you see the auras of survivors within the map's radius. This is mainly because the perk is specific to one item. This could be said about saboteur, but that perk can be used without a toolbox as well.
But yeah. Might be an underutilized perk unless the person already has a map from the lobby.
I'll have to rethink it. Thanks for the comment.0