Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What happened to this being fun?

Where has the fun gone out of this game? Match after match after match no matter if I play killer or survivor the people I go up against are complete sweatlords. They aren't there to make the game fun for the other people they are playing with. Killers constantly camp/slug/tunnel, even when playing swf (non comms) and the other survivors try to protect against the killer and take hooks etc killers just aren't interested they just want to tunnel someone out the game! Then as killer against survivors they are either totally unproductive and just want to bully the killer or literally just have come in with full toolboxes/bnp and prove thyself. Where's the gameplay? 😓

Never mind the fact I had someone as a killer in a 'tournament mindset' this shouldn't even be in the regular servers literally queueing up for a game for it to be over in 3/4 minutes cos they just go in hard. I know people won't agree with me and most likely these people are the culprits.

If you have nothing of value to add to the conversation then don't I would like a genuine discussion about it.



  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    I've been having a pretty good run of fun games recently. There are always some sweat lords on the survivor and killer side but mainly it's been pretty good. If I was going to have a complaint it's that people are actually just not very tactical on the whole. The number of times I watch my teammates just run around like headless chickens while someone leads a killer on a 2-minute chase is crazy high.

    As for the tunneling I have seen lots of posts about this but I haven't noticed a change at all in the last few months. I'm only rank 8 but from 20-8 I have been tunneled maybe 5 times and some of those were likely because I had found a key in a chest or was simply looping the killer enough to get them tilted.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I'm happy you have had a fun time at least there is still some decent players out there! And yes the headless chicken thing is too true! As a solo survivor I see it all too often and often get left on a hook til second stage

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    Honestly I think people actually get off on it, the fact they don't even hide it either. I don't get how they get through the anti-cheat thing

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Some people have fun trying their best to win. Do I? No but that doesn’t mean we should invalidate their way of play

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    How dare people try to win at a game! They're truly monsters, don't they know that them trying makes it harder for you to win? I'm sorry you had to go through that, with any hope someday people will realize that the only appropriate way to play against you is to blindfold themselves and randomly smack the keyboard.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I'm not a fan of camping tunneling etc or SWF gen rushing. However it's not against the rules so who am I to tell anyone that they can't play the game however they want to play it?

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Because some of us find it fun to always play wide open and there's nothing wrong with that.

    You will never shame me into NOT always playing to win. It's just the way I'm wired, deal with it.

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    if You want to have fun play KYF with the same mentality of fun, some people may find it fun to gen rush or tunnel and camp. I do it sometimes. It’s not particularly ruining fun for others. Like there’s no actual rule to say who can’t do this or who can do that. You want to camp then do so or even tunnel or even gen rush. You can have fun it you make it fun.

    I’ll do it for you.

    “like I said, If you have nothing of value to add to the conversation then don’t”

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I don't sweat I can't be bothered to sweat it supposed to be a fun game.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    Did I actually say they can't? I asked where the fun went...

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I'm not shaming anyone I asked where the fun went if you think I am then that's your own issue. Deal with it

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think you just got burnt out like I have. Win or lose I don't really have fun anymore, on either side. Just feels by the numbers. I'm taking a break from the game and hoping it'll resonate with me when I come back.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I never said they can't I just want to know when in became unfun to play. Yes everyone has a different opinion of what's fun but seriously it's becoming ridiculous

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I was actually considering your opinion until you did that at the end. Shame you can't have a grown up conversation

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I didn't say you did. I was speaking in general about the game as a whole. Not you personally.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    Yeah something like this can surely be implemented when they have stuff for MMR even if its not currently working

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot, reading your message was tedious. I was asking where the fun went and wasn't bothered with people and bullshit answers. I've actually had people that understand where I'm coming from so it isn't just me that's the problem. There is no reason to get into an argument about things if you disagree with what I say move on. You don't have to try and be a smart ass.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I don't know I love the game and I don't play it half as much as I did because of the state its in.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Same boat. Frustrated with the new content being lackluster. Devs spending time on things like Billy's overheat and Breakable walls instead of things that are actually wanted, slow update/bug fix cycle, etc.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Ok? You have chosen unrealistic fantasy world where you blame your lack of fun on OTHER people and the game itself. My obligation to help you has been satisfied. One can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Just remember the old saying, "wherever you go, there you are." I hope you do find your fun again, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Their having fun, just because you aren't isn't their problem. It's an online game so long as they are playing within the rules they can play however they like. If you don't like that then you're best suited to offline games where you don't have to play with other people.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Because survivors have been nerfed for 5 years non-stop. It is balanced for killrush killer vs. 4 man SWAT sweat teams. If you are neither of these, step aside because you don't matter.

    Killer is way too overpowered for anything less than a 4 man SWF genrush team. It's not a fun game any more because of having to genrush as fast possible with no interaction in the game. If you are wanting to play to have fun then you will lose.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    Winning and winning decisively are fun for a lot of people. You need to make your own fun in Dead by Daylight. The only thing anyone else in the game owes you, whether killer or survivor, is to not cheat, use exploits and not say offensive or disgusting things in chat. Other than that, expecting people to play the way you want them to is pretty self-centered tbh.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,771

    I've been having way more fun as of late, and caring WAYYY less about my match results.

    Surprisingly, my results have improved astronomically!

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    Kirkylads initial comment was a valid point to have a discussion about, yet you told him it wasn’t...

  • Cele
    Cele Member Posts: 63

    Solo survivor has been rougher than ever for me recently. The killers are sweatier and random teammates are worse than ever. Every second match there is someone who suicides on first hook and in teammates going down in 5 seconds.

    And during prime time the matchmaking is putting me with rainbow teammates....

    I would que as killer but I'm not interested in matching with 3k hours sweatlords running SWF on comms. Actually, that might still be better than this

    Honestly, im not having fun at this point and I'm only committing because I bought the premium pass

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    Especially given how your second paragraph was basically complaining that somebody like myself shouldn't be on regular servers.

    Even if you got your separate q's, what's stopping a sweatlord from sitting in the Casual Q anyway and ruining your fun? What you are essentially hoping for is objectively impossible to enforce

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • pigsaag
    pigsaag Member Posts: 206

    fun, what fun. this is a job. take it or leave it. now seriously, they have hanged the word fun in the streets.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    good question my friend but this game being for fun died about 4 years ago. I try to have fun with it but I feel like I'm in the minority on that one

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited April 2021

    Heh. I'm always under an obligation when I hear a cry for help. That is what your posts always sound like, an angry, helpless child wailing lost in a Department Store. When I see these posts I do feel obligated to try and help, but there is only so much one can do if someone refuses any help tossed their way. However, since you were so polite and told me to "shut up" I just have to respond. It is my shallow nature. Let's look way back to roughly eight months ago when you first appeared. We know exactly when you started playing because you dated yourself in one of your very first posts in August of last year. You said:

    "Hey so I'm new to DBD not even a week a lot of what your saying makes sense. I started off as killer played some survivor went back to killer. Yesterday was the worst day playing very toxic players mismatched in the system. One literally stood there and blinded me with a torch for a good minute... I get told I'm [BAD WORD], I get 360d all the time. And survivors blocking the hooks? Is that a thing? Also forgive me... Teabagging haha... I just want to play I'm not bothered if you survive if I get you I get you if I don't I don't but play fair!"

    That's odd, you don't sound like you are having much fun back then either. I took the liberty of going through your various posts and it came as no great surprise that you are unhappy in most of them. Going by your posts, I can't quite locate this time when the game used to be fun for you. So I have to ask, what is the basis of your comparison when you say the game is no fun now? I considered quoting all your posts or at least one from each month you made to thoroughly illustrate this point, but I suspect anyone who wants to listen to you lament DbD can quickly go look them up. What I found, taking just a few minutes to look into you deeper than your posts in this thread, is that you are a serial complainer. You have been one from the start. So please enlighten us; why are you still here?

    Post edited by Moundshroud on
  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I feel you, its terrible right solo survivor is hard!!!

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,536

    Please keep this thread on topic and don't insult other users - lets have a civil discussion about this without all the biting at one another, that doesn't solve anything!

    Thank you.


  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    tbh I don't care about rank or the result I just want fun I guess solo queue does make it a lot harder at times

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I'm not being self centered I wanted a discussion about it. I never at any point said they can't

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,771

    I find solo pretty fine....Unless the killer is literally facecamping someone, I'm almost guaranteed to at least safety pip during any match with 20k+ BP.

    I play solo primarily.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I mean really how many camping and tunneling threads are there going to be for killer mains really to stop doing this? I am sorry the days of saying "this doesnt happen that often", or "I only tunnel when I have to because four gens are done and I have downed no one" are over. Most (not all) killer mains do tunnel and camp, its in almost every damn game I play now. I am not exaggerating or making it up. I play a couple of hours a night and where I used to see camping and tunneling maybe in a game or so, now it is like every other game. It is just so dumb, its lazy game play solely to win, and it makes it less and less fun to play the game. It IS the reason I have gone from a few hours of play a day to maybe a game or two. Just last night the same damn Wraith killer (literally the same one) in two games hooks then goes invisible, sits by the hook only to get survivors who try to rescue. If you happen to get the save he goes right for the same unhooked survivor. Are some killer mains that bored and lazy that this is the go to move all the damn time????

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited April 2021

    Ditto. I actually enjoy Solo Que. There is something very satisfying about managing to communicate and coordinate with people in the game without Seal Team Six headsets in our ears. There is a purity to it. My current goal is to get to Rank-1 playing Solo. The closest I've gotten yet is Rank-3. I tend to slide between 3-5, having hit a wall for the time being.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    Exactly what I mean where is the fun in this, I know I'm not the only one out here that thinks the same. Larger penalties need to be introduced or something in game where the hook timer stops if the killer stays within a certain range or if they decide to start slugging everyone and you have been on the floor for over a minute then the survivor is able to get up because spending half the match on the floor is absolutely no fun at all. There has to be something that can be implemented to deter this kind of playstyle