we got it. (no more button mash while struggling on hook)

better late than never.
questions answered on twitter
- You'll lose a chunk of the bar each time you miss a skill check.
- Assuming you hit every skill check (which is fairly easy), the time is completely unchanged (60 seconds)
- It'll get slightly smaller each time, but they'll always be fairly large. The goal isn't to make struggling harder or make you get sacrificed faster, it's just to make it easier on your fingers (and buttons).
- At the moment, there's no plan to change the cage skill checks.
- Perks and powers that affect skill checks do not affect hook skill checks (much like Jigsaw Boxes).
extra. when asked about the trickter
There's some changes on the way. We're hoping to share more very soon.
RIP hook suicide.
23 -
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Personally I'm glad hook suicides are gone even if it means you can't help another survivor get the hatch. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good!
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you, on the hook, talking to the entity when you are trying to give hatch to a teammate
12 -
yeah i actually worry about that. if im the 2nd to last one alive and i want to give a teammate hatch idk how that'll be the case anymore.
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I long for the sweet embrace of death..of course the Entity won't give it to me 🥲
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There was one time I was struggling on a hook and the gates had been powered. My teammates had opened the gate and the killer (Ghostface) was camping me. They were stealth camping so I knew my teammates wouldn't know he was there, so when I saw they were coming for me I decided that instead of giving the killer more kills I suicided and made the other 3 leave (2 of them were on death hook already).
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Trickster buffs and no more button mashing are music to my ears.
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Yeah, once again something only done for Killers. There is nothing gained for Survivors that Hook Suicides are prolonged, someone who wants to suicide on hook will not play the game normally after getting unhooked.
At best, they go afk, at worst, they sandbag the Survivors who unhooked them. Yay.
4 -
I mean, this just means instant hook suicides won't work. A survivor can still miss their skill checks purposely and kill themselves if they want to but yes, no more instant hook suicide which is cool I guess.
I'm just happy I won't have to mash my space bar anymore because ugh my microphone picks that up really loud lol
1 -
It is 100% good for those who dont want to mash buttons. But it is bad that there is no option to suicide. And, as I said, only Killers benefit from that.
Someone who wants to suicide on Hook does not care about BPs and will probably not have fun in that game (because otherwise they dont want to suicide on Hook in the first place). So it does nothing to unhook those people, except that they might sandbag you afterwards.
If someone wants to suicide on hook, just let them. They wont be of use anyway, even if they are unhooked before suiciding.
The only benefit is for Killers, they avoid people suiciding to give others hatch (or at least prolong it), but thats about it.
4 -
So how would Camaraderie work with struggle?
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I don't think the benefits are purely exclusive to killer. I think there's a good amount of killers that slug for the 4k that probably wouldn't feel the need to do so if hook suiciding to open hatch wasn't a thing. In which case, this benefits the second to last survivor because they can get out of the game quicker in an overall sense.
6 -
The only benefit is for Killers
It is 100% good for those who dont want to mash buttons
no, you don't need a "die" button.
9 -
Oh well.
0 -
It's a quality of life change for survivors. It might have some negative side effects, but most people don't want to have to button mash like crazy. How does one turn this into "yet another improvement for killers"?
Not to mention the fact that suiciding only ######### up the rest of the team. So it's good if that's not possible anymore.
9 -
The thing is, it wont change anything. Someone who wanted to suicide will not continue playing normally. So it does not matter for the Survivors if that person is dead or still playing. If anything, it can get worse with them on the team.
Like, I have seen people following me the entire game trying to sandbag or throwing down every Pallet, when I (in the first case) or someone else (later case) got them before they suicided. Which is the main reason why I dont try that again, they are better of dead than sandbagging.
Talking only about Hook Suicides here. No need to understand me wrong on purpose.
3 -
Pogged out of my gourd
Devs are making some great changes lately. Wraith windstorm, Blight POV, hook struggle, keep 'em coming.
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It does not matter lol
You think who wanna suicide on hook will play game normal? That is just more points for killers.
They are really wanna make this game not fun. If i dont wanna stay in match i had to chance to leave. If i wanna sacrifice myself for my teammate i have to do. But no, lets make game more harder for solo-q.
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Generally it won't change anything, exactly, except that struggling will be much more beareable. I would also argue in general it's better if a survivor can't suicide anymore, since that ######### up the team just as much as just being afk. So it's not worse in any way.
In fact, it could help against camping killers, now that survivors can't suicide anymore they will at the very least be forced to keep the camping killer at least a bit occupied.
People starting to sandbag because of it could be annoying I guess, but that again just happens when you unhook them. And I doubt many people will do that. If anything they will just go afk, as you said, which isn't better or worse than just suiciding on hook except for the fact that, again, camping killers will have to stay at the hook a bit longer.
Survivors are a team, and it screws the team up when one survivors just suicides immediately. Now they at least don't get to just hop into the next match immediately.
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As long as they don't start breaking any rules, I'm okay with them not playing "normally." If they actively start sandbagging teammates, that's an easy record + report right there.
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Finally! My thumbs will be very thankful!
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If they wanna suicide they will not play normal. Just think about. If survivor wanna leave but cant leave because this change, what he/she will do? He will run around, possibly will waste all pallets and will make game worse for survivors. So that change is ridicilous. And that is not reportable because how you will prove that? Survivor can say i was just running around because i was scared. He will not get ban for that but he will run game for other survivors.
0 -
Recording. Duh. Pretty sure it's already been said in the past that doing that sort of thing constitutes griefing and is reportable, so it's not like the devs are going to easily take the Survivor at their word.
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Survivors that really don't want to stay in a game will just go afk or ruin the game for their teammates (throwing down pallets, missing skill checks, etc). I'm glad they decided to get rid of button mashing, but I don't think this is really going to change much.
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Record and report, my friend. Record and report.
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I actually don’t like the hook struggle change, to be completely honest. For me, now it’s just another task to sit there doing skill checks for. I sit for 80 seconds a gen doing skill checks. I heal - skill check, if I were to run Decisive Strike - skill check. Pyramid Head cages? Skill check. I hope they give us the option to switch between mashing and doing skill checks because I’m tired of doing them all the time. They’re not any more engaging than mashing a button, but at least with mashing a button, it’s something that’s different from what I’ve been doing the whole match. But that’s just me, my opinion doesn’t mean a whole lot, or anything really, in the grand scheme of things.
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I mean as it is now, struggling is just hitting 5 skill checks per second but if you miss one or the game lags you die.
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Dude how? I will be busy with other goals for escape. So you saying follow this survivor, record it and then report. How that will work? And you think they dont know that? They can still ruin game with rules. Run to killer and then start drop all pallets. You cant report that because on record survivor will seem like in chase. So i dont think that will gonna solve it. And that will make game worse for others. If they wanna die, they have to die. Then i can try harder, i dont need traitor on my games.
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Yay! I hate the button mashing so much.
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"Run to killer and then start drop all pallets. You cant report that because on record survivor will seem like in chase."
You think the devs won't see a Survivor following behind a Killer and dropping pallets after them? C'mon, give them a little more credit than that.
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Well i hope you are right but i have worries
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Nobody has mentioned that this could lead into potential perks in the future. Imagine a perk that slows the struggle process based off of tokens. Removing the skills checks as an added bonus.
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sadly u cant kill on hook fast now? thats a problem... sometimes u dont want to be in that game no more, imo that mechanic shouldnt be gone, pressing skillchecks is fine but if the survivor dont want to hit them like 2 in a row maybe 3 the entitiy should kill the survivor. in the end if a survivor dotn want to play the game he wont play the game, will be AFK or doing nothing productive at all, so makes no sense.
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Going to be so many more hook suicides.
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There's already a perk that pauses the hook timer when another survivor is nearby when in second stage.
While you are on the Hook in the Struggle Phase, Camaraderie activates. If another Survivor is within 16 metres of your Hook while Camaraderie is active, the Struggle Phase timer is paused for 26/30/34 seconds. (Source: dbd Wiki).
Really bad and situational perk though. Could be handy with a few buffs that don't require another survivor to be nearby though.
Also, I thought this post was a joke before clicking on it but I am pleasantly surprised!
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Just a suggestion that sounds like a good idea. How about to maintain suicide on hook we have a smaller skill check that you have to deliberately go for to suicide? Something like this red one I slapped in there.
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Hook suicides are just a bad idea to allow to begin with IMO.
4 -
I mean there are some strategic reasons to hook suicide, I myself have lost count of the times that I suicided to prevent my team from being stupid with alturism, or someone suicided once I found the hatch etc. There's elements of horror that ring very true with self-sacrifice, so it's even keeping with the theme of the horror genre to keep it in.
Sometimes we don't all get to go home, but as long as what we did mattered to those who yet live it was a life worth giving.
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No more loud and annoying mashing buttons which is good for survivors. Survivors who don't like to play against 23 specific killers will stop ruin game early and maybe some of them will learn that you always can comeback, which is good for their teammates. Less slugs for 4k which is also good for survivors.
Killers will get adepts easier, because they get more points. Killers can hook survivors whithout fear that he suicide and give hatch to his teammate.
So this update is good for both sides, but more for survivors. 60/40%
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If u still want to suicide on hook to give someone the hatch you can just DC and take an actual penalty now + give the remaining survivor and killer a quitter bonus I guess.
I feel like that's actually better bcuz it punishes the people who decide to do it with a DC penalty / eventual ban if they do it too much, no?
Regardless this won't affect me personally bcuz I want all my struggle points lol
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It will be a skillcheck that you should avoid if you don't want to die. Bad idea. It may cause a lot of unintended suicides.
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The only reason I actually consider even a tiny bit strategic is doing so to give the last person a shot at the hatch, and while it's a bit of a shame that such a thing will be more difficult, I think not allowing hook suicides to begin with is worth losing that.
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Nice. 4 years later.
Hopefully by 2045 we'll get the pallet bug addressed.
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% 60 good for survivors? LOL
I have to fight against killer and now they will add traitor survivor who wanna leave but have to stay because of new system. This survivor will not be useful, maybe will crounch around. Yes really good for survivors.
That will work only for killerside. They can get more points now. Noone will suicide, so killer will not lose anything. % 100 killerside update.
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My Xbox controller is very pleased with this news.
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Players still can suicide. Force the second hook state, don't try with skill checks - and they're free to go.
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People will just walk away if they want to suicide.
Only thing is now killers will get more hook actions and Survivors a chance to get saves. But, don't think those that want to suicide are suddenly going stick around because of skill checks
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True. BT is going to be even more present. EZ farm and game design. Fix an issue, create another.
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Days when the dev's prove that they're actually capable of making good decisions is always pleasantly surprising to me.