Do you remember your first match?

I didn't have much knowledge of the game before downloading (only got it in August 2020 when crossplay became a thing), so I went in to my first match not knowing what to expect.
I remember it very well.. Midwich map with Oni... I spent most of it hiding in a locker and praying for it to be over...
Just makes me think how far I've come after just looping Oni around Haddonfield for 10 minutes!
It was a 1 v 1 with my friend, he played huntress and I was david. It was the first time either of us played because of the free weekend on ps4 and it later led to my crippling dbd addiction.
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I was a trapper on Lery's, and I didn't get to hit anybody because I literally grabbed everybody out of a locker when they got 20 AFK crows.
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It was maybe June of 2018.
4 man SWF (3 were rank 1's one was a Rank 20) all Claudette's with flashlights. Got bullied while playing Wraith, killed the Rank 20 and got harrassed by messages for the next 3 hours.
Didn't touch the game for a while.
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As Survivor:
Not counting the time I played for 2 minutes and spent a minute in a locker against a Huntress....
My first match was on Lery's. It was against a Spirit. This was old Lerys, not new Lerys by the way. I was Dwight, and I think the perk I brought with me was Prove Thyself. Or maybe I didn't have a perk at all. I got half a gen done, and was proud of myself. I spent most of the match completely lost, having no idea where I was going. I got to the exit gate and didn't realize there was a second one. The gate didn't get opened, and I died on my first hook.
As Killer:
I played Spirit on Red Forest and had no idea what I was doing. I spent the entire match trying to phase through a wall. I don't think I got a single hit.
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Huntress on Azarov's Resting Place. I remember wishing that I was faster, and making lots of missed shots.
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One of my oldest matches I can recall was as Claudette on Father Campbell's chapel. I'm not sure if it was my first match, but it was definitely around there. I remember crouching around the top of the chapel most of the match whilst completely ignoring the objective because I was too scared of being found lol. I'm pretty sure the killer was clown but my mind is too blurry.
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I don't remember at all.
I know my first Survivor was Dwight, so it must've been a Dwight match.
Also must've been MacMillan Estate, cause it was beta.
And it must've been against a Trapper, cause beta.
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My first game was as David against a Hag. I spent the entire game hiding and was super proud I made it out through the exit gate after I was the last one alive and she closed the hatch, but in hindsight I realize I was high-key a useless teammate. This dates from the era where I was still scared of killers and wanted to avoid being found at all costs. Seems hard to imagine now.
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Mine was on PC, got a message on my profile saying I was the worst team mate ever, first ever game lol. I didn't know what I was doing or what skill checks were or how they worked, didn't know how to run the killer or anything. Of course I was the worst team mate at that point.
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As a surv, don't recall. As Piggy ohhhhh yes a 4-man brought me to Haddenfield and took everything, including my wallet and left shoe. The messages after actually contained useful tips and not really saltiness looking back on it.
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My 1st match was an infinite loading screen.
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I think I was a Dwight with no perks or anything, this was before the 2.0 update where characters actually started off with their perks so I was just the most default survivor. I'm pretty sure that my match was on Groaning Storehouse and I think I might've actually escaped.
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I was playing Dwight with my friend and I just held W and was freaking out against a trapper who was freakin me out.
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It was as survivor with my other friend who got me to play the game, I was Bill on Hawkins against a Doctor, surprisingly I was the 3rd person to die and not the 1st
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My first match was on Fractured Cowshed against a Wraith. I was playing Claudette with tier one SC and I died pretty quick into the match, but a few matches later got me really hooked to this game.
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I was Hillbilly... and I was against four flashlight Dwight's. No idea what I was doing and didn't know what flashlights were.
I lost badly.
Next game I facecamped a Laurie and thought "WOW! This is easy! Why doesn't everyone do this for an easy kill?"
She and the others that game were so nice about it too, congratulating the baby killer on their first kill. ♡
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Mine was hillbilly game. Survivors kept fast vaulting into lockers and I was getting chainsaw hits when I was just using it for mobility
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My first truly memorable match was when I had a long stand off with a Wraith as Claudette. It was the Maximillian Ironworks map, I hid myself in the building on the second floor, saw the hatch from the window and made a leap of was a second later when I noticed the cloaked Wraith standing next to it. From the Wraith's point of view, Claudette just fell from the sky and yeeted herself into the hatch.
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First match..still have the trophy.
2017, Lerys, after watching my daughter play I agree to join. We get our asses kicked, they all die, I run, turn the corner and jump into the hatch.
First game, first escape, first trophy. Proceed to laugh and tell my daughter and her friends how EZ this game is, lol.
Been a long time
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It was December of 2018.
As a survivor, my first game was as Claudette against a Huntress. Or maybe that was my second game. I don't really know, it is hard to say. All that I know is that I was scared to death, but at the same time I was enjoying the experience. After a few games, I decided to switch to killer.
As a killer, my first game was as Old Freddy on Torment Creek. I don't exactly remember what happened on that trial, of if I even managed to sacrifice someone. But I do remember that I instantly fell in love with the "killer experience" and Old Freddy's power, so I kept playing for hours on end.
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I was Hillibilly. It was a free weekend on Ps4. I did know this game from youtube, so i slaughtered all survivors bc they had no idea how the game worked.
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Nope. It was during the beta, so almost five years ago now.
Most likely played as Jake, though, and obviously against the Trapper (only Killer available) on the MacMillan Estate (only Realm available).
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kinda, i was playing claudette, dont remember against WHO, and i do remember the realm, was the very old BloodLodge, or maybe not Bloodlodge but it was one of Azarov realms....what i do remember is that i escaped like 4 times in a row before dying because i saw many videos of people playing the game before buying it. but i dont remember if it was agaisnt a trapper or a myers back in mid 2018.
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I decided to buy DBD for both myself and a friend since Friday The 13th was dying more and more everyday which led to my first match on Haddonfield as Meghead. It was against a Clown and I believe I died that match because I had no idea what I was doing.
I just remember genuinely being scared, running around with a smile plastered on my face while screaming in horror for my friend to come help me. The good ol' days.
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Yes, a friend that got me and 3 others interested set up a KYF lobby to introduce us to the game. I got put on a hook and while the player with some experience tried to explain that I shouldn't attempt escape and that I should be ready to mash spacebar I managed to die on the hook 😄. We all had a good laugh at that and I still play with two of the people that were in that match on a regular basis.
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My first survivor match was as Dwight, I spent so much time trying to heal a Kate running No Mither.
First killer match was Trapper on Family Residence. I remember feeling overwhelmed by all the sound notifications going off, but I still got a 4k because the survivors were also rank 20.
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2018 I was Feng against doctor on the game map. Never once looked behind me. I either led him on long chases or he was farming shock points either way it was a great game (maybe not for the others playing because I could only find one generator all game) that led eventually to 3 man escape with me getting hatch.
The next match I threw pallets against a nurse and was killed instantly. Also alot of Myers were instakilling people at that time as well. Fun fun.
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My first match was as David King on either Groaning Storehouse or Ironworks of Misery (can’t remember exactly which one) against Wraith. I died so fast and only held W and was scared for my life.
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My first match was Oct 12, 2018. Solo survivor as David with We're Gonna Live Forever (tier 1) on Autohaven Wreckers against a Hillbilly. (No, my memory isn't that good, I recorded it. lol) I spent a lot of time crouching around the map at first. I got a little bolder as it went on, walking and sometimes even running. I tried to work on gens, made a hook save, and failed almost every skill check. Totally died. We only got one gen done all match.
My first match as killer was six days later. Trapper on Groaning Storehouse with Brutal Strength (tier 1). The first person I downed disconnected as I carried them to a hook. The second survivor downed got off my shoulder because I sucked at getting them to a hook. The third survivor I downed disconnected not longer after they got off the hook, I dunno why, I was chasing someone else at the time. I hooked one of the remaining survivors, and the last one seemed to just give up. So, it was a totally meaningless 4k. I got almost 10k points, that's how crap the match was.
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I was Claudette at Thompson house with t1 Self Care. I was too terrified to do anything other than stay crouched and cautiously sneak everywhere.
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I remember it was against a farming Hag that stood ion place with the m1s, I don't want to count that as my first match so the Next match it was Old Legion that has the Old toxics Add Ons... I was like why the f am I going down so fast??! Damn I want to a Killer now.
That Toxic Legion with the Cold Dirt and Frank Mix Tape motivated me to be a Killer Main as I thought every Killer was that powerful.
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I think so. One of my earliest memories was playing Bill on coal tower against wraith in early 2017. I think I managed to do a gen, but I was hiding in lockers for a good portion of the match lol. Literally everytime I got out of the locker I would hear the killers terror radius and get right back in for like a minute straight, the afk crows started to show up. I think I left early that game so I could just say that my first game was an escape.
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It was in May of 2020. I played as Nea and went against a Deathslinger. It was on the Disturbed Ward map. I helped get a couple of gens (one of them being the achievement based one)done and was the last survivor left. He downed me and let me crawl out the hatch to escape. Got three achievements in one match for that. Been hooked on the game ever since.
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All I remember of it was that I was Dwight and got found, downed, and hooked in the basement in what felt like 20 seconds against Wraith. That was the end of my first match as I attempted to unhook myself.
It was a pretty terrible experience.
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I knew the game since May 2016, so a few weeks before the launch. Only got to buy it in December the same year. However, I had huge knowledge of the game beforehand.
I launched the game. It took me 8 hours to get me in it, since my old laptop was trash and it couldn't even run the game. However, my cousin, a programmer, manged to fix it after all that time. As I got in a match, I was on ultra automatically. 8 fps, managed to get it to low 0% res. 25 fps (and yes, out of my 1000 hours, around 700-800 happened on 25 fps)
I was Meg, on the asylum. I remember that although I knew I should look behind when chased, loop the killer and stuff, I didn't. I was so damn scared that would drop pallets every time I saw one. It took me like 24 hours to learn how to look behind, for us, the more experienced players it is easy to do so, but it is actually pretty hard to do it as a beginner if you think about it. My firsr killer match was Nurse, 0k. I think only in January I managed to firstly get kills or escape.
I have so much nostalgia when I think about everything that happened in the game. I remember how I felt when I learnt that in the full game there will be a killer that can down you with one hit---scary. I thought new killers would look like trapper, they would just be able to become invisible or use a chainsaw. I don't miss the suffocation pit infinite tho.
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I remember when I first started I played as Kate first because that was the daily the game decided to give me when I first started. First game was against a Doctor. Being the noobiest that a noob could possibly be, I hadn't the faintest idea ######### I was up against and was royally terrified and confused. Didn't know anything about the Doctor, much less his addons, so I completely fell for the effect that creates the fake red stain and terror radius. Probably ran around for a solid minute before I started to get suspicious and actually looked behind me. Lo and behold, no Doctor. I had been running from nothing for god knows how long. Proceed to discover the Snap Out of It prompt and learn that struggle. Pretty sure I ended up getting sacrificed in the end, but I still distinctly remember that facepalm when I realized I fell for the illusion completely and totally for like a minute.
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I don't remember any particular moments. It was really long ago.
I remember I was never affraid of terror radius, and got to run away only when killer was going right to me. Should I say it always ended bad?
Bubba was a new killer and I always lose to him badly. I was actually thinking it's op pay to win killer. Then I bought him and figured his weaknesses.
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Killer found me in locker. Then i tried to escape on hook. And then i did not know i have to spam space. And i died. It was fun game.
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I don’t remember but I do remember that I was terrified af 😱
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Yep. It was on MacMillan, I don't remember which map variation though. Killer was a Nurse that let me and the other survivors out through gate
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Yep, a game with three other friends vs a Wraith. Got stuck in a gen and had to DC, good times.
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my first game was as david against wraith on gideon meat plant
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In late 2018, during the Hallowed Blight event, a custom game with only my friend and I. He played Nurse and I played Claudette (he recommended Claudette because Self-Care was considered to be the best perk in the game back then and her dark clothing was good). He demonstrated to me the basics, such as windows, pallet stunning, skill checks, etc.
It was also during the free weekend on Steam. A friend (who didn't actually play the game) gifted me the game later on December 2018 when the Legion released.
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I was playing Spirit.
I thought Survivors cleansing Haunted Grounds was a bad thing, so I greatly prioritized it over everything.
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huntress on the game. I earned 3k bp.
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I don't remember my first match but I do remember that my friends got me into a private match so 2 of us could learn the game mechanics. It was auto haven and we were all on audio (including the killer). Just so you know, I didn't want to play this game because I found it scary.
He was playing with piggy and kept on singing "I seeee youuu" and "I'm coming for youuu" in a very eery voice that scared the hell out of me. I kept screaming and made it scary but in a fun way. So here I am...
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First match was as wraith on Lery’s with some friends, first public match was as Ghost Face on Badham. I’m pretty sure I just stayed crouched all game as Ghost Face
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well, i was more lost than a fish in a barrel. and when i play survivor. i was a new bee in a hive. LOST
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Wraith on a Macmillan map in January 2017. Back when rank was bugged so rank 20s were weirdly likely to go against rank 1s specifically. It's a wonder I kept playing after that first match I got dumpstered so bad...that was back when you didn't get perks until level 5 either so perkless, old Wraith.