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Hook Suicides

Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

hey all,

a rather short (looking back at it after writing it, it wasnt that short after all - ive added a short TL;DR at the bottom ^^), rantish kind of post today, so my apologies for that.

so ive been playing quite a bit of survivor recently. obviously my main goal is getting the tome challenges done, so ive been doing that a lot lately.

however, throughout the games ive played as a survivor i made two observations (they tie into one another, so they are based on the same thing):

1) hook suicides are VERY common with solo survivors

2) a vast majority of my games that the killer got a 3 - 4k are because of someone suiciding on hook early on. more often than not, with a functioning team (you know, one where no one ragequits at 5 gens), the killer got 0 - 2 kills (unless we threw last second and started a basement party ofc - not that that would ever happen of course. ahem anyway...)

why is it that so many people feel the need to suicide early on into the game?

at least to me, this is the main thing that ruins the solo survivor experience: teammates that just refuse to participate and quit, leaving everyone else behind to die.

yeah certain killers arent the most fun to play against or sometimes you meet your occasional hardcamper / tunneler / slugger, but none of those instances are even close to the amounf of people i see suiciding on hooks.

wasnt the whole point of the DC penalty system to force people to keep playing the game they queued up for? im not saying hook suicides were as frequent as DCs were back in the day - that would just be an absurd statement - but they are still way, way too common and imho there should be a penalty for it.

that doesnt have to be as big as the DC penalty, but when someone repeatedly suicides on hook early on imo its best for them, and everyone that has to play with them (and gets forced into an instant lose scenario due to their actions), if they were to take a little break from the game.

and just to be clear: i am NOT talking about someone not struggeling to give their mate hatch or sthg like that. i am soley talking about those who will suicide on hook immediately when they are caught, usually pretty early on into the game, ruining the experience for not only their fellow survivors, but (at least in my case) also the killer. at that point its no better than when someone DCed back in the day.

my suggestion:

make hook suicides reportable. I'm not saying someone who hook suicided once or twice should get banned immediately, however if you hook suicided like 5 (or more) times in like two hours, maybe you should be taking a break. at that point you basically left more games early than you had time to complete, so why are you even playing?

so please stop hook suiciding, if you are someone who does it. you're ruining everyone elses game. I dont want penaltys to be necessary, but sadly they are - and YOU can change that!

welp, thats about it.

thanks for reading, sorry that it was such a rantish post of mine - but hook suicides really get my blood boiling.

anyway, whats your take on the topic? do you too hate hook suicides too or do you think they are fine / dont care? do you think my suggestion is good or bad? i'd like to hear your thoughts on this!

have a good day / night!


hook suicides suck the fun out of DbD and imho they should be a reportable and ultimately bannable offense. if you queue up to play the game, you should be playing it and allow everyone else to have the chance of playing a normal game aswell.

please stop hook suiciding.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thats correct, but it wont stop them running after the killer, demanding to get sacrificed afterwards.

    though that already is an reportable / bannable offense, so maybe you're right and its going to change things up more drastically than i expect it to...

    i really, really hope so at least.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Can we STOP whining about hook suicides.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    We don't have to; hook suicides are going to take a hit with the upcoming changes to the struggle mechanic. :P

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Nah it will wont solve anything. If survivor wanna suicide and leave game, that survivor will not be useful. And possibly will run game. If i have choice i would choice them dead, then they cant punish us because stayed in game.

  • NeaMainNoob
    NeaMainNoob Member Posts: 21

    Yeah.... No,

    Hook suicides literally Ruin a Match you have One less teammate and sometimes they kill themselves so early that there are still 5 gens left which makes it way harder for the remaining survs to complete them.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    though such behavior could be seen as sandbagging the team, which would be a bannable offense again.

    you see, most of what they can do to "quit" without hook suiciding is something they can be reported for - run into the killer on purpose to get killed, AFK, sandbag, etc.

    so by not letting them suicide we could potentially force them to participate normally - or at least be a bit usefull and AFK on gens.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    considering ive had roughly half of my games today ruined by someone hook suiciding, no i wont stop.

    its a problem in the game that imho needs to be addressed rather sooner than later.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    not really, some games are extemely annoying for some survivors. especially when they get slugged too often, going against spirit, nurses u sometiems feel u cant do nothing and survivors go down in 20 seconds each or so, of course im not enjoying, ill leave, and ill find a normal decent match.

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    I posted something about this, a -1 point for a certain plater or +1 for being a good or bad teamate or killer cuz it would give rewards for being a good teamate or killer not being scummy and toxic, and while it would be easily exploitable to do to ppl who does something you dont like the -1 would be cool to give feedback on some players

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    If someone doesn't wanna play the game then they don't wanna play the game and you can't make them. Ban them? sure, but do you really think they can handle all the reports? that they will go through each obne of them? Are you gonna need 3 million reports for them to look into them? Point is, nothing is going to happen.

    Also, I don't blame some of them for suiciding sometimes. What I wonder is how someone still plays solo survivors. Masochism is strong.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    I would be okay with it being something that had to stack to do anything. I would say that with the dc penalty being implemented things have been better but not perfect. Honestly the new hook struggle is good but like if somebody doesn’t want to keep playing they’re not going to. Make it so that they receive the equivalent of a DC temp ban after 5+ purposeful deaths on first hook within a certain time frame of a few hours.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    If someone doesn't wanna play the game then they don't wanna play the game and you can't make them.

    thats exactly the thing people said to defend DCs.

    if you queue up for a game, play it. if you dont want to play, dont queue up in the first place.

    but dont queue up for a match and then ruin it for everyone else.

    regarding the reports, you might be right. maybe my idea isnt the best - but that doesnt mean we shouldnt do anything. a replay function for matches would be great that would also allow someone who reports sthg to timestamp the offense, so the support team can quickly go in and see whats happening.

    whether we make it reportable or not, in the end im happy for as long as i get to play a normal game. and in order for that to be the case, hook suicides need to be addressed.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the single most annoying thing i have seen as a survivor is someone suiciding at 4 or 5 gens.

    if you queued up for a match, play it.

    dont just quit when YOU dont have fun, as that is going to ruin the match for the other 4 players you were playing with.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    the killer is ruinning the fun for everyone when playing like that, im not having fun im leaving that simple, i dont mind being pushed but when u get those sweaty lords, let them enjoy their 4k without people trying to play the game. just leave to have fun in a real match :)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you are aware that you are not the only person playing this game and that by quitting you ruin the experience for four, not one, four other people, right?

    that is a very selfish view you portrait here.

    you are not the only one playing this game, you are definitely not the most important one and its by far not just your fun that matters here (especially since the entirety of "fun" is subjective - so saying its okay to quit whenever you dont have your own definition of fun is just a horrible statement, as people would DC over literally everything again).

    if you queue up for a match, play it. yes, even if that means losing. that is part of the game, that doesnt make it any less of a "real match". but dont just quit anytime something happens you dont like, as you are robbing all your fellow survivors the chance of an escape with that action.

    stop thinking only about yourself and maybe start thinking about the other players you play this game with.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i already gave u my answer, why keep with responding? not like gonna change my mind or anything like that, this is not an objective point where i can agree with proper data.

  • HexSweetie
    HexSweetie Member Posts: 73

    Plays against a hacker


    Hook Suicide=Even more penalty


    Reporting=No Action

    yeah no. at this point we are forcing which adds more toxicity.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I like it when survivors suicide, speeds up my 4k and ######### over their team. Same goes for quitters, I love seeing the zero on the scoreboard.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    if you have a legitimate reason to DC - such as a hacker, you can always contact DbD Support ( ) so they can look into it and, if necessary, unban you. also, if you have a hacker no one in your team is going to report you for quitting.

    and yes, reports do matter.

    even if you dont get notified that someone you reported has been banned, people do get banned for offenses, such as cheating.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    So you want to punish someone by not playing a match by making them unable to play at all. That will probably just make them not want to play the game and play something else, losing a player. I don’t want to be punished for hook suiciding if I’m tunneled and camped right at the beginning of a match by a spirit shaking her head at me. Which happened recently. I was unable to play or even touch a gen. But sure, punish me for wanting to leave.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    You could have kept her busy while your team won the game, bro, it's a couple minutes. It's really hard to camp when gens start popping, and if they killer does, your team wins. You can't hang out 2 minutes to help your team win?

    As a Bubba main, I've had survivors suicide or DC because they THOUGHT I was going to camp. Sometimes I pretend I'm going to just to see if they'll immediately quit. I can get the advantage of a losing strategy without any losing, that's what you're giving camping killers.

    I get that being camped isn't fun, camping isn't either, punish it instead of rewarding it. Worst case scenario, you take one for the team and get 8k bp instead of zero. It's just a couple minutes.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I got off hook twice. They managed to get me with her camping me. She tunneled me and put me right back on the hook. Also whats in it for me? I don’t get any rewards or anything for my team completing and playing the match while I press x. So let everyone else have fun and gain BP and such while I do nothing, get no enjoyment from the experience, and gain no rewards. On top of that if I do hook suicide I get punished for it by this poster’s standards

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,719

    If you submit video evidence with a customer support ticket to accompany your report the cheaters pretty much always get banned, I always check the steam profiles of cheaters after they resolve my ticket and they always have a game ban on record on their steam profile after the ticket.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yes. instead of ruining everyone elses experience i'd rather have them not play at all.

  • ultraaaaah
    ultraaaaah Member Posts: 2

    I'm gonna be honest.

    There's no real reason to force someone to keep playing a game they don't want to.

    I'm sorry team, but if I had the killer chasing me for 5 minutes and you still didn't even progress in one generator don't expect me to keep playing.

    Someone who doesn't wants to play isn't gonna do well, and someone who doesn't do well is worse than a dead teammate.