Why are hatch standoffs still aren't fixed?

I had a game just now where this happened.
As you can see, the killer can't hit the survivor or close the hatch, because claudette can just open it and escape. And the claudette can't escape because the nurse is bodyblocking so it is impossible.
I don't get why this is still a thing in 2021. Literally one line of code can fix this, make it so that if the killer closes a hatch, the survivor can't open it back up for 45 seconds, or they can't open it back up ever. I don't know when that key rework is coming, but god damn. at least give us a band aid fix until then. This game ended when claudette just let herself get killed after doing 2 nearby gens.
Claudette can just do a gen. When the nurse hits her, she can use the hatch.
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Blame keys.
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Or just don't body block & accept that she escaped
I see far too much hatred for survivor attempts at body blocking but when killers do it y'all think it's a part of the constitution
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Yeah, just accept that survivor won even though they only did one gen, nothing weird here.
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When a killer knows where the hatch is they will slug for the 4k. The only counter to this is keys, so just accept that you can't 4k everytime.
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The survivor didn't "win"
They would have escaped via a game acceptable means without body blocking. Also with minimal points & a probable de-rank.
Then when they get slugged / camped next match they're expected to accept that too. Easy.
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Im not talking about the hatch alone which is already an unfair and absurd mechanic, im talking about the key she had, if the nurse closed the hatch she would use the key to have a guaranteed escape.
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why are survivors allowed a free win with hatch?
let's talk about that.
no unlocking animation = free instant escape with key
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Which is part of the game mechanic & rules right now whether you like it or not.
Ask a survivor if they like the game mechanic of being sacrificed in a trial
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Ask a killer if they like the game mechanic of being outplayed by an item, even tho you destroyed his teammates at 4 gens.
I also would be embarrased if i complain about being sacrificed after 3 hooks, in friday 13th you only have 1 life and its way more balanced than this #########.
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This really isn't a standoff, claudette has all the power unless nurse has NOED. She can just do any gens and gates for free as if nurse moves from the hatch and hits her (assuming she even knows where claudette is) she'll get a sprint burst and just opens the hatch.
Key changes will probably adress this in some way hopefully but it really isn't a standoff at least from my POV.
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I think my point is lost on you. That's okay though, let's just smile and nod
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Same here. Just a tip, play the game so you can have arguments.
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Well she would just run away and try to hide making the nurse think she is working on gens, just like old times. If she is careful about it, she should escape.
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I mean there is always going to be conflicting opinions. You just need to see the past the self-entitlement of your application to how things work & differentiate between reality and poor interpretation
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I agree. At the end of the day the winning means are relative and subjetive, some people think running the killer for 5 gens and then dying its a win (which is common sense) and other people think they won hiding in a locker with a key all match and then escaping through hatch (any casual main survivor will agree to this).