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God Clown is the worst

Really the worst killer in the game, even Myers is better. Even Trickster is more fun to play.

Nurse is frustrating, just because she is so hard to play and got butchered, but with clown, you think you can get things done because he is not hard to play, but you feel helpless the whole time, because he has so little what he can do.

His speed flask even has a damn delay. Throw it not far enough and you lose precious time waiting for the speed boost.

If there would be some sort of marker that shows you where the bottle will land, like that one for nurses blink, you could make it easier not to hit a damn branch in your way.

I never had so little fun playing a killer, that looks on paper not that bad. At least his addons are not as garbage as demogorgons.

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  • Member Posts: 1,378
    edited April 2021

    the speed boost is sadly extremely underwhelming, if you get feels like it does absolutely nothing, just a WOOOSSHHH sound effect. And more often then not you jsut waste time even trying to get it, so yeah they should buff that.

    The delay is there for a reason though, its so you can throw it at a survivor in a chase without buffing them and then when they are ahead you get the speed boost.

    But whatever, just his normal bottles are great, not sure what your problem is but Clown I think is pretty fantastic, the gas obscures and makes people have a much harder time reading your movements, I do actually very well playing Clown.

  • Posts: 5,229

    Ngl I would take any normal move speed killer over trickster. Even Clown.

    Even if you didn't use clowns power at all (Not that you wouldn't, even if you just used purple all game) just being a normal move speed killer with no power is better than trickster.

  • Member Posts: 994

    You remember those sad excuses for a gameboy - the tiger handhelds that had only one "game"? That was more fun than playing with clown.

    I sit on 100 event cakes because i leveled him up back then and he is poopoo to play and i can't transfer those cakes on another killer. How damn stupid is that?

    Ah, he can't be that bad. Yes he is!

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Did you just ignored everything and just restarted the thread?

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Clown is pretty good at what he does which is stopping a chase. I’ve mailed both old and new clown and I can say with confidence that both were better than Myers

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    If he were, there wouldn’t be players like myself that have mained him for so long.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    "because he is not hard to play"

    That's the mistake you make. He needs blights level of dedication. I would argue Clowns harder then nurse.

    With nurse once you get the basic mechanics and muscle memory down you're good to go. For Clown for each tile you need to know where best to place your bottles and make sure 1 of them is already is in place before you get there

  • Member Posts: 6,278
    edited April 2021

    Exactly this.

    And also sometimes you’ve got to break the habit of trying to force survivors to run the “wrong” way around some loops. Sometimes you’ve got to give them false hope with the set up, giving them enough confidence to run the “right” way, so they don’t abandon the loop. It’s constant on the fly strategising with Clown. That simply isn’t for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    So you're gonna tell me Clown who has the power to shutdown looping is worst than the Trickster who has to use eight blades in order to injure you, and can't even use his power at places with high structures. Also compared to Michael, Clown doesn't need to worry early on having to waste time stalking someone to get his power. Trickster is a 110% killer with pretty much no power, while Clown is a 115% killer who makes looping impossible. Also if you're having trouble trying to aim with Clown, charge your bottle and wait for it to shine so it can go farther because trust me it's great with the antidote.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    He's not even in the bottom 3, and yes he is better than Myers and Trickster.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I don't know, I have a fine time looping clowns. I rarely go against clown. Its clearly not impossible. i hope clown gets one small tweak to his yellow bottle delay. It reminds me when clown slowed himself when throwing purple bottles. Myers, Trickster and Clown are all very bottom of the barrel.

  • Member Posts: 150

    Every clown main KNOWS that clown isn't the best killer, and that's fine.

    I love playing him mostly because tossing the bottles right way so that they spread correctly or to interrupt someone from far away feels amazing.

    I'll always have more respect for a god clown dunking on my team rather than nurse/spirit/freddy which you see at red ranks all the time.

    Also, belly physics

  • Member Posts: 11,534
  • Member Posts: 6,278

    There are definitely a HUGE amount of players that don’t know how to anti loop with Clown properly.

    When I play survivor I can only recall one Clown that was actually good, and 4K the team. The rest just spam bottles thoughtlessly and reload at the WORST times possible.

    Tonight, apart from 1 bad game, i’ve had nothing but back to back 4k’s against rank 1 and rank 2 survivors. And my build is Agitation, Coulrophobia, Forced Penance, Sloppy Butcher, Party Bottles, and Starling Feather.

    Clown is far from terrible. Once learned, survivors go down quick. They cannot escape.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I think survivors go down quickly in general when they're bad at looping regardless of the killer. I escape clowns just fine. Its just another OP post that struggles with clown. Not surprised really at this point. I'll say clown is good when I start losing to him.

  • Member Posts: 788

    Excuse me but trickster is in every way worse than clown currently. Clown is bad yes but atleast he can eventually down people or atleast get good pallets down pretty quick.

  • Member Posts: 7,976


    What I'm saying is that clown needs to know more about tiles.

    As a nurse you need to know how tiles are run so you can make predictions

    As clown you need to know how tiles are run and what places your gasclouds are places best that they'll aid you/hamper the survivor the most plus you need to be able to recognise them before hand so you can get your yellow gas bottle in the right place before you get there so that you don't have to awkwardly wait 2,5 seconds there.

    Kinda like how blight needs to not only know how tiles are run but also where they need to bumb to intercept the survivors running said tile

    That doesn't mean nurse doesn't need to learn anything. With nurse it's all about where you are, where the survivor is and if you can mechanicly land the blink.

    With blight it's where you are where the survivor is where the bumb spots are that allow you to get to the survivor and if you can mechanicly do the rush.

    With Clown it's where you are, where the survivor is, how many bottles you need, where they need to go and mechanicly getting the bottles in the right place all preferably before you even reach the tile.

    There are just more variables when it comes to clown compared to nurse

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    In all fairness anyone who spends a good few hours is a good clown main. There's really not much to learn with him. Not that Myers is any different.

  • Member Posts: 2,651

    I have to disagree, yes Clown is bad, but he is nowhere near being the worst killer in the game. As others have said aiming his bottles isn't the hard part, its knowing when to use them that can be tough.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I actually read through this thread and holy hell. Do people actually think he's that hard to learn? Weak =/= hard to play or something?

    All you really need to know with Clown is where the optimal spot in a loop is for your projectile, there's no timing involved, almost no mechanical or reactionary skill and minimal map knowledge.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    The main thing that is difficult about him now is bottle management. Since you have 4 between your 2 bottle types conserving can be very hard at times

  • Member Posts: 57

    Is he weak? Yea I can agree. But he's not the worst in the game. The faster reload buff was so so significant people don't even realize.

    People who actually know how to use clown can shut down most loops in the game, and his add-ons are good.

    I rank demo, trickster, trapper, and wraith below him still.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Mechanicly he's easier then nurse yes.

    Knowing where they should go is the hard part.

    And tbh i see a lot of clown players mess the bottle tossing up. Myself included some days. I really wish the bottles traveled faster. That would make a huge difference

  • Member Posts: 9,424

    God Clowns are intolerable.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Hexy mains clown. Watch him few times. You will see how he rolls over survivors with clown.

    Every killer is bad until you learn the killer.

    Except Myers and Trickster, those two are actually pretty damn bad. (Still can 4k in right hands and with enough practice.)

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