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General Discussions

Most toxic thing thats happened to you.

Member Posts: 284
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

There are some right pricks that play this game. What are your experiences with them.

I’ve discussed mine before on a previous comment ive had but Ill TL:DR it for you guys:

Me and steve are last ones left with 2 gens to go. Steve finds killer and brings him to me and I die and steve gets hatch.

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  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Had a Survivor body block me as Clown a long time ago in such a way that I could not hit them and could not move.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I got a hacker in my game when I was doing a daily with bubba. Luckily they suck with flashlight and was being a nuisance.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    the only thing I find kind of toxic is when survivors or killers abuse bugs like for instance parts of the map that killers cant access(none in the game right now that you can actually play).

  • Member Posts: 199

    Was my fault but when Silent Hill Map was still new went to the second floor bathroom, didn't know about the breakable door at the bottom so I head inside, Killer had Insidious and bodyblocked me in, I expected him to hit me but he just stood there the entire game till I died from the Entity after the gens were done and everyone left.

  • Member Posts: 199

    Game against Legion where they weren't being productive and committing to chase wayyy too long after one survivor, gens are done and a totem lights up signaling NOED, I start doing it but sadly the teammate unknowingly runs the Killer to me, I get hooked right next to NOED as he hits me on hook over and over and over again. Good times am I right?

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    4th anniversary event

    Me and a Steve left I was trying to do the last gen, and the Steve was hiding I found him with bond behind a rock . Wouldn't help I kept going to him and waiting by him crouching, come here and dropped a couple T-bags. He then messaged me telling me he was going to report me for working with the killer 🤣

    After awhile of messing with him and trying to finish the last gen. I died he escape through hatch, and then thanked me afterwards 😂

    The last response to him I said was congrats on getting your crown. Oh wait licensed characters can't get it. 😀 😂 I typed LOL a bunch of times

    He didn't respond back

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Perhaps not most toxic but most recent, me and one other survivor were left. I was on my first hook very close to the hatch. The other survivor was healthy, and didn't even try to unhook me. They simply grabbed the killer's attention, and dipped out through the hatch with a key.

  • Member Posts: 366

    Got called a....word that starts with an f and normally refers to homosexuals

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited April 2021

    I had two times I can still remember to this day.

    1: I was still new to the game at the time in 2017 and was learning the basics of everything. I was still a mediocre player and was on the Thompson house with two dwights and david against a huntress. For some reason, after I completed a generator a Dwight was tbagging and pointing at me for no reason. Then the other Dwight comes along with the killer behind him. I was terrified then, only a mere baby bill with minimal looping skills.

    They then proceeded to drag the killer to me and the other david that game. David died early on, I managed to do 2 and half gens at the start and mid game, miraculously. The Dwights kept coming up to sandbag me as well so the huntress could throw hatchets easier and hit me, just being really scummy. They also pre sandbagged the window vaults at tiles, which I used to my advantage. I actually made the huntress hit them by faking the window vault and sand bagging them back a little bit 3 times, hitting each of them twice and downing one of the two. I was very proud of that. Every time I tried to hide in a locker, one of them used bond to reveal my location and point in the locker. I did eventually die, but it definitely took over 4 minutes (rekt). I waited until the end game chat to see their response, and they apparently DID have an excuse. If I remember correctly they said something along the lines of "I'm sorry we had to do it and didn't mean to"........... so yeah, was NOT happy that game. I reported all of them except david and left. I bet they didn't even get banned.

    2: A little over a month ago when I was being targeted by a cheater. I say targeted because it was obvious that the cheater was targeting me. The guy literally joined me in a total of 6 different games (yes, the same guy) and at one point 4 times in a row. He kept freezing the game for me shortly after the match started and used every kind of cheat imaginable. I was able to get back at him though, see my post about how to get back at cheaters and toxic players to see how. I basically wasted almost an hour of his time.

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    When survivors found the hatch and waiting for me to die.

    But the most painful thing is when survivors complained in the chat about what i did in game. some said i did nothing and how useless i was. and if the killer gives me the hatch, the other survivors will find something bad to say about me.

    Even when i saved one after the other, did very well, they will complain and say that I'm useless. just because they died out of the result of their mistake or bad luck.

  • Member Posts: 3,389
    edited April 2021

    One time a very very good david looped me for the entire game- never had anything like it happen before or since. I was playing doctor and I'm really not that bad at the game but I just couldn't touch this guy. Still had fun trying to catch him though.

    Anyway post game he goes on this huge tirade about how I should kill myself and trying to make fun of me for playing on gamepass and how I should uninstall.

    I'm just like why would you want another killer player to stop playing the game? Feels like self sabotage. Then he left. Weird one.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Back in 2019 when I was new rank 20 playing some survivor getting used to it and some trapper slugged the whole team and proceeded to BM while waiting for us to die to the entity. We were all new rank 20s and there was no bill with unbreakable. End game killer ended being green ranks and his name was "slugger" its kinda funny now but man when you are new and just learning that kinda toxic BM is infuriating

  • Member Posts: 418

    As a survivor main, the first time I ever played killer was one of the most toxic things I've ever seen. I played as Wraith at rank 20 and get matched with a couple of rank 13/12's, and a couple green ranks. As soon as they clocked on to me being new (in the sense that I wasn't very good as it was my first time) they basically stopped doing any gens and dragged the game out for about 30 minutes. They were deliberately letting someone get downed, and then body-blocking or sabotaging the hook right in front of me. They also did generally toxic things like teabagging, clicking their flashlight on/off etc. Think I managed two hooks but they just used BT/DS to counter it, which in itself is fine, but they were all gathered round teabagging, and deliberately trying to get my attention by fast vaulting things, throwing pallets down etc. It was awful! It took me about a month to get the courage to play as killer again.

    When I get teams like this now I just try to play the best I can and ignore the overly toxic ones. I also never give them the satisfaction of going to the exit gate so they can teabag right in front of me.

  • Member Posts: 1,516

    Had multiple matches where fellow survivors tried to get me killed and caught to save themselves. Purposefully vaulting near me while I’m on a gen to get the killer to come, pointing to where I’m hiding to save themselves, tbagging while I’m on hook, etc etc

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited April 2021

    Honestly, I can't recall anything on the level of the stories here - probably the worst thing to ever happen to me was playing my first couple of games as killer with Billy when I was just starting.

    Holy crap. "Easy" difficulty my pure virgin butthole.

    After my 26th Chainsaw hitting nothing but air or wall, as a 4 man team, the Survivors took turns running circles around me and tried to see how many times in a row they could blind me in a vein effort to make this match amusing for themselves.

    In all honestly, not exactly toxic nightmare fuel, but it stuck with me... to this day, I loathe Billy with more hatred than is probably healthy or justified, even if the last time I took him out, I 4Ked while using his Brown Blood Point chainsaw add-on.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    An Adam has hacking and he bullied me.

    I reported him :)

  • Member Posts: 67

    A huntress slugging my entired team until we bled out. Don't know why, guess she doesn't like bloodpoints.

    A Claudette sandbagging so I couldn't reach a pallet in time. Her and her friend later escaped through the hatch with a key, abandoning me and my friend.

    Good game. I really hate people sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    I don't mind the stuff that happens in game. The most toxic things come from messages or these forums. There are a lot of nice people in this community but for every nice one there's a toxic troll waiting for any excuse to shout abuse and let out their anger issues.

  • Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2021

    This survivor kept locker baiting me by having a survivor go in the locker so they can get a flashlight save. They tried it twice but couldn't get it. The survivor with the flashlight kept annoying me with it.

    A Spirit kept hitting me on the hook because I looped her for three gens that's it. I did nothing toxic like teabagged after the pallet stun or annoy them with my flashlight. She's the one who decided to keep commiting to the long chase.

    I had kindred and a survivor kept teabagging me when I was on the hook and pointing at me. They fake grabbed me twice. Eventually they got me off the hook and healed me but like why would you waste time doing that. When I died I saw their aura in was teabagging.

    Another survivor sent me a message saying I got what I deserve since I died. They were mad they didn't get saved fast enough. Idr if they got to second stage or died on second stage. I told them how I traded hooks with someone and ended up getting to second hook for it but I didn't complain about it. They were saying how it's a time based game. They also got mad at me for not healing someone who was dead on hook. I told them I tried to heal them but got stuck in the healing animation so I couldn't. They said yea among other problems. One other survivor said thanks for getting them before second hook as a lot survivors don't do that. I told them what they said to me and they said they were the most useless teammate.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    I sat on the rock on suffopit taught the myers how to get up then he poped tier 3 and tombstoned me. I never felt so betrayed. I thought we had something special. Just a joke though I was ######### pissing myself it was so out of the blue. Especially since he was nodding at me right beforehand. Most people would call it toxic but it was ######### hilarious to me.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Fog whisperer iri head huntress raged in end game chat at us for not falling for his shots.

    Not the most toxic because I had people say worse in chat but because it's a fog whisperer. Don't think those people should behave this way.

  • Member Posts: 788

    Not really toxic but kind of scummy.

    Recently was playing survivor and we were all farming with this trapper who let us stun, blind, etc.

    Then we get gens done. Both doors are trapped. He's got the auto reset addon. And he starts downing us with noed and hooking us. He's not farming anymore.

    We thankfully find noed early and attempt to get people off hooks. One gate is open but he hooks someone. He's of course got blood warden. I get hooked and the others just stealth near the exit for till its over and I die D:

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I don't know if I would call this the most toxic thing ever, but I had a teammate who trapped be next to a rock. I couldn't move or anything, all he did was move his head up and down. He later died and I ended up getting hatch.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Someone finding a screenshot from over half a decade ago from a completely different game - one of the very few parts of my Steam profile with comment permissions not set to friends only - and made it very clear that... lets just say they seemed really fond of the idea of me hurting myself in real life and leave it at that.

    But hey, reported and then deleted comments and they sure did remind me to make sure there's no way for random clowns to be Mad Online anywhere related to my profile, so I guess something sorta-good came out of it.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Getting repeatedly messaged to kill myself IRL. For no real reason.

  • Member Posts: 681

    Some of you got off easy. I've had multiple games where my survivor teammates straight up worked with the killer.

    Following me with Bond, making loud noise notifications. Tbagging once killer finds me (killer walks right by them). Then they all have a fiesta on my corpse as i bleed out for 4 minutes..

    In another match i elude the killer only to find their friend intentionally blocking the only 99% gate (GL having gate awareness when playing survivor against 3 people).

    In another game, someone followed me into a basement, and then proceeded to spam locker notifications. Then im downed and the killer nods while teammate just tbags and killer ignores him completely lol. Thankfully this only happens once every 3 months or so.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I was playing bubba for a daily. The enemy had a solo bill and a triple queue consisting of a blendette and two jakes. I hooked the claudette in the basement, went away and the bill was saving her with bt, but she just stood still, pointed towards where the bill was and was letting herself getting hooked. After the two jakes also killed themselfs as well, I gave bill the hatch and the claudette started to insult the bill (calling him a n-word) for crouching near the basement instead of doing gens.

    I defended the bill, saying that he saved her with BT and that she and the two jakes just threw the match. She then proceeded to go on my profile and continued the conversation there. I responded to her comments, saying that it was basically immature of her to just throw, just cause the bill is not on a gen for 5 seconds.

    Then she went full weird mode: She deleted her comments from my profile, made a screenshot of my replies and set that screenshot as her profile picture on Steam, basically trying to make it look like I spammed her profile. I believe that she still has that screenshot as her profile picture.

    It was a very weird expierience, but this was probably the most raging and salty person I have seen in a long time and all this because the bill was near the basement, ready to save her with BT.

  • Member Posts: 715
    edited April 2021

    Killer Main, I once was winning with 5 Gens and 10 hooks and 2 Hooks/2 Survivors remaining. The remaining survivor took it hostage and just hid the from me the entire next 20 mins and trashtalked me when I just DCed the remaining two just spammed me with "hahahahahaha" and "gg ez baby killer" and "enjoy the depip :D"

    Like I rather get the 5 minutes penalty that waste more time to hostage takers.

    It was in the Map Lerys btw and I never heard any Birds or afk notification in that entire 30 minutes of a trial.

  • Member Posts: 715

    What is wrong with people, Insert "Why are you mad, just a game" gif.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The best part is that the girls who were doing it let me and the other solo die next to an open exit gate. Apparently we were "playing poorly."

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    Had someone come into my chat once and say they were going to kill me and my whole family. Why? I used exhaustion bottles on Clown and they didn't know how to function with actual skill rather then their E key.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    A guy in a 4-man SWF, potentially stream sniping, calls me terrible after 3 escape (narrowly) while I'm Pyramid Head, "one of the best killers" apparently, and my Ruin gets broken in the first minute or two on Rotten Fields. He even said I was "about to get stomped" before we even started the match. When that level of confidence exists, one side has too much power over the other. Take notes, devs.

  • Member Posts: 39

    It was camping huntress, my teammate's get me off hook when she was right to me without BT and i didn't try to run away it's hopeless so i just run into huntress. And she hit me but didn't pick me up, she just stand there. Other my random teammates tryed to heal me but i wanna die on hook and start new match. At the end i died on the ground, and my teammates farmed with killer.

  • Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2021

    Getting targeted by a killer who was friends with everyone in the game. I was a soloist that time. I was the only one hooked and 2 of them were tbagging me. The killer was Leatherface, who was camping me til' the red bar was almost out. Luckily, only one of them were kind enough to unhook me with BT. Killer still tried to go after me though. I quickly opened the gate and left, it was 99'd. The ugliest thing about this toxic memory was that the killer was actually a Twitch streamer. It made me think she could only play like that when she's off stream which was a very scummy thing to do.

  • Member Posts: 891

    I had a Feng once that somehow trapped me in the flashlight stun for like a straight minute, even when I moved/rotated/looked up/etc, it would somehow still catch me every time it faded. Of course I stood under her hook after that, like nah, you're staying here now.

  • Member Posts: 156

    After winning a match playing either Huntress or some killer and one particular Kate said that someday someone would put me in my place, told me none would miss me and that I should end it before he finds me and my family and makes me pay. With tons of "winky" faces and continuous hints towards finding me and doing "something" to me that would make me regret everything that I had done or something like that. -.-

  • Member Posts: 965

    I got 3 toxic neas who were SWF and the killer was a freddy on Midwich The neas were blocking me and the killer had a mori

    Fun game :)

  • Posts: 5,229

    There is a killer main on steam who brags about being the best oni (I think) player NA or whatever. Dude is toxic af, hard camps, BMs, tunnels, trash talks and threatens everyone post game, and is in general one of the worst human beings I've ever encountered in DBD.

    There is another extremely toxic killer main I've come across as well, but I won't say any names.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I'll never forget the time before DC penalties and where hatch didn't spawn at 5 gens, where I went against a Billy and someone got cross map chainsawed by him and then DC'd. Then the 2 other survivors decided to DC, either because they didn't wanna do a 3v1 or cause they were a SWF.

    So I'm like "This sucks" and just spam vaults so the Billy can find and kill me. He downs me and then proceeds to just look at me and nod his head. I'm confused to why he isn't killing me. Then he proceeds to slug me until last second and then he picks me up and hooks me. Proceeds to call me trash in endgame chat, when I ask why he slugged me. I guess he wanted me to DC too, so he could post a 4 man DC endgame screenshot on Reddit or somethng.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Generally, when I play survivor, I despise Hatchcamper. When I'm on the first hook, he lets me die instead of picking me up, even though the killer is miles away. 

    But I had one disgusting situation after which I hated Zarinas for ages. It was a match on Yamaoka I think and I was going as Ace. No idea who the killer was anymore, but the round went mixed. I did generators, got all my mates off the hook twice and survived my chases well so far, so wasn't hooked so far. 

    We still had 2 generators to do when I did get caught and hooked - the chase seemed to have lasted long enough that the last generators got done. My mates open the gate, the killer is apparently with them. Then Zarina comes, stands in front of my hook and starts tbagging me, pointing at me and similar bullshit. She then just goes and leaves me hanging there, running out with the other two. I didn't understand why until today. *shrug*

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    I mean its not really an exploit if anyone can walk up it and it actually helps the killer instead of me since it makes the pallet there non existant, sure if I sat up there Tbagging where he cant hit me but I showed him how to get up there lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Probably back when mori spamming was a thing, I got spammed for like 5 minute on the ground after a match long chase against a clown and the others just left me there being spammed lol no end game collapse back then so it could've went on longer , he wanted me to dc but I wouldn't I just walked away from the keyboard and got some food only to come back to him finally performing the animation

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's an exploit if you're not supposed to be up there, whether the killer can do it too or not.

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