Do you prestige or do you not prestige?



  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i usually prestige my licensed characters

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    I use to never until about a month ago or so for anyone but now I’m doing it for only killers not survivors. All my characters were all level 50 with all their perks including survivors. Had lots of bloodpoints but debated would it be that fun to just buy more addons and not working towards something or shall I prestige who I want and work on getting them p3 using other killers and then continue on to the next until they are all p3. Now I have demo, pyramid head and trickster at p3 so might as well continue.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I prestige all my favorites unless I don't like their default skin. I mainly play licensed killers, so cosmetics are few, I needs 'em. I never use Pig's or Ghostface's default, so I don't prestige them. Bubba, Myers, Demo, had to.

    Also theres a good feeling about finishing the P3, now you can buy everything and know you get to keep it. I'm cheap when I might prestige, wasted all those points on 50 moris or perks I think are silly? But once P3, I buy all the perks just to get them off the web. Maybe I'll need 50 moris someday.

    It's pretty sweet. Now when I unlock a new perk, I'm sure to max it within three webs.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    I only prestige for the achievement and the only one that received this treatment is Freddy, since he doesn't have any cosmetics.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Too much grind, not enough benefits

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727
    I am GrootDude and I hate seeing the symbol in my bloodweb

    I must obliterate the centre node at all costs.

    So yes, I prestige.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    I prestige the characters I like by using up all their stuff first, then I prestige others.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I decided early on not to prestige, so I could try to get a full perk set faster. In retrospect, I think the time it would have taken to prestige would have been a drop in the bucket compared to how long it takes to unlock all the perks but, oh well. No going back now.

  • Fenn
    Fenn Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2021

    I only prestiged P1 Trapper, Meyers and P2 Ghost Face. I really do like the bloody outfits, but the amount of BP it cost to do so, it's just not worth it..

    The bloodweb should do more for each time you prestiged the same character, like decreasing the cost of the perks/addons.. If they did that, i would definitely prestige more characters.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    I don't really see a point in it. The bloody clothes aren't that cool.

  • DrNick
    DrNick Member Posts: 53

    I Prestige everyone and even the Trickster got P3 lvl 50+ i like to play him its fun but if the Toxicity wouldnt be there it would be the most fun for me

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I prestiged feng ace wraith and laurie already lmao Im planning on prestiging hag next

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I used to, but honestly don't have the time to P3 50 every survivor and killer with how grindy it is. Plus the cosmetics in the store are much better than the very horrible looking blood.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
    I am GrootDude and I hate seeing the symbol in my bloodweb

    only on killers I play a lot since I hate having to click through the extra menu when going through bloodwebs

  • JEX_CC
    JEX_CC Member Posts: 4

    Personally I will prestige characters as long as I dont have cosmetics on them. I find that once I get to level 50 I can acquire all perks flawlessly and have a bunch of add ons. The only reason to prestige is to get a cosmetic and the prestige symbol which I personally dont need. To me prestiging is usually for characters I may like less or only characters that I fully leveled up to unlock perks for the rest of my killers or survivors.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I've got all my survivors P3'd but only because you can see the bloody cosmetic in game. I have a few killers P3 or P2 but not many because then you usually can't play them for a while until you get some decent perks.

  • Adidi
    Adidi Member Posts: 44

    I prestige all killers and only survivors I plan to have all the perks on.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    I only prestige claudette. Sorry people who don't know where is claudette in the darkness. 😎

  • kickasskiel
    kickasskiel Member Posts: 89

    I started to do it and wanted to get them all p3 both survivors and killers, worked out roughly 1.5 million bp to reach lvl 50, so 4.5 million will p3 lvl50 one character. Then if you want all perks lvl3, expect to grind alot more points. Killer is the way to go for bp just make sure you have bbq. Currently have all but trickster p3 and fully perked out. Just grinding the newest perks for all characters before i will p3 trickster. But i know others who dont prestige other than there main or because they buy cosmetics and dont see the need for the bloody versions.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I do but I hate it. But my inner completionist makes me. Is it worth it? Hell no they need to make it more worth it imo but oh well.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    Depends on the character though. If I really like them and I haven't yet got a lot of perks on them, I do.

    On survivor side it doesn't really matter how much perks/items/offerings I have on them in order for me to prestige them, 'cause I already have a survivor with all full-3 perks and there is not that much difference between survivors. I have Kate, Steve, Yui, Cheryl, Bill and Nancy P3-50'd. I am also planning on prestiging everyone else in the future.

    On killer side it depends mostly on my perk progress with them and whether there are cosmetics for each part, which I like more than prestige ones. For example, I will never-ever prestige Legion and Trapper, because I already have all perks on them and other skins, so there's just no point in doing so. Right now I have Pyramid Head, Leatherface, Freddy and Trickster P3-50'd. Pig and Demogorgon are P1-50'd and I'm not planning on getting them higher any soon, as I'm completely fine with having only bloody "weapon" slot.

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121

    i dont really care for the cosmetics and would rather save my bp

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I love prestige. At the moment, it's my goal to try and prestige all of the characters in the game.

    I have

    Killers: 16 Prestige 3 Level 50, 4 Prestige 2, 3 Prestige 1, none not Prestiged

    Survivors: 5 Prestige 3 Level 50, 2 Prestige 2, 18 Prestige 1, none not Prestiged

    I like it because it gives me something to do in the game, I can maybe play with different builds if I don't get the same stuff in the bloodwebs, and maybe find a combo I really love on a specific killer. Obviously, survivors I can just be like this build works for all.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    But pretty much only to reroll perks/if I’m bored/I actually want prestige skins on a character.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    As a completionist, yes i do. I want everything done and dusted ready for the next update. And also to play every character without perk issues.

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 145
    I am GrootDude and I hate seeing the symbol in my bloodweb

    I am torn tho.. I do prestige now bc the button or whatever you want to call it, bugs my OCD xD BUT.. to be completely honest, I do not see a point of prestigeing... For me, most of the cosmetics aren't that nice to make me prestige... Maybe for like Quentin and Bill (all the chars which has no other clothing), the only thing which made me to prestige except the OCD is that I do not want to lose my event items if there will be any change to prestige.

    I still can not touch Dwight/Meg/Claud/Kate bc those has items from 2016 so unless there is shared inventory through survivors for ONLY EVENT ITEMS or some change to event items appearing in bloodweb (like if I have 15 event items, if I prestige I will get them back regardless through BW.. Nothing else, only event items).