Darn Right I’m Tunneling!
Just had a match against at least a two man SWF team with one of them being a Twitch streamer. They kept unhooking before I even left the area. After that I tunneled the person off hook to death and managed to kill another with NOED. Instantly got messages about how I’m a tunneling c*nt and I’m trash for using NOED. If you are going to unhook in front of my face and then vanish. Darn right I’m tunneling. I’m tired of not even leaving the area and immediately my prey gets unhooked.
Small pp energy 🤣🤣🤣
only kidding you’re supposed to look away and forget you hooked them for 15 minutes
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Hey it’s my big tatas lady. I missed you already.
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What we can do about this Sir
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Id ask why you’re still awake but you could of already slept.
does this really constitute as tunnelling though? I had someone who was unhooked twice run right in to me both time what am I supposed to do just ignore them 👀
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I’m always awake. I’m a nite owl. Technically it is tunneling but if people are constantly unhooking when the killer is in the area then honestly I think it’s fair game. If you can’t wait then I can’t go look for someone else.
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We tunnel sir. We tunnel.
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I had someone self care right in front of me I just waited for them to do it then went after them sorry not sorry 🥲 still a bit salty ngl
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If you tunnel any Kate, my Freddy boi will visit you in your dreams. Just warning :)
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It was a Kid Rock looking Felix. With the fedora and everything.
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I wouldn’t have waited. Someone going to pull that stunt in front of me gets it.
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I love everything about that lol
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I’m so glad I joined this forum 😭😂
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I find it simpler to be direct. I will Herd, Camp, Tunnel, Slug, and Mori whenever a particular match calls for it. If the Survivors are setting themselves up for a 3-Gen, or I can nudge them into one, I let it (or make it) happen. I consider these things tactics, nothing more and nothing less. More to the point, they are niche tactics that will hurt the Killer if done wrong, but can pay dividends if done right. I make no pretentions about how I play; I never have.
The sick, sad world truth is that it doesn't matter what a Killer does. Bad sports are going to be salty and serve up bile. I've been accused of doing all sorts of things, and more often than not I wasn't even doing them. The worst part about it all is that Survivors are responsible for about 90% of Tunneling themselves. They don't make safe rescues, they farm, they don't bring Borrowed Time, they unhook with the person they are saving between themselves and the Killer, and they vanish like Ninja the second they unhook. If they aren't there to take a protection hit or a hook for the person they rescue, I wonder why they bothered in the first place.
It isn't the Killer's gig to do their job for them. You are not beholden to look away and ignore the prey in front of you. That nonsense is straight out of the Survivor's Handbook for Killers. You are also not responsible for any other Player's fun. They bring that themselves, or not. They either enjoy they game or they don't. You don't have time to worry about that. You have enough to do in the match. Just play the game; play it hard. Kill them all and let the Entity sort them out.
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Oh I’m glad you did too. Small taco energy.
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I need to up the energy I think to match yours.
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I agree to a certain extent. I’m not going to go right out of the gate slugging and tunneling and camping. Its just a dick move to me and I know it’s not fun when I get done that as a survivor. Now if 3 gens pop before I even get a hit in, survivors are being toxic, or unhooking right in my face, etc, then the niceness and good sportsmanship is gone. I’m playing nasty now.
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They're just making excuses for their dumb plays. I usually find the TTV's are the worst for making the dumbest plays and then being salty because you capitalised off of it like you should.
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I can help with that. We can go on a date to hatch. I hear it’s lovely.
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This is how I feel about it, but it seems to me some people expect the killer to create the fun but without them killing them? I seen someone say how are they having the surviving experience if they die on hook?
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She was the typical purple haired Nea player too. Just begging to be chased and be toxic. What’s funny is. That Nea got away. She wasn’t even the one I killed or tunneled and yet she still sent me a hate message. I knew what she was trying to pull and didn’t fall for it. She wanted to loop me the whole time while everyone else gen rushed.
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I remember my first time finding hatch it was a very cheap thrill
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Ouch. Well I’m more than a cheap thrill! I’m at least Target prices thrill.
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I’ve never been so I wouldn’t know 🤣
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I usually just dodge TTV's now. I've made the mistake of checking their stream while playing to listen to in the background so I can hear what they are saying during the match. It's usually a 3 or 4 man premade and they're always toxic as hell no matter how I play.
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So hard to get. Even harder than going up against a tunneler like me.
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Heh. I have faith your view on this will continue to evolve. You are still trying to judge behavior and have it both ways. There is no "toxic" or "scummy" behavior. There is only what is within the rules, and what is not. You are being a good sport if you abide the following three things:
- Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spike.
- Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
- Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
That's it, all you need to be a good sport playing DbD. Everything else is on the table and perfectly valid for use. While you are free to set artificial boundaries and add your own little social morays and rules for yourself, don't forget that they are not binding on the rest of us and it is inappropriate for you to judge anyone by your personal standards. The longer you play (Killer or Survivor) the more what I am saying is going to make sense. And for what it is worth, if you wait until you have lost three Generators to kick your game into gear, you have already lost. :)
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We can have a match and see 😂😂😂
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Had a Meg that did this to me yesterday when I was trying to practice Spirit. If you don’t fall for the bait and go after the weaker links (Survivors who can’t loop as good as the culprit) you will do well. They ended up 3 gen’ing and dying.
Edit: typo
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Sounds like a date then lol
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Exactly. And that Nea was a rank 3. I was a rank 11. Everyone else was purple and such. Just made more sense to not waste my time on her till NOED kicked in and got her. She got saved of course and then got mad she was downed by NOED.
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If someone unhooks or tries to heal the person under the hook, I punish them by downing the person. They don’t get any points for the safe unhook and they just sandbagged their teammate.
that’s 10000% on them and their teamwork.
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Usually though the person who unhooks immediately vanished and leaves the person to get tunneled. Am I going to search everywhere else to find the vanished fully healed teammate? Or go for the injured survivor? Btw, the person unhooking was a fully immersed Claudette.
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When’s the date 😘😂
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I hate being unhooked when I know the killer is near by because I know he’s coming for me I’ve had matches where I’ve just wanted the entity to take me it’s been that bad 😂
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I’m free anytime. We won’t even have to worry about the weather cause it’s always bleak and dreary in the entity’s realm lol
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I’ll bring a umbrella then
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I tunnel people all the time. And by that I mean I go back to the hook be ause I have no reason not to and an injured and recently unhooked person runs into me.
I don't care how many second chances someone has, Gonna take the chase over looking for a stealthing survivor that in all likelihood I won't even find.
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What is your platform you play on? Just curious Incase you ever wanted a date in the entity’s realm.
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They don’t even try to bodyblock the unhooked survivor. Just unhook and leave.
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I play on pc mostly but sometimes PlayStation
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I’m a PS4 user so talk about a long distance relationship lol
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What actually classes as a safe hook rescue? Does the killer have to be out the way or not looking in the direction? But could still be in the areaish
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i bet you get abused in your messages I didn’t know that until it happened I thought I was safe from it on the PlayStation 😂
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I think if you or the unhooked person get hit by the killer after awhile of unhooking it’s an unsafe unhook.
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All the time. Sometimes it’s funny though. Especially if they are the sore losers.
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I got similar situation yesterday, but I was called Camper. I think they weren't serious.
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usually they are always serious about their losses.
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I wouldn’t mind but it’s
gg ez
get good
they should be turned into inspirational quotes
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Thats PC for you lol