I think Scott Jund is right about these forums

This is one of the reasons why I love Scott’s content and videos. He’s brutally honest, I’ve seen him say the hurtful truth about stuff on the survivor side and killer side but man, he nailed this one. I feel like a lot of threads that are posted on here are laughable. Entitled killer mains that make threads like “Delete SWF”, “NERF (enter survivor perk here),” etc. same goes for survivors as well but I notice this more on the killer side.
I just hope it doesn't hurt the dev's reception to good, genuine feedback on here.
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At least the Reddit Killer didn't get spun by a Quentin.
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mostly killers, doubt so. both sides have the same entitledment.
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I don't think I ever heard the term "reddit killer"...🤔
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I don't really see "delete SWF".
What I do think should happen is allowing the killer to know about it ahead of time, however... so I don't show up with my 100% meme build against your SWAT Unit on Coms.
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Yep. This place is a killer main hive mind. People who play survivor or, God forbid, BOTH SIDES, are lynched and shamed for doing so.
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Oh sure, I make a humble suggestion that all survivors should be automatically hurt every time they touch a gen and ALLLLLLL of a sudden I'm an entitled killer main who is being unreasonable!
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I don't agree, It's the same stuff everywhere.
Reddit is just more meme posts but if you look at the subject of the memes and shitposts; it's all still the same things as all the other forums just in meme format.
Edit: There are people literally bandwagoning onto trashing all killers saying every killer is whiner right now for gods sake, while trying to say they agree with scott- and that isn't what he said at all mind you, they are just being absurdly hypocritical lol.
Post edited by [Deleted User] on17 -
He's completely right. We got people on both sides that put out the most ridiculous posts. it's to the point I'm just assuming all of them are bait/troll threads and rating them. Sadly, most of them are hot garbage.
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I hope he wasn't thinking of any of my comments 😂
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Yup. Took the words right out of my mouth!
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I really don't think you'll have to worry about devs reception of feedback of any kind.... lol
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That’s true. But with survivors it’s more so of the same thing like camping, slugging, BUFF DS etc. as for me, I see killers complain about a new survivor perk every day on here. Idk could just be me lol.
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To be fair, Reddit used to be really ######### bad. I stopped visiting altogether because of the sheer amount of witch-hunts that people would do.
Edit: the survivor version is all the people talking about camping, tunneling, slugging, nerf Doctor, nerf Pig, etc. It's just as unreasonable as the "remove SWF" nonsense.
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Who cares, just let the entitle people be entitled it’s entertaining
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Why are you saying that? DbD is on the best place it has been in since launch.
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It is not even close to equal. At all.
Survivor whining outweighs Killer whining just counting the threads about NOED or Camping/Slugging/Tunneling ALONE.
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I see the same amount on both sides. But I usually find that the killer mains will actually have a decent debate with you and use this forum for what it is for to have a discussion. Where the survivors usually just argue with you and tell you your just bad at the game lol. Had one the other day basically dodging my questions because he knew I was being logically and going on about basically 1v1ing me lmao. Some seriously have the minds of 12 year olds. If they aren't actually just 12 already lol.
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i dont see same amount on both sides killers bad not play game like supposed to be played survivors not fair at all i post from an account with 18 posts on to show how much i hate this game!!! behavior need do something about slugging how are you supposed to play if u are on the ground??? because killers are trash can only win with slugging unless they facecamp which is even worse ten games i play tonight and every time i tunnelled out first how do I report killer for this??? behavior need to do something or all players quit this game because garbage killer will have no survivor to play with me why devs favor killer i don't know game needs fix not add greedy outfits for dwight instead fix slugging and camping and tunneling so we can actually play the game but no this is how killers play to ruin game for everyone else so i make threads like this because i dont know what a comma or period is but probably because killers slug!!!11!
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Pretty sure he was talking about people like Sluzzy or something lol
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As a general rule of thumb, forums are a mistake.
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😂😂 That's pretty much spot on tbh lol.
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This place is a dumpster fire and that fact is exactly why I'm here
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Not surprised in the slightest that killer mains are defending/disagreeing with him, lol. I've noticed the same too, but survivors are far from innocent as well.
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My reason as well, the discourse and chaos is entertaining.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I usually like Scott's input on things but this felt like a really random topic he just pulled out of literally nowhere.
Felt awkward tbh. I just wish he'd be happy he's actually beyond miserable when he talks about or plays this game like my god man, if you aren't enjoying yourself just play something else. I literally only watch him for his constructive thinking / rework vids of late but actual gameplay feels depressing to watch when all the person does is complain and say how much the game sucks lol
I've not interacted with the dbd subreddit (not sure I want to bcuz I just don't care much for reddit) but I really don't see what the point is of generalizing entire groups of people like he does.
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Hey, when I say NOED should be base-kit, activate when the first gen pops, and they should add 5 more totems including an invisible totem that can't be seen or cleansed and that they should give Spirit a machine gun and Freddy should be able to teleport as much as he wants and that they should give Nurse infinite blinks and Hag should have infinite traps and that Oni should have blood bags laying around you can collect so he can have as much power as needed, and that if you don't cleanse against Plague then you should just die immediately once the infection gets too bad, and that RBT's should kill the survivor if they pick the wrong box, and that Trapper's traps should count as a hook state instead of injuring the survivor, and that Wraith should be able to hit while invisible and not be seen from 2 meters, and that maps should be made half the size they are, and survivors should have to complete all 7 generators, and exit gates should take 6 minutes to open I'm just trying to make the game scarier. I'm not being biased.
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How long has that rating he invented been that low? He almost feels painful to watch given his bleak attitude towards DBD in general.
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This is why you play both sides, people who are mains to one side will always have some bias towards that side.
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I don't go to the DBD reddit. I just hang around these forums. So I wouldn't know. But now because I've watched Scott's vid, I do know that "reddit killer" is just a cheap name-call, and a baseless one at that. Maybe I just don't like Scott's energy or something, but I do increasingly agree with his opinions.
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Poor Scott, it's difficult to be a voice of reason in the DBD community.
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He's not wrong tbh. Most of this community on the forums are killer mains, or atleast the louder of the two sides.
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Well obviously, forums are the place people go to vent after frustrating matches. Reddit is a meme of itself.
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Smart guy, just tells people what they whant to hear.
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I'm not so sure it is.
I think a majority of the people in these forums recognize how incredibly survivor-sided the game is, so most of the content you see is in defense of killers. Even if the game isn't survivor-sided in execution, it is incredibly so on paper.
I play Survivor/Killer about 65%/35%, yet all of my posts in this forum are anti-survivor. I don't feel as though survivor's need catering too, and I don't want the developers to feel as though survivors need to be buffed.
I think the game overall needs improving, but the balancing as a whole needs to be better for killers
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He's definitely not wrong about the forums 😂
I'd say on here if a survivor main (usually someone new to the forums) says something outrageous, the rest of the survivor mains usually don't agree with them. I.e Nerf BBQ.
Whereas if a killer says something outrageous, I feel like killer side of the community are more likely to agree with them. I.e Remove SWF/Separate modes for solo and swf players.
Just my opinion btw
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You know when an outrageous survivor main thread pops up, it's almost certainly going to be flooded with pages and pages of new posts by the end of the next day?
With reasonable debate and discourse, of course.
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I disagree with him in this one, while he is right that a lot of Reddit post are just memes or crap when someone does not post any of that and post a suggestion or a rant is extremely biased usually suggesting insane changes without thinking how theyll affect the game in other aspects and then you can see the sheer amount of upvotes which means they actually endorse that opinion. Until very recently the most outrageous suggestions for new content I ever saw were all from Reddit, the stuff people on Reddit suggest is so absurd that it may be mistaken with trolling or memeing but most of them are being honest, the thing is those are usually in between memes, "just leave" videos, "i finally got to rank 4 after 1 year of playing Stridor Spirit yay me!" posts and Ortz simping so it looks like they are tamer.
That being said, steam forums, official forums and generals on imageboards are usually equally biased and filled with absurdity too but they have less crap hiding the toxic posts.
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This is how I feel. I like Scott a lot, but he's one of a few dbd content creators that seem to despise the game on a profound level (Farmer John also comes to mind), while justifying it through faults with the game.
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Yeah if only we could have more quality threads like this here.
Nothing beats a good circle-jerk about what a circle-jerk everything is for "THE OTHER SIDE!!!"
One magnificent ouroboros of dicks and hands
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All I know is that the Steam forums do indeed have the highest frequency of "I honestly can't tell who's serious anymore" threads. Doesn't even have anything to do with this side or that side, it's equal opportunity weirdness.
Entertaining to open up and read a random thread there now and then while waiting for a match to start though 😄
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I truly don't hate DBD. I would not play it if I did. I stopped playing Dark Souls when I got bored of it, I stopped playing H1Z1 when I got bored of it, I stopped playing For Honor when I got bored of it, and I'll stop playing DBD when I get bored of it. I just tend to sound miserable while playing DBD because I literally just physically feel miserable all the time.
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He's not entirely wrong. Reddit used to be worse (circa 2018/2019) but it's gotten a lot better. The forums have degraded a bit and the upvotes for anything killer sided is significantly higher than for survivors, a lot of good posters got banned but many of the spammers with high postcounts who contribute maybe 1 good post in 50 are still here. You can see some users who have registered less than 6 months ago with over 1000 posts, 90% of it being crapposts.
Steam community is a mess of ideas but the steamcommunity thread layout isnt conductive to a good discussion anyway.
I think these forums would improve if they removed the upvote feature and temp banned users who derail posts.
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Of course 😂
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That's the biggest issue with the forums, it's just a giant circle jerk for entitled killer mains. The people who complain like that have a severe victim complex, they're convinced that just because killers are mostly weaker than the survivors...that means they have the right to demand that every single good things that survivors have gets taken away from them. They say they want the game to be "balanced" but all they want is killer superiority. For all of dbd's existence the narratives been that survivors are the crybabies but anyone with half a brain can see that's blatantly not true.
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Was scott not talking about the steam forums xD
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Steam and DBD forums.
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I share your opinion as well.
Before I joined the forums I had another friend who came here and basically told me "Do not post anything, it is basically only killer players in there" because he mentioned something that apparently triggered people into just putting him down in his own thread. He has left ever since. At the time I did not believe him, until I experienced it for myself.
I don't think some people are unreasonable, but I do think a majority of this community (the forums one not the DBD community in its entirety) is very combative. There is a segment of this community that acts like they are just ready to attack anyone who merely suggests something because maybe they don't fully understand something about the game, or maybe just because they don't particularly agree with it.