This year has been kinda dry, 5th anniversary better be good.

Hey people of the fog, I got some things to mention of how this year has been kinda dry.

I honestly think this year has been really dry imo.

It started of amazing, we got Silent Hill, (amazing chapter btw) new graphical updates on the way and a new map as well.

But this year has been an awful experience imo, a month after the Silent Hill chapter was released, it got pretty dry from there.

We haven't gotten a map for 10 months, the recent new killers are ig fun enough, but just not viable at all, aside from Blight. The events has really sucked, the Blight event was decent, with the addon, but that was it. The Lunar New Year event sucked ass, it was literally more bloodpoints, and a few skins you gotta pay money for. (seriously what part of that is an "event?") Binding of Kin had a good survivor, but seriously the only fun part about a survivor is the perks, whereas The Twins is just an awful killer in general. The only effective way to play Twins, is to tunnel, slug and camp, and if you don't do that, you've lost.

I gotta admit I really loved the Blight chapter really good, aside from Felix' perks that are pretty bad and all the bugs with Blight, and Twins' bugs as well.

No licensed killers for 10 months as well. We got a mid-chapter patch that legit broke the game, and im not a big fan of the map reworks, first of all The Game (The map) is just broken with the amount of pallets there, and Crotus Prenn has just gotten fps drops for me. We finally got a rework for Clown which is decent, but just not enough to make him viable nor fun to play.

We got some new animations im not a big fan of. I personally like the old HUD more than the new one, but not that it changes a lot anyway.

The newest chapter was actually really good, amazing survivor, amazing music, amazing design, AMAZING trailer, but again, just not a viable killer at all. I already don't meet any Tricksters anymore, which is understandable, you really wanna play and like the guy, but he's just so weak.

There's probably more to write down, but this is all I remember.

I really hope this anniversary is gonne be something big bhvr!

But tbh they always nail the anniversarys so I have high hopes.
