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Questions for survivor mains or those who play survivor constantly.

Are you guys having fun with the new no stun bug?

How often are you guys instantly getting tunneled or camped?.

How often do you guys win now?.

Are killers playing more "rude"?.

Are you running into more slugging builds than before?.

How often do you actually use DS?


My own experience playing survivor since the all kill patch in case you are wondering.

1. This bug needs to be fixed asap since it makes weak pallets weaker and strong pallets weaker.

2. Out of 10 matches today I got facecamped 7 and instantly tunneled all matches when there was no obsession even if the unhooker was injured.

3. Not as often anymore.

4. Been noticing that killers have been more rude but I don't really mind that. fact yes, I'm starting to see more sluggers than before.

6. I don't get value so I don't use it at all, I have been using more obsession perks though.

This is a legit question from a killer main to survivor mains.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    1. nope
    2. Rarely
    3. About 60% of the time if I were to guess
    4. Hard to say But out of purely rank 1s I’d say yes but below that no
    5. Slugging builds? No but slugging in general yes
    6. Very little since not many killers tunnel in my lobbies unless there is no obsession
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I wish I was in your servers.

    Thanks for sharing your answers.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    1 no one is having fun with it

    2 if there is no ds

    3 my winrate hasn't changed a lot

    4 killers are playing like always

    5 no. slugging is rare

    6 i never used ds

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Are you guys having fun with the new no stun bug? It can be inconvenient, but I also know it is being worked on so doesn't really matter all that much. But yes I am still having fun.

    How often are you guys instantly getting tunneled or camped?. No more than usual. I rarely get tunneled - camping happens, but it is usually if the killer hasn't killed anyone by EGC.

    How often do you guys win now?. My escape rate is basically the same as it was last month...and last year.

    Are killers playing more "rude"?. Rude? Uhm they are killers - they kill. If you mean camping/tunneling - see above.

    Are you running into more slugging builds than before?. Nope

    How often do you actually use DS? I have used DS twice in 4 years. I don't have issues with people who think they need it - I just find other perks more useful.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    Are you guys having fun with the new no stun bug?

    No. I've noticed it's more pronounced on certain killers.

    How often are you guys instantly getting tunneled or camped?.

    Depends, I can have a streak of games where I will be hard tunneled or my teammate will be and the killer will do everything to run around me in order to hit them. I often see games where 2 survivors are on death hook while 2 others havent even been hooked once.

    How often do you guys win now?

    I'd say about 40% of the time. Depends on what kind of teammates I get. I'm rank 3 but I got paired up with a rank 18 with 5 hours of game experience and a rank 15 with 20 hours last night. I did 2 gens, everyone else died without doing anything of use. Later it gets in the night (EU time) the more often this sort of experience occurs.

    Are killers playing more "rude"?

    Seen a couple of headshaking campers, but I'd say no. Have had a number of ragequits, especially from Tricksters.

    Are you running into more slugging builds than before?.

    No. Killers seem adverse to slugging at all now.

    How often do you actually use DS?

    Every few games. I've caught myself out by healing my teammate for 0.5 of a second after an unhook and then getting chased a few seconds later with my DS disabled. Happens more if I'm on second stage since I keybind my struggle to M1.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    1) No, but it's not much of an issue gameplay wise

    2) Same as before, not a whole lot

    3) Ditto

    4) Not really

    5) No

    6) Never, same as before.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,519

    I consider myself a "killer main", but I do play survivor on a regular basis. So, here we go.

    1- Nope. It is an annoying bug.

    2- Rarely.

    3- To be honest, my escape rate is basically what it always was. I don't think it has changed.

    4- No, they are not. Unless there is no obsession.

    5- No, I am not. 

    6- I don't. 

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Mmk, I'll give this a go.

    1. Going to be completely honest here and say I haven't experienced it much on either side. Either way, it should've been fixed within the same day it was announced considering its a literal game-breaking bug lol

    2. Haven't gotten camped at all really (though my teammates always do) & tunneling hasn't been much of an issue for me. I could tell tunneling has risen a bit but I don't think it's crazy bad.

    3. I win about 90% of my matches as survivor through exit-gates. Sometimes we don't get everybody out but it's usually about 3 of us escaping on average (red ranks).

    4. Haven't noticed a difference in killer behavior in terms of headshaking & hitting on hook, although slugging has been a bit more common.

    5. I wouldn't necessarily say I encounter "slugging builds" more often but rather slugging in general, as mentioned in my previous response.

    6. Killers don't tunnel me often so not much, although when they do the perk isn't useless as many people say post-nerf.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I play both regularly, but have been playing more survivor lately: 

    1. is annoying, but I have learned to put up with it. 

    2. not more often than before - except with the Trickster. Because of its weaknesses, many killers seem to find themselves in the situation where they have to get the first kill as quickly as possible by tunneling. There you can try with the whole team to draw attention to yourself, it doesn't work. 

    3. nothing has changed in this regard either. There are good days and bad days. XD

    4. currently I am rank 1, when I play solo the killers are no different than usual, there I get matched with red or sometimes purple. However, when I play SWF and the lower ranks are at the start, there are many rude killers. Then you see how they stand in front of the hook and permanently hit the survivor. Kindred is like bad cinema in those moments. 

    5. I also see this more in the Trickster, who just desperately tries to compensate for the weaknesses. He just has to exploit every mistake the survivors make.

    6) When I play SWF, as I said above, I use DS. If only so that there is an obsession in the round and the killer is perhaps a little more afraid of tunnelling. When I play solo, I don't really need it, since most red killers refrain from tunneling. But you should always have Kindred with you! :p

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited April 2021

    I've been camped to death 4 times in a row now. I don't use DS, and didn't use it very often even before. However, I should probably use Adrenaline (and Dead Hard) instead, since stealth is being killed off.

    Edit: 5 times now. This is why I have no sympathy for the woes of console players.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
    1. Most of the killers I've gotten were Nurses and Spirits. I didn't even have the chance to stun much to begin with.
    2. All the time. They camp/tunnel me, and everyone else in every game. Last night (I actually had nice matches for the first time in forever though) I had a Hag trapping hook/camping and tunnelling but most hags do that so nothing new. Then I was facecamped (I took screenshots of this too) by a Nurse who also facecamped every person who got hooked, she didn't leave the hook once. Then another Nurse in the School map facecamped me with NOED at the end. Then facecamped by a Spirit who also didn't leave the hook all game though the 4 of us survived. Overall, most people always camped and tunnelled at red ranks but it has increased.
    3. It really depends. Yesterday I won about 80% of my matches and it must have been like 10 matches. But some other days you get 5 awful pointless matches in a row.
    4. if by "rude" you mean tunnelling and camping, definitely yes. As I said most of them always did. But it did get worse.
    5. Not from my experience, same as before.
    6. About half my matches with, half without. I must have made use of it 20% of them yesterday, since usually when I get hooked I get Facecamped and I either die and they escape (and if this happens it's a result I'm happy with) or it's by the very end and they leave me on the hook.

    That being said, I like how in the forums everyone apparently plays without DS, they never get tunnelled or if they do they love it, every game is wonderful, they don't mind dying 80% of the time, as long as "they make X bloodpoints". It must be a me problem that I'm very competitive and like to play optimally. Everyone else is apparently wonderful and there's no issues.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    1. The stun bug doesn't affect me that much. The finnicky timing and context sensitivity usually meant getting hit when I got the stun off, so not much changed.

    2. I have been seeing an uptick in camping and tunnelling lately, with more 'full-on sweat-mode' killers rearing their ugly heads. The ones that won't go more than 20 meters from a hook and have negative interest in anyone that wasn't unhooked in the last 15 seconds.

    3. Win rate is more or less unchanged. Probably a little over half of all matches end in a 4K. A few have a couple escape, and rarely, we get a 0K.

    4. See point 2.

    5. I've been seeing less slugging, I think.

    6. Never ran it, still don't have it. Probably won't get it now, either. Too situational, and probably not even strong enough of a deterrent to tunnelling.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I thought your replies were well stated until your last paragraph when you resorted to hyperbole.. lost me there. Hyperbolic statements only serve to weaken your point(s).

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Alright, thank you for your personal opinion on how I should present my thoughts and how I should translate it into text.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    New stun bug: it sucks, hopefully it gets fixed soon

    Tunneling/camping: I've never seen this happen as much as other people claim to see it. Still not really an issue for me right now most games

    I used to escape probably around 50% of my matches, probably down to 35-40% now. My main complaint there is it's usually one or two teammates not being productive that gets us killed more than it is the killer truly beating us (I usually play solo)

    More rude? No

    Slugging builds? I think I've only seen one in the past couple of months on a nurse, so no

    I've never actually used DS so I can't really speak on that

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    Hey, I had a nurse the other day who actually did facecamping with Insidious. XD I got a huge fright when she suddenly floated up and tried to attack me. She was better than any Jumpscare Myers. I really didn't expect that. 

    No, it's not that no one here has problems with tunneling and camping - but I just feel like it's more prevalent in the lower tiers. That's my personal experience - I rarely play SWF and when I do, I notice it more when my mates suddenly start hauling green killers. 

    You also have killers on the high tiers that use this tactic - but it's really much rarer. It happens, but it's not that often. 

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    1. Honestly haven’t even experienced the stun bug yet.
    2. Tunneling is one of the most common things in my matches - not necessarily me who gets tunneled though and mostly playing in 2 man swf so we can at least do something about it most of the time.
    3. depends on what counts as win.. me escaping: a little bit under 50% I would guess, but I do sacrifice myself for others often.
    4. Havent noticed „more“ rude behavior, but it’s definitely way too much.
    5. Slugging builds are an exception and i haven’t really seen an increase.
    6. Almost never used DS and that hasn’t changed. If I ever take it, I almost never get to use it any way, because even if I get tunneled DS timer is over when I get downed/picked up. Rarely it helps in EGC, where the nerf doesn’t really change anything
  • worriedfeng03
    worriedfeng03 Member Posts: 82
    1. The no stun bug is honestly annoying and I'm still getting hit even though I've smacked down the pallet.
    2. I don't get camped basically at all anymore, and if I am camped it's more like proxy camping. Tunneling however I have seen a pretty good increase in being tunneled.
    3. I still win a pretty good amount and I believe I've actually been winning more games, but that's just due to me becoming a better player overall.
    4. It's a mixed bag definitely when it comes to killers being more rude. Sometimes I'll get a rude killer who will hit you on hook and such but then I'll still occasionally get really nice killers.
    5. I haven't noticed whether or not anyone is using slugging builds. I have gotten a few who have tried to slug everyone however (the last one clearly forgot how No Mither worked).
    6. I only ever ran DS on one survivor (Laurie) and now since the nerf I don't play her anymore and I've been decent without it.

    But overall my experience since the patch/update has been mostly positive other than a definite increase in tunneling and that annoying pallet bug where you sometimes don't stun the killer and you get hit through the pallet.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I'm a rank 15 survivor and have been doing okay lately. I'm usually the last one alive but offer items to killers so they'll let me escape. I had 2 matches over the last few days where a cool huntress wanted to farm and let me go and then a rank 9 blight let me go to hatch.

    I have seen face camping more often and tunneling from more sweaty killers though.

    But my goal has been to at least do the 2x2 rule (2 gens, 2 totems, 2 hook rescue and 2 good chases). Even without nice killers ive been accomplishing these goals in most matches.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    my escape rate is about the same, i get tunneled about 70% of the time, i am kind of forced to use ds now, pallet stuns dont work, i get bmd on the hook for no reason, i also get slugged too. basically, solo survivor at red ranks has been hell ever since the all kill chapter

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Bugs are never fun, for either side.

    Tunneling and Camping are on the rise for sure, leading to very dry games. I really consider going back to swf, because then you can handle it.

    I win far less, but i still escape often enough (meaning i am the only one escaping with not much gens done) I rate games where all gens are done differently. At the moment, a key nerf might kill the game for me.

    Yes they are, not slugging, but just all in all more toxic, because they dont do it as a strategy, but rather "to show those damn survivors they can", at least that is the feeling i get.

    I dont use ds, and havnt used it before. Before however, i encountered tunneling far less than people claimed it happend. Maybe i just was lucky, but i belive a lot of survivors tend to inflate those incidents. Now it happens almost every game i participate in. Although there are still killers that go out of their way to avoid tunneling.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,838
    1. Not at all
    2. pretty regularly, killers have been doing this much more frequently
    3. I’ve taken a break since it was not fun.
    4. My escape rate which I calculated on nightlight dropped to about 50%. It hasn’t dropped further because of the matches I played before the update.
    5. Yes killers are playing more rude and occasionally in post game chat cite ds being nerfed as why they were bm’ing.
    6. Not many slugging builds.
    7. Since the update I’ve equipped it on every single build I run to avoid a non obsession match which since the update have been extremely extremely unfun.
  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427
    edited April 2021

    1) No

    2 ) the five matches that i played yesterday 3 was facecampers and the other 2 was hard tunneling

    3 ) i normally die cuz always in the end game i try to save my teammates regardless of the situation, so normally i die an them escape, But for me this is an win so i am ok (:

    4) Cant say that all the killers are plaiyng that way , but basically yes

    5) No, normally i never die for slugging, it always have an pure soul that help me and it always work (:

    6) never, i removed from my build and placed iron will, ironically this two perks helped me a lot more then ds would ever do, even in tunneling situation, ds was always an weak perk against tunneling so probably never gonna put in my build again (:

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    So what's the pallet bug? Are killers getting Enduring for free, or are they still teleporting to your side of the pallet?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,519
  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Been playing survivor almost exclusively since new chapter dropped

    1. Still havent had it happen to me lmao
    2. Much less facecampers but more people soft tunneling
    3. Same amount tbh which is barely ever since I am ######### at the game 😎
    4. Not really I have actually been having more fun games recently.
    5. What even classifies as a slugging build?
    6. I rarely use it since I am adicted to quick n quick with either lithe dance with me or head on deception but I have still had it activate whenever the killer was tunneling me so
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    I have been noticing, especially since I was running a Nemesis/PWYF build recently, it seems hard to get stunned. Instead of swinging my weapon into a dropping pallet and getting stunned, it hits the pallet and I don't get a stun. Is that what y'all are talking about?

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,174
    edited April 2021
    1. No I am not. But it doesn't happen enough for me to complain too much about it.
    2. Not very often, it happens in red ranks but for the most part, its okay.
    3. Its about 50/50. Depends for the most part, on the quality of teammates. Daytime is a lot better quality. Night time is horrible.
    4. By rude, what do you mean? Are they leaving me slugged and to bleed out at end game? No.
    5. No, slugging is happening just as much as before. People are still being hooked for the most part.
    6. I never used DS, I think it was a crutch perk for bad survivors who wanted to abuse it and even now, I don't use it because I'd rather bring a perk that I get real value out of.

    This is at red ranks, exclusively solo que.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    In that case, I don't think this is a bug. I think that's how pallets should work normally. It only feels so lenient on the stuns right now because of all the times before where you would step back to avoid the stun and then still get stunned by the ridiculous pallet hitbox.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,519

    I don't know, my friend, it is hard to say. Pallets have had a massive hitbox for years, and now that they don't have it anymore it kinda feels weird.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Coming from a Killer main, I can say that the bug leads to absolutely nothing.

    If anything, it's like having a free Enduring with slightly less of a stunlock, anx if you smack the pallet that gets dumped in your face, you can still shuffle for a brief moment, making it only minorly better than getting smacked.

    The first few times I experienced the bug, I was left confused for about as long as it would take for the stun to wear off, and ended up smacking the pallets, meaning that I was left with about the same downtime as normal.

    Frankly, the fact that I can still DO something, anything, makes this a good unintentional feature, to me. Even if it's just looking away.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Op, I am not a survivor main. I mainly played killer and started consistently playing survivor with the infamous 4.5 patch. I already made a thread about my experience in solo Q, and how that has been dreadful. Having that said, I’ll honestly answer your questions:

    1. The stun bug must be fixed asap, obviously.
    2. I only get face camped when I loop for long chases, I usually don’t get tunneled but the killers will slug me whenever they can after I’m unhooked. Although I do think that’s fair, I still think it’s unhealthy for the game. But I don’t blame that on the killer, I blame gen speed.
    3. I’d say I escape the trial half of the times and die the other half.
    4. I don’t know how rude killers were before so I wouldn’t know.
    5. I don’t see a lot of slug builds (currently rank 3). The most popular perks I see are BBQ, Pop, Discordance, Ruin/Undying; sometimes there’s a Sloppy, but almost never paired with Thana/DL unless Forever Freddy, which is, in my opinion, a real problem.
    6. I am occasionally using DS; as long as you are unhooked during the EGC, that is still a free escape. During the game I won’t keep it, if I don’t get tunneled (and I usually am not) I’ll just heal or do a gen. When I do get tunneled, it works as intended. It is still a very viable perk in my opinion.
  • ManOMaker
    ManOMaker Member Posts: 284
    1. it hasnt happened to me
    2. not often
    3. Like every third game
    4. not really
    5. no
    6. i never have
  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    Tunneling leads to more losses for a killer than wins. If you are the unlucky one, just chill, breathe, do your best, and hope your team pulls it out. There is always next game. There are some survivors that are great loopers, this can torture the killer just the same.

    Slugging is what has to happen to get a 4k (if that is what someone considers a win) in some higher ranked matches. Gen rushing is very strong and there is no other way to super slow it down. It is what it is. there are perks to balance this a bit if you find it happens to you often.

    The game was meant to have 4 solo players vs one killer so there would be less coordination. That is not the state of it anymore and they have chose to adapt the game as they did. Its not toxic to slug or tunnel and its not toxic to gen rush. One of the neat things about the game is you kind of decide what your win conditions are "pipping" can be a win condition for you, as it helps you rank up, but if you mean all 4 have to survive each time, how unbalanced would the game have to be to allow that?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    You don't get stunned as killer but can hit a survivor on the other side of the pallet.

    Example, I drop a pallet and it's down already, as soon as the killer presses M1 they can still hit you

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Ok so going from the data in everyone of you, I just had an unlucky day.

    Thanks everyone who answered honestly, thanks for sharing your experience since the update, I appreciate it.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    1. The new stun bug is extremely annoying. I've had so many hits with this bug it's hilarious (including an Oni who didn't even break the pallet after downing me with his power). I feel like I need to drop pallets super early.

    2. Tunnelling has definitely increased. I only see an obsession in 1/10 games currently. Camping hasn't necessarily been increased but definitely killers have went for the unhooked survivor more since the nerf.

    3. Win about the same. Win just as often as before in swf and solo q. Win less with my baby swf teammates but that's it.

    4. Haven't really noticed. Just killers going after the recently unhooked survivor but I wouldn't consider that rude.

    5. Definitely haven't seen an increase in slug builds/killers.

    6. I didn't use DS as often before the nerf but haven't really touched it now. The perk has too many counters for me to use it currently. I only used it a handful of times so my team had an obsession.