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should survivors be able to see the killers name in the lobby pre game

Been here since the very beginning but must lingered around like a weaponless wraith until today,

Im on Ps5 and currently Rank3 (R2 then back to R3) this week, this mainly seems to be due to Face Camping try hard PC killers that wont leave the hook if your unfortunate enough to actually play and not skulk around the map with urban.

Ive literally had about 6 games on the bounce, all killers PC and rank1 and rank2 and their gameplay is just plain nasty toxic and no fun whatsoever. I didnt even realise that facecamping so hard was still a thing (not seen it for a long time) and since Ive made note of the players being Aholes, I have no desire to want to play any of them again if possible.

Seeing the killers MO pre game would be a huge plus, i dont wanna see his rank or perks, just his name so you can make the choice pre game and decide if you continue or not.

Not the most outlandish request to fulfil surely..


  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Pretty sure if you block them you won’t get them again? Unless it’s a useless feature, this is bhvr then again.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    This is the exact reason why we dont have it lmao

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i would actually like it. i could go to their profile and see profile comments that are saying "facecamping bubba" so i would know if its better for me to dodge. then again, this would create more problems than it would solve. mass dodging & profile harassment

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    True, if it was 1v1. But this is 4v1. Or 1vs 4. So it's not fair.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    not names, but i would like a pre game chat, so we can talk to the killer

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited April 2021

    I'd say instead we should be able to see each other's own equipped items/perks. Especially on a game where you have to bring a perk to counter an in-game action (Camping/Tunneling/Slugging).

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119

    No, this would be a terrible idea. Next, people would want to see which perks/add-ons/killer said person is playing, and it would go downhill from there.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Names should be hidden for both sides before and during the game and only revealed in the post game screen.

    Instead of the player's ID being shown it should be displayed as Dwight01, Nea02, etc

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,471

    They already can on Xbox. Before I closed off messages for good people from lobby asked me what killer I was about to play and stuff.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,448
    edited April 2021

    I agree with others that rather than show the killer's name, it should hide the survivors' names. Seeing the survivor characters and their items to be able to prepare is one thing, but seeing the survivors' names is questionable.

    Survivors being able to see the killer's name is a definite no, however. A lot of killer players have a main, which would mean every survivor in the lobby will be able to equip perks to counter that killer's power and oh fun, 4 Spine Chills and Sprint Bursts against my tier 1 Mikey, guess I'll just go afk and try again next round to be spooky. Plus, if some survivor loses and gets salty about it, the killer's name will be publicized and accused of all the normal crap and suddenly you have killers who can't get a match because someone got upset they lost.

  • RubiqRage
    RubiqRage Member Posts: 25

    this was the case in the old versions, once you died you could see the killers perks and let your SWF know what he had though if your semi decent, you tend to work that out within minutes of playing nowadays

  • RubiqRage
    RubiqRage Member Posts: 25

    Nope, The only reason I made a note is because they played so ######### it made the game totally not fun and id seriously consider just quitting but id rather get a few BP than nothing and a time ban.

    IVe blocked all the idiots today but not sure if due to them being cross play killers it makes no difference. The ones that were twitchers, I went to there page and when asked about why they choose their toxic gameplay you get insta banned and blocked from asking..

    These are the killers that id prefer not to waste my time finding out 2 minutes into a game if they are here for one reason only.. To be c*nts..


    Killer sees who the survivors are, shouldnt be a one way system, either noone sees anyone till we are in game or its free for us all to see.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I really hope they do this. People dodge all the time when I’m in a full Xbox survivor team because apparently 4 cross play icons means sweaty SWF

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    I usually set my name to something like "Bill Spit on Me" or "step on me" so yes, it's very important that I have this communication with the survivors.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    The survivors are the abducted victims in this game. They aren’t in a position of authority to “know” anything.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    If/when they implement MMR absolutely not, the queue times are gonna be awful enough for people at higher MMR and to give people the option to lobby dodge is a horrible idea

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    Good idea. It's not like we'd see what killer they'd be playing as. Just the username, which I don't see why it wouldn't be a reasonable request. I'd definitely rather avoid killers that facecamp and whatnot as long as I remember the username

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No. I don't even think Survivors should be able to see each other's names, nor the Killer their names. This would prevent the Lobby jumping so that cheaters can make sure they end up in the game with their Killer friend. The only people who should know the names (or anything about anyone else) before the match actually starts is those in a SWF since they enter the Lobby together from their personal pre-Lobby.

    I personally would love it if the Killer came into the Lobby and could see shadowy figures with just enough detail to know what gear they are bringing in, but no more.

  • LeoVR_87
    LeoVR_87 Member Posts: 40

    I'm interested in seeing if the killer is console or pc nothing more than that, because playing on pc console killers tend to have more lag and because of that I would like to know what platform they play on. No names, no profile or anything like that.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Thats because it usually means SFW, and SWF usually means unintentionally sweaty.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No, if anything no one should have their name or profile visible. Depending on platform this is already an issue of self entitlement.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I would LOVE to see the killers name ahead of time because I cant tell you how many matches I have had where the same killers do the same crap. Had the same Wraith the other night in two games do the same camping, sit by the hook invisible waiting for survivors to down, if they tried the save. If your running SWF fine just sacrifice that one teammate and your out the gate. But, if your running solo your screwed. I would have loved to see that same name and just move on to the next game. I make mental notes on the crappy killer mains who camp and tunnel and that list seems to be growing daily.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264


    However, what I would like to see is a Killer Filter option - so you can select killers that you absolutely do not want to go up against as part of match-making, and you will not be put into a match with that killer.

    There are some advantages and disadvantages to this but I think overall it would be a plus. There are already killers who for whatever reason people hate playing against - and if they get that killer, they either d/c, or play badly on purpose, which ruins the game for everyone. If they could filter them out as part of match-making, it might take them longer to find a match but they are then more likely to play properly when they are matched.

    The main problem is for the particularly unpopular killers, people who want to play those killers will end up having to wait a lot longer to find a game. Though they may actually think that is worth while if they get a decent game out of it.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    Oh sorry, I've misunderstood - didn't realise you meant their actual name rather than killer name! My point still applies, and I don't think you should be able to see their username pre-game but you SHOULD be able to block a particular player from being matched with you, if you had a bad experience with them - that goes for survivor OR killer. If I have a bad experience with a player I do not want to play a game with them again. Blocking their communication is fine but blocking from being matched with them would be much better.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    This option should be limited to a certain amount. I don't think people will only block toxic people. They will block people that just outplayed them, too. Or people would just block popular streamers to just increase their lobbytime.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    to quote Colbert: "we cant allow gay marriage because...jada jada jada etc etc etc, orgy in the barn"

    asking for one thing does not mean asking for everything, stop being silly.

    And lets not forget that killers can see survivor name's....

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    OK, you get a couple of blocks per month to prevent it being abused. I would definitely appreciate this option - I wouldn't use it for people who have outplayed me, but toxic survivors and killers. If enough people block them, it will take them longer to queue for matches which is a suitable punishment IMO. I don't want to play with survivors who block me in a doorway or come to unhook me and endlessly cancel and retry because they think it's funny.

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    Except by this same token, we could make an argument for the Killer not seeing the survivors and what they are bringing into the match. *shrug*

    I do think that showing the Killer (I don't care about seeing the player name, just seeing the Killer) might give BHVR some interesting statistics, if they actually gathered the data. As in, what percentage of people elect to leave a lobby with any particular Killer - and that's good data to have. If, 25% or more of players choose to leave a lobby with a particular Killer, something is wrong with that Killer that needs addressing. If there's something about a Killer that makes people literally choose to go back into a waiting queue rather than play a match, that should be a huge red flag. It would be more difficult, but they could actually track the reverse as well - as in, what survivor characters and what objects were they carrying in matches where the Killer chose to leave the lobby?

    The other thing it might do is result in less DCing during the match, since players would have removed themselves in the lobby phase, rather than getting into the game and then quitting, which would be better for the health of each match overall, as it wouldn't leave the remaining survivors at an even greater disadvantage.

  • RubiqRage
    RubiqRage Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2021

    Imagine having already played against a sweaty killer that basically sucked any fun out of the game and face camped and played toxic was possible and then getting then again in the future and being able to decide yourself is it worth going through the torment of more toxicity.

    Them getting bumped might make them think about playing with an ounce of decency and rethink about how they come across online, being annomous doesnt give people the right to be ar5eholes regardless of being a forum or in a game itself.

    You can report killers for griefing yet nothing rarely happens..

    Why waste time playing against players you clearly know are gonna just kill 20 minutes of your time playing toxic. You can report players for playing as such, id rather not waste what precious time I have to play games by just avoiding them completely. Theres nothing sinister about it, it isnt gaining a upper hand,. its not playing against try hards...

    Seems a simple win surely

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,740

    camping/tunneling is not reportable if that’s what you’re referring too.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I honestly don't think ANY names should be revealed until end game - survivor or killer.

    I had 5 killers opt out last week from a match .. because: TTV. I was with 3 randoms - 2 of whom had TTV in their name. We had to wait for the 6th killer to finally accept the match. Ended up being a great match with the lowest score being like 27k for survivors and the killer got 31,400 (or 31,300..I just remember it being almost 31,500). But yeah - 5 scared killers to go against 4 randoms - just because there was TTV in half their names. I say get rid of the names altogether as they serve no purpose before the game is over.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,031

    I literally said nobody shouls be able to see names in the pre-game. That includes the Killer.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Either let no one see names, or everyone.

  • RubiqRage
    RubiqRage Member Posts: 25

    When I play killer, its often easy to notice if the group is SWF before the game starts, the only thing I do as killer if I notice this is perhaps throw on franklins or lightborne if they all have torches or kitted out with toolboxes as its very obvious what the tactic will be, but i dont ever duck a game, ive been wrecked fair more often as killer than survivor but as survivor, especially one playing mostly 90% solo its extremely annoying to get a group that isnt well organised tactically then have a frosty killer deciding hes gonna slug and camp the hell outta ya, then get the same killer next game.. First game fair enough, but id rather not have that again. few nights ago i had same killer 3 times in one night, it was ridiculous how i kept being matched with them. :(

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,432

    I dont need more lobby dodging when i play solo survivor.

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119

    We've seen arguments on the forums for survivors being allowed to know what add-ons/perks killers are using. Your argument falls on its face right there. Killers seeing survivors' names doesn't grant any inherent advantage. Survivor mains on just these forums already admit to suiciding on hook or DC'ing against certain killers. Killer mains will dodge anything that they think looks like an SWF.

    You can see it in the endgame lobby.

    So, to quote you...stop being silly.