Can you add a +1 or -1 to other players where you say whether their a good killer or survivor.

Im sure some ppl would use this to - anyone who does anything they dont like. But I thought maybe a reward for being a non toxic or good teammate might be good for the community.
The problem with stuff like this, is players will abuse it. "I lost in a way I didn't like, everyone gets a - ". You have to make something that can't be abused, which is much easier said than done. I also imagine a lot of players giving props or rewarding each other for being toxic to the killer.
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what if you could only props someone and it has to be the killer or a survivor to stop from abuse (killer has to vote a survivor and the other way around too)
0 -
A better system would probably be upvotes only.
Ie. when someone gives props, which currently does nothing as far as I'm aware
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I would probably get -4 followed by the comments...
"POS pyramid head player get a life bozo"
"fing tunneling trash killer player 2000 hours and you still cant win without tunneling?"
"-rep, plays spirit"
and "literally the most toxic player ever, uninstall and get a fing life"
0 -
wait a survivor called you the most toxic player followed by that lol
1 -
Yes actually, several times over the years. Even though I didn't play toxic but ok.