Don't you love the community of DBD?

Just played a game as Deathslinger.
I pulled out the stops. I brought the big guns out. I played like the low class Stormtrooper you see in Star Wars and couldn't hit my target. These survivors are Jedi's and they are just dodging and my potato aim didn't help.
To give you the story of what happened. By the time I caught the first person, three gens were completed. The game was not going in my favor. We also were on the wreck haven map. The one called Gas Heaven. I highly dislike this map on killer and survivor. Just the map alone is not a good one in my opinion.
So after getting the first hook, I pretty much gave up but wanted to defend the flash light person because to heck with the flash light. Also she was the easiest the catch out of the four. Everyone came in doing saves and replacing on hooks expect the person the top of the list. He never got hooked. xD almost but didn't. The one with 1 perk found a key and bounced out after I killed flash light girl. Which forced the other two to try and get out by door. I caught the other who was at the bottom of the list. Anyway game ended up with two kills instead of one because people wanted to be the silly and try to save when they kept getting hooked.
The worst part is. I played dirty. I became killer shack guard. Not like I could aim anyway, and then I went right after the flash light with no cares about the others because she was on death hook. Needless to say, I sucked horribly and I can admit that.
But this is how end game looks like. Regardless if I would of done good or bad, something tells me with these toxic survivors (expect the top one he was console). They would have been toxic no matter what. I was being nice. But why does DBD allow people to be like this? Like I honestly wish DBD would just remove peoples abilities to talk after games if they are like this to much.
Yeah, I know just how frustrating this is.
A few days ago I had a very interesting match on Coal Tower. The last survivor to die was a Nea, the only PC player in the trial (therefore the only one who could talk in post-game chat). She was also an experienced survivor and certainly wouldn't have died if it wasn't for one or two mistakes during the last chase.
And, in post-game chat, she told me that I should kill myself and burn alive because I main Freddy.
Just why? What is the point?
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I either leave lobby asap or just press the little arrow next to the chat box to disable it while I look at my stats.
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Toxic behavior is held in any, if not all pvp games. There's is no fixing the problem since people are the problem. Just do what you think is necessary and avoid them. By setting things to friends only, turning off chat, whatever you think will help you feel better at the end. Report them if you want, that might do something.
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Nothing is more toxic than the misuse of the word Cringe. they deserved to be camped.
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Don't even entertain these toxic idiots. Play however you want to play and if you're gunna type anything just type gg wp :) after and if they start throwing insults just say thank you and let them get themselves all upset because they aren't getting the reaction out of you that they want.
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i dont honestly have too much of a problem with the community atm. yes, there will always be toxic killers, but you can always, y'know, ignore them? you dont need to engage if you dont want to. it is simply stirring up drama
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I think because they are upset and are showing it the only way they know how. Somehow the fun for them got ruin by the killer and they are not happy because they believe they should escape and not die maybe?
What does that little arrow do? Is it not the enter button?
I get called a furry because of my display picture and because of my avatar I use to stream. I use facerig and use a dog look because its better looking than I am.
The problem with reporting is. I never know if it actually works. So I feel like it's sort of pointless. I mean I am sure it works but I feel like it doesn't because of how often I see the toxic side of the community. I played a total of ten games today. About 6 of them had people like what I showed. I only had two that said gg and was not a mean person.
Well, if you want the good news. The one who used Cringe did die. :D
I play how I feel the game is going. Some matches I feel being a camping jerk face is needed and so it's not needed. It all comes down to the feel of each match. Because I am determined to at least get one kill gosh darn it.
Its why I was trying to be nice. :< it didn't work so well.
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At least you haven't yet been screamed at for running Padded Jaws or Mettle of Mither.
Edit: Wait, what am I saying? Those were some of the funniest moments of my entire DbD experience!
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You are a toxic camper. Shame on you!
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I made the mistake of letting a survivor escape by using a very obvious power struggle instead of making them bleed out for 3 minutes.
I was t-bagged, insulted, harassed......the community sucks.
Show survivors no mercy ever, they will only stab you in the proverbial back for it. Don't give them an inch, they will stretch it a mile and then mock you for ever having done so.
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Reporting probably does work....maybe. I just wish BHVR would tell you that the person you reported has been taken care of. Their actions lead to either a suspension or ban.
Like Overwatch. I like the way they did theirs. DBD doesn't have to be like this but some type of notification that your report did something.
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I don't even know what Padded Jaws are, however looked them up. That sounds extremely funny to use. However my trapper is level 1 but prestige twice. Working towards the third one later on.
Thank you :) good luck and have fun in future games. :D Happy Hunting or Happy living depending which team you play for.
Yeah, I have had some of those myself. Not the good side of DBD. I will sound dirty, but if its a full SWF I will slug them all and let them bleed out if they are doing that. I have no care, I will watch a show while they die. I get something like that extremely rare because I never believe they are all SWF so I really just do it to the ones who did it. Save them for last if possible.
That is the one thing I did enjoy about Over Watch. The reporting system. Wish all games did something like that.
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Yeah I know it doesn't.
We had a guy in our discord, for almost 2 months. He wasn't that bad with us, but to random people in the game he would threaten, insult, harass, tell them to kill themselves, etc.... we would report him ourselves.
He never got a ban, not even once for a day, nothing.
Eventually the admin finally removed him from the discord, but ngl it was interesting seeing the report system in action, or rather no action I should say.
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That brings my confidents in the reporting system down even lower than it already was.
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If you press that it like, minimizes the chat box so u don't see it anymore.
I think, that OR the chat bubble icon on the opposite side my bad lol one of them makes the entire chat box disappear.
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yuh i get it can be hard and you want to show positivity, but it can just stress you out if you are trying to fix things that dbd devs have no intention on fixing.
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Toxic Nea? That's honestly not a surprise to me
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I may not always agree with you but God damn I wish you did some kinda killer boot camp training so you could help me to stop being so soft with surviours lol
But you are very right no matter how fair nice and kind they will always take advantage and I get a lot of abuse. Truly baffles me in all honesty lol
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I am not totally heartless. Like If I see a team getting sandbagged, or anything I'll kill the sandbagger and let the rest farm and go.
I just had a game where a guy was exploiting on mcmillian, if you get downed in a certain spot you can't be picked up and he knew this and abused it and refused to leave it until I left- so I face camped him to death as his teammates nodded in understanding; and then farmed with them all and let them go.
I don't actively tunnel just one person because "Ahh a key" or anything either, if I tunnel or camp it's only ever because it is the best thing for me to do at that moment in time (I think, I make bad calls sometimes, every killer does).
I just don't cave to things survivors feel they are entitled to. If I feel like slugging for a 4k, I can and I will, If I want to run noed I will (though tbf I rarely do it's actually not that good).
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Perhaps. But I imagine that an experienced player wouldn't really care about loosing.
Based on her STEAM achievements, she started playing DBD in 2017. I started playing in 2018, and I've never insulted someone in post-game chat. Never.
Worst thing is, she was not toxic during the trial. No tbag, no pointing at me. Nothing.
I wasn't expecting such behaviour in post-game chat. I had no reason to.
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Ngl. As a Varity killer. i get Tons of hate No matter what i do,
I can play nice, Get ######### talked on,
I can play like a #########. Get ######### talked on,
]You can't please everyone as i've learned.. just say gg quickly and move on,
let their salt pour out in the end-game chat. wasting their time instead of moving onto the Next match,
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Can't relate: I have end game chat disabled.
While there are a lot of idiots in this community (in game and on the forums) - I have met a lot of really fun people as well. I just have no need to see the stupidity in end game chat so I ignore it. I wish there was an ignore button on the forums as well, but I just skip threads started by the more well known idiots/trolls on the forums as they serve no real purpose.
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Well, I will say thank you very much. I will type GG WP and close it shortly after if it becomes toxic. This way I can just be nice and go and try to spread a little good.
I mean, if anything they made the first step to fixing things by the censorship on certain words. Ironically killer is a bad word some how but that is what the bad guys are called. I can understand how it can be taken out of context but still a little weird on that word alone.
Nea the entity showed her true colors :P
I started back when Huntress became a thing, but didn't stay long. Came back more so when Doc was released.
I like that idea. And yes I played both side. Nice killer and jerk face killer. The mean side of people come out.
That is smart. I kinda just made this to vent out in all honestly. Just kinda shine a little light and maybe see if the Devs even cared. I am sure the mods glanced this over to see if it was fine before moving on, they got enough work I am sure. Just wish the jerk faces would get removed. If toxic people started getting removed, maybe people would become nicer by fear of getting removed?
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Sometimes my friend, you just have to accept that people will be ######### no matter now nice you play,
I've learned that the hard way and it sucks...
But remember. keep yer head up and don't let anyone tell you what to do / how to play..
speaking of which,
@GoodBoyKaru We need a wholesome picture in this comment section ples,
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I choose to deal with this in two ways:
- Ignore it. Simple enough.
- Feed on it. Share it with your friends, laugh about it even intentionally run Forever Freddy and wait for the messages to roll in. My favorite of the two.
You pick.
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Now I need to ask. Forever Freddy?
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Never heard of it? I've never done if before, but the point of the build is to make the game last as long as possible, working well with Freddy. It's awful.
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Did someone say Forever Freddy?
When I want to run such build, it usually looks like this:
You can replace Dying Light and Corrupt Intervention if you want to, and it will work just fine. The point of this build is to slow the game down... more than just a little bit.
I hate fast-paced trials, both as survivor and as killer. This build is literally a blessing from the Entity, in my opinion.
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Sounds evil but fun :D
Well, I gave it a try and the survivors pretty much surrender after two died
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I've played this game for a long timeAnd I swear there's nothing but a bunch of dumbassesPlay dumb ass i meant newbies 1. Running around leaving scratch marks for the kill to find easy for me to ha 2. Just being trolls pissing off the kill so thats y I love camping right back to trolls because there little punk assistant can't take and they get passed off and either leave the game or call u a camping though ######### what comes around gos around and pay backs are a ######### ha.