Here's how to torture yourself

1- In the DBD main menu, select play as killer
2- Pick The blight
3- Send yourself to backwater swamp
4- Enjoy sliding off literally half the objects in the ######### map
Getting to 2 on console is already enough torture.
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I've been thinking to use those slides to my advantage in the chases, but they are too inconsistent
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I’m actually a legend blight. My most recent game I was landing soo many lethal rushes and it seemed impossible for the survivors to juke out of the way at all...
OKAY okay.... I’m a fraud... the entity sent me to Midwich and I was constantly catching them grouped up in the relatively tight hallways. I had a Blight Mori ritual and prayed to the almighty Coldwind Gods to have mercy. I didn’t cause any extra unwanted attention by making a deal with the Swamp Gods because I know for a fact they already love seeing me suffer.
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Add Adrenaline Vial + Placebo Tablets for maximum fun.
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Honestly I think they were WAY more consistent before. I knew exactly what I would and wouldnt slide off. Now it's pretty much a gamble again, cuz ######### all those hours learning what he slides off of. BHVR just had to change the detection for his collision so it's different from before... not fix anything anyways AND make it worse in the process.
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I've been playing Trickster all day, I think I know real torture.
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Instructions unclear I got stuck playing trickster on haddonfield.
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Turn on your ps4, turn camera sensitivity to 0, play perk less nurse
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Agree. Now everything you see is not reliable.
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Also for add ons put on Adrenaline Vial with Placebo Tablet, and now you have Budget Decrease Slippery Blight on the Swamp.
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i thought they fixed the hitboxes on objects for Blight ?
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Turn on your console, pick perkless nurse
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That's been my experience as well. I never know what is going to register as a slam and what I'm going to slide along.
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go to herman carter's office of your appointment
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Picking 3 in general is torture
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4- Enjoy sliding off literally half the objects in the [BAD WORD] map
Shelter Wood is good for this too.
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more like: pick billy and put on lerys with addons that make revving take even longer
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Really? I just run Object of No Mither on Midwich.
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Isn't step 1 enough?
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Alternative torture (stay with me its complicated):
1. Play killer and select Trickster
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How to actually torture yourself in 2 steps:
Click play killer
Click find a match and wait
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Which console?
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They raised the POV, making object hitboxes significantly worse
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Sometimes Step 1 is enough torture.
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Did you actually get to rank 2 on console with blight? Masochist.
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I've done even better than that. I spent a whole day to get his adept, which somehow took me longer than Trickster to get.