Killer Concept: The Parasite

New Killer: The Parasite
Killer Data
Appearance: Just Specimen 10 from Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, in a more detailed and DBD-esque style. The weapon would vary depending on the form.
Speed: 115% (4.6 m/s) / 135% (5.0 m/s) / 110% (4.4 m/s)
Terror Radius: 32 meters / 16 meters / 40 meters
Height: Tall / shorter than Victor / Tall
Power: Hunting Variation
Holding CTRL for 2 seconds will slow the Parasite down to 80% speed for the duration of the 2 seconds, before changing the form of the Parasite. To what the form is changed to depends on the form the Parasite was currently at, going in a loop like this:
Base --> Leech --> Hunger
The Base Parasite has generic Killer stats across the board. Its m2 ability is used by holding down m2 for 1 second, where the Parasite sniffs the air, slowing the Parasite down to 100% speed for the duration of the sniff, before showing the auras of every object in a 16 meter radius of the Parasite for 5 seconds (Survivors being red, Killer's belongings being pink, and pallet and windows being yellow), as well as making blood pools significantly brighter for 30 seconds. If the Parasite moves during those 5 seconds of aura reading, the radius doesn't move with it, instead staying where the Parasite was when it sniffed the air. Survivors moving during this time will continue having their auras revealed for the whole duration even if they leave the radius, though. The sniff can only be used once every 10 seconds.
The Parasite as a leech is significantly faster than normal, while also being significantly smaller. The Parasite in this form can go under dropped pallets, but cannot lunge, vault windows, down Survivors, hook Survivors, or break pallets. The Leech has no additional abilities.
The Hunger Parasite is slightly slower than normal Killers, with a bigger terror radius. It also cannot lunge, and its attack takes about .2 seconds to actually deal damage, but said damage will always be an instant down. It can also hold m2 when near a blood pool to drink the blood pool over a course of 3 seconds, with this power being Blood Rush. After doing so, it can see the aura of the Survivor the pool originated from for 45 seconds, and during those 30 seconds moves at 135% (5.0 m/s) speed. It can run through breakable pallets and windows, breaking them in .25 seconds. It also attacks as fast as a normal Killer during this time, but missing an attack or being stunned by a pallet will stun the Parasite, ending the power. This power can only be used once every 60 seconds.
- Slightly/moderately/considerably increasing the duration of the aura reading from sniffing as the Base Parasite
- Slightly decreasing the time it takes to switch between forms
- Slightly/moderately increasing speed while switching between forms
- Slightly/moderately decreasing the time it takes to drink blood as the Hunger Parasite
- Inflicting Exhaustion for 5 seconds | Blindness for 30/60 seconds | Hindered for 20/40 seconds when hit by the Leech Parasite.
- Slightly/moderately/considerably increasing the Hunger Parasite's speed during Blood Rush.
- Slightly increasing the duration of the Hunger Parasite's Blood Rush.
Iridescent Add-ons
- Iridescent Catalyst - The Parasite switches in between its 3 forms considerably faster. All forms of the Parasite can drink blood now, without the benefit the Hunger Parasite's Blood Rush would give, but instead granting 33.3% progression towards 1 joined power, which can be activated when fully charged by holding m2 for 3 seconds. This activates Catalytic Rush, where the Parasite instantly switches to its base form and moves at 130% (5.2 m/s) speed for 30 seconds (extended by add-ons that affect duration of the Blood Rush), and clicking m2 again will have the Parasite rush forwards at 450% (18 m/s) speed for half of a second. During this dash, the Parasite breaks pallets and breakable walls it goes through.
- Fisherman's Digested Arm - Survivors injured by an attack from the Leech Parasite are inflicted with Mangled and Hemorrhage until they're fully healed. Hitting a Survivor with the Hunger Parasite automatically triggers Blood Rush for 30 seconds if it wasn't already active or on cooldown, and all Survivors within 8 meters of a blood pool have their auras revealed for that duration. Slightly increases the time it takes to sniff the air and drink blood for Blood Rush.
Hex: Ravenous Impulse
Something in your brain compels you to draw blood.
After hitting a Survivor with a basic attack, the last Survivor that has healed is also injured. This cannot down a Survivor. Hex: Ravenous Impulse can only activate once every 60/50/40 seconds.
A Predator's Presence
As it comes closer, the feeling of its darkness becomes more overwhelming.
If you hit a Survivor with a basic attack while within 16 meters of a generator, any Survivor working on that generator faces a difficult skillcheck, and if they fail it, the generator is blocked for 12 seconds. If no Survivor is working on the generator, the generator is blocked for 12 seconds. All blocked generators are highlighted in a white aura. This can only activate once every 60/50/40 seconds.
Hex: Dominion
Every carnivore has its territory, and will fight tooth and nail to protect it.
If a Survivor starts cleansing a Dull or Hex Totem, they will be Cursed and Exposed for 30 seconds. As long as a Survivor is cursed by Hex: Dominion, they vault pallets and windows 5/10/15% slower.
The Parasite has existed in the Entity's realm for a long time. Who it once was, or why it even was taken is a mystery, as now all that's left is a mindless beast hunting anything it smells. It's lack of humanity, hopes or desires make it next to impossible for the Entity to keep in its realm while its energy is being spent elsewhere, such as when taking more people into it's realm. When doing so, the Parasite appears in the lake it was taken from as a human, and exterminates next to all life in and around that lake in the time it takes for the Entity to take 1 mere person. One time it even attacked a whole ship because one fisherman cut his finger 4 hours earlier and 1 drop went into the water.
It probably won't be long until the Parasite is killed or imprisoned by the Entity, from its pure lack of ability to behave or be controlled. The only thing keeping it subservient is the promise of human flesh if it gives a satisfactory offering of a Memento Mori.
Thank you for reading this! Feedback and suggestions are heavily appreciated!
Really interesting idea!
Although im not sure about the 150% base speed with the add on.
Hex dominion is just og undying with a twist.
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Tbh saying Dominion is Undying with a twist is like saying Undying is Thrill of the Hunt with a twist. They're twists on different aspects of the same thing, being punishing Survivors for not thinking of when and where they try to cleanse.
And yeah, the Iridescent Add-ons are kind of ridiculous. I might change that to 125% or 130% instead.
Thank you for your thoughts!
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I agree with guardian, just remove or change the second ability of dominion and it will be great.
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That's fair, will do.