

More perks slots for survivors

Member Posts: 55

Currently survivor has 4 perks same as the killer but killer has it's own ability he can use it anytime, so if survivors has 6 perks slots it's better because currently 7/10 killer wins the match and in random lobbies people so frustrated by lose again and again so it's my suggestion to increase two more perk slots for survivors.

More perks slots for survivors 100 votes

8 votes
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  • Member Posts: 55

    i think it because as survivor i got tunnelled by red rank killers, i can't do anything they just wants to killer single survivors as fast as possible if i have 6 perks i can take a fair fight against tunneling that's the main reason, many times game looks like killer has this unfair advantage he can kill anyone he wants and survivor can't do anything on these situations i mentioned above.

  • Member Posts: 55

    i know Peoples who clicked on No in this poll section knows if this thing happen in dbd the tunnel he did and camping will be permanently Countered by 6 perks slots.

  • Member Posts: 55

    in random lobbies you know which type of survivors we get they not communicating each other like streamers they just play and dead. it's so frustrating!

  • Member Posts: 44

    Killer has 4 perks, survivors have 16... and you want to make it even more unbalanced? If survivor perks were weaker than killer's then maybe... but it's actually the survivor perks being way stronger and more impactful on the game. Hard no.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    If they were to add more perk slots, give them to those that need it.

    1. SWF - Strongest. Gets no extra perks.
    2. Killer - Stuck in the middle. 1 extra perk. (Hex perks only)
    3. Solo - Weakest. Gets 2 extra perks. (Aura reading perks only)
  • Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2021

    @Nos37 I don't agree with Solo players getting 2 additional perks. That's a lot. Imagine facing 4 strong random survivors with 4 meta perks + Kindred and Object of Obsession or Windows of opportunity... Unwinable, they would ######### on Iri Head Huntress or even Spirit (I did win a lot of 3/1 against Iri Heads and lost a lot when playing Iri heads, they are not as broken as people claim). Also killer getting dedicated hex perk... kills the very idea of hex perks. If you know that hex perk is there, it's as good as empty slot, because it will be cleansed under one minute.

    I do like the idea of SWF getting one less perk. In my opinion it should be this: Everyone get's 4 perk slots, exception being people in 3 or 4 man swf, who get 1 less.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Survivors have items and addons. Case closed.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Yeah they have but tell me how many players using brand new part+Alex Toolbox+ Very rare offerings in random lobbies?

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2021


    And imagine facing 4 weak solo survivors with your 1 hex perk being Third Seal and being very well hidden on an indoor map, completely negating their 2 extra aura reading perks entirely.

    See? Imagination goes both ways.

  • Member Posts: 55

    i completely agree with your comment, in future maybe they do something to stop camp or tunnel!!!

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Absolutely not. The fun is the limited perk spots available and customizing them to your individual gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    I think that more perk slots should be added


    It would add more variety to builds, potentially shake up the meta, and make the killer more powerful because now they aren't as limited as they were before.

    Please, if you think I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong. I just think it would be interesting and honestly it would finally allow me to play True Buff Dwight

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    That's not the point. The point is that survivors have already an equivalent for the killer's power. Items don't have to be OP to add an ability that otherwise survivors wouldn't have.

  • Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2021

    It could actually be fun if once in a while got 6 perks weekend for both killer and survivor, it would definitely shake things up and make it interesting. Also a way to see if it can actually work.

  • Member Posts: 44

    @Fenn It could be good idea for just a weekend, but for a long run it's terrible. Killer has 4 perks, while survivors have 16... and there is no killer perk good enough to be worth 4 survivors perks. Actually their value is kind of even, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2021

    That if the players are going to use low-to-mid tier perks that synergize well. But no, fifth slot will only give more meta, which will be even-more-full-crutch builds for survivors and even heavier gen-defence builds for killers. It only will make the game even sweatier than it is on high ranks.

    And I'm just talking 5. Even more perk slots would be completely unbearable for literally everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    I completely understand

    I guess this is me being wishful, but if 6 perk slots were to happen, maybe the Dev team would start buffing new and old perks to create more variety?

    I guess we'd have to see

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Definitely not.

    Firstly having 24 different Survivor Survivor perks you may need to play around would be a headache and a half

    Secondly, I have a list of 3 Survivor perks that I personally think are incredibly unhealthy for the game. Adrenaline, Prove Thyself, and Spine Chill. Thankfully with Survivors only having 4 perk slots, they frequently don't get brought over the more meta perks. With 6 slots, we'd see those significantly more often and it would absolutely suck.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Total Mayhem, but for dbd. I'm down

  • Member Posts: 737

    For solo queue, yes. For SWF, you should have less depending on the number in your team (4 man SWF, 2 or 3 perks each etc)

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    do i really need to say anything?

  • Member Posts: 31

    nah, this game is a 1v4 game, kyf sure what the hell, but definetly not in swf or soloq, plus that will cause even more riots with killer mains complaining about how survivor sided this game is, and if that actually happens then i wouldnt blame them, you just cant justify that in public matches, kyf yea go ham but nowhere else

  • Member Posts: 55

    The main thing is if devs do something to stop tunnel and camps on a single Survivor, then it's okay with current perk slots, but i don't think tunnel or camp going to stop in future, that's why if survivor has 6 perk slots they can survive against these type of killers.

    and i want to say who clicked on No in poll why you looking this poll on only killer perspective , look at this poll as a survivor who camps and tunnels by killers and died he paid also same amount of money you did, so he has to be fun in it not like dying in every single game.

  • Member Posts: 399

    I play both sides, more survivor than killer, and yeah I've been camped and tunneled lots of times.

    With that being said: Having more perk slots is a terrible, terrible idea.

  • Member Posts: 55

    How more perk slots help survivor to save him tunnel and camps if a survivor have 6 perks he use ProveThymself+iron will+unbreakable+borrowedtime+Camaradarie+Delievrance if these perks survivor use the tunnel+camp End Forever

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    So you want the killer to have to deal with 28 meta perks instead of 20 lol.

    You can play well as survivor without any perks so letting survivors have 6 is way to much.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Survivors have 16 perks and killer has 4 perks so no

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Survivors lose because of solo que, not because of a lack of perks.

    I mean, damn, you already have 16 of them working for you. 16.

  • Member Posts: 965

    Yeah thats a no lol

  • Member Posts: 39

    u are kidding ? The balance is on the side of the survivors now lol, do you understand that the key has no counter? what perks, the survivors have the same slot, for example, the first aid kit is self-care and so on, do not write nonsense after the merged game

  • Member Posts: 4

    So then why is Barbique and chilli still technically meta? Because from a survivors point of view that killer perk is unbelievably OP with no other counter than being up on top of the killer who more than likely knows this

  • Member Posts: 4

    funny how most of the people who hit no are probably killer mains, if the killer camps the hooked survivor then they clearly have no skill whatsoever

  • Member Posts: 242

    hard no

  • Member Posts: 8,328

    Perks are currently balanced around having 4 perks, giving either side additional perk slots would throw off what little balance we have.

  • Member Posts: 31

    the problem is your not considering the other side, what would you rather have, 6 meta perks to ruin killers fun, or remove a thing that already has perks to counter it.

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