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how fun is solo survivor after the DS change?

Raz_ Member Posts: 296

in this video you will see something what happens now 9/10 games.

its either you or someone else.. now im questioning how balanced DS really was when i see all these killer come out from their holes after the change.

imagine waiting 5 min for a lobby in the evening to get tunneled out of the game withing 2 min of the game? fun right? bhvr created this.

but at the same time you can see killers complaining about

-everyone runs meta perks

-everyone is playing with swf

-everyone is toxic

im asking myself..

-if i get tunneled every match.

-camped because i lopped the killer and did not stand still


anyways why not just being a toxic little ****?

and i slowly understand why so many survivors are toxic and just BM without a reason.

i guess its time to find a SWF and bully every killer, they dont care about you anyways right?


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    If you’re still waiting 5 minutes clearly people are enjoying survivor

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
    edited April 2021

    I mean, you're playing vs spirit perkless. What would old DS do for you if it was the same or even orignial extremely OP DS ? Nothing, if killers wants you dead and your mates don't help you/do gens and you can't last long enough, you'll die unless you hide like a pro.

    No perk can help you vs hard tunneling killer who is able to chase properly, even Legion can force 1 survivor to die every game if he throws the match for it.

    Perks aren't the solution, it's decison making, stealth when near death, good looping and gen pressure. We could use some anti-tunneling baseline mechanics but not ones that stall the killer for free like old DS used to, that's not healthy gameplay.

    I'm talking about 30s of no grunts, blood, scratch marks after unhooking for example. That gives you fair chance to lose a chase and to hide so that you can't be tunneled but you still need to work for it.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I'm talking about 30s of no grunts, blood, scratch marks after unhooking for example. That gives you fair chance to lose a chase and to hide so that you can't be tunneled but you still need to work for it.

    While i get having that being base kit would be nice, they could just use iron will or off the record if they dont want to make noise, or use lucky break to not leave blood.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I agree, that's why I don't consider it necessary change but I'd rather see that then a baseline DS or something dumb like that.

    Even if you get all the stealth effects, you still got to get away and juke the killer if he sees you. It's not a free stall effect like DS would be but an actual skill based anti-tunneling mechanic that won't carry you by itself and promotes healthy gameplay while not limiting anyone.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You said it yourself. "imagine waiting 5 min for a game" We clearly don't have enough killers for the number of survivors and there is still a reason for that. SWF.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,174

    Well if tunneling off unhook is an issue to you to the point of making this thread, I suggest running DS.

    But to be fair, you also made a lot of mistakes. You're playing against Spirit who can hear your grunts and possibly even see your pools of blood. You had time to sneak away both times unhooked. 1st you run to the building which is pretty predictable as its the main building, instead of running backwards and around the car wreckage. 2nd unhook, you made the right call but you jumped on a gen and alerted her that you were there. You gotta be way more stealthy against a spirit. Its not just about running around and doing gens.

    It does suck that she decided to do this to you, but she most likely figured you were the easiest kill target/weakest player on the team + you were already injured and none of your teammates took aggro off of you. It happens from time to time I guess, but its not like you did yourself any favors the way you played either.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    If these are the situations where people say that Ds should have saved them then it goes to show how busted that perk was. There wasn't any good decision making in this clip yet to try and blame the game, devs, or killer for it and not themselves is ludicrous.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited April 2021

    Very, very weak chases coupled with very poor decision making.

    To be completely honest, if that was me, I'd probably let him/her play the entire game after second hook - With the chase after 1st unhook lasting literally 7 seconds, he/she not even dropping the pallet or looping, and then walking into the wall, I'd assume it was a new player.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I play Solo Survivor in 90% of my Survivor games. I noticed no difference whatsoever in games before or after the drop of the recent update. What you are suffering from is called "confirmation bias." Many people who abused DS to do objectives in the Killer's face, rather than use it primarily for anti-tunneling, are upset and want to vent their spleens and complain about losing their favorite toy. It is kind of pathetic.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    This clip has nothing to do with the DS change

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If only there was a perk to punish this behavior.


  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    The thing I don't understand about this post is that when you first got unhooked and the Spirit downed you again, that would have been a perfect moment for current DS to work. So this example doesn't really do anything for your argument, maybe you have better clips then this one to show the problem with current DS?

  • Just_Alex
    Just_Alex Member Posts: 57

    What has this clip to do with DS? I see a perkless Survivor making bad decisions and getting tunneled. If other Survivor's aren't willing to pull aggro for you to escape it has nothing to do with DS. DS still does the same thing it did before, just without the free gens. Haven't used DS that often and when I did it was either useless because the Killer would slug me or ignore me most of the time anyway so I just swapped it out for other useful perks. Really don't see the point here.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Sometimes i wonder, if the people that complain about long queues, realize, that in order to change that, killers need buffs and survivors need nerfs.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    That video has nothing to do with the DS nerf. This thread should be titled "Does anyone have fun in solo survivor period?" as this has happened to me months before the DS change where I got tunneled out of the match within 1 1/2 min - 2 minutes. You don't have DS and had you had it, you could have used it after the first hook because the actions that remove DS only count for you doing the action, not someone else doing it to you as far as I understand.

    This situation has happened long before the DS change because killers dunno how to chase anyone else and be fair (while I get they are supposed to be a ruthless killer without remorse, it makes the game awful for survivors as you get times like this video where you're literally not allowed to do anything and all killers tell you is get better and hate it when told the same thing if they get creamed).

    Secondly, the queues tend to be long on both sides. Depends on where you live and the time of day.

    Lastly, why do you think killers are toxic? Because survivors are. It goes both ways on that, it's not a one way street so don't make it sound like it is.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I don't have DS so I can't comment on before or after, but I had some chill killers lately. I had a huntress who wanted to farm since I was last and then a blight carried me to hatch.

    I do offer them my item and crouch at their feet but I've been having fun in most matches lately