Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

i'm an idiot.not much point in joining the discussion.

XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

Post edited by XxAtomicAlfiexX on


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Lmao, the only killer that deserve the nerf is the nurse.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Ihatelife said:
    Lmao, the only killer that deserve the nerf is the nurse.

    i haven't really played against the nurse.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    His tr already increases with each tier. Reversing his speed gain doesn't sound right though; you want him to be faster with no tr but slower when he has a larger one. Imo probably one of the best killers to face because he has to build up power before any real pressure can be applied.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Myers is one of the most balanced killers in the game. Don’t let him stalk you and you won’t be in that situation. He has a LARGE terror radius in Tier III as well, hide in a locker once you hear the music. He has many counters to him, he needs NO nerf.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Sounds like you're either new or bad. Either way you'll come to realise that he isn't as powerful as you think.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I don't think he's bad at all. In fact personally from experience he's one of the easiest killers.

    I think only Nurse & Billy should be looked at when it comes to scaling them back a bit.
  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    @MegMain98 said:
    Myers is one of the most balanced killers in the game. Don’t let him stalk you and you won’t be in that situation. He has a LARGE terror radius in Tier III as well, hide in a locker once you hear the music. He has many counters to him, he needs NO nerf.

    Agreed, myers doesn't need a rework or any changes.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    Yeah every killer should be at the power level of freddy.
    Maybe hand out some guns too, the devs are from canada after all....

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,214

    Michael can instantly down you! NERF!!!

    Meanwhile... In tier one, he moves at a really slow speed compared to most, his lunge, even with the add-on that supposedly increases it, is practically meaningless, in order to be effective, he has to stalk people, and while doing that, he can't attack you. On corn maps, there's not much he can do as corn blocks his line of sight, each Survivor only has a limited amount that can be stalked, once you are out, it's over. In tier two, he moves at normal speed and has a normal lunge, but he can't do much else. Tier three has a time limit most of the time. A rather short one that, if you're far away, won't really affect you.

    But still. That clearly isn't important. HE CAN INSTANT DOWN!!!! NERF!!!!

    Oh... I love sarcasm.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395
    edited November 2018

    i made this because i got pissed at the game after losing 7 games in a row against mikes (there is a huge mike spike on ps4). i do this type of thing a lot where i say somethings op when im in a bad mood. i dont think mike needs nerfing. and yes i can beat mikes depending on how im playing. sorry for being a bit (very) special.

    Post edited by XxAtomicAlfiexX on
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    don't worry you didn't annoy me. i was being butt hurt and made this so you were right. mike isn't the problem its just my play style. i also think the game is more balanced to survivors (i made another butt hurt discussion about that).have a good day XD

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    dont worry you didnt offend me i found it funny.i was butt hurt and made this so most of it is garbage anyway.i also think the game is tilted towards survivors ( i made another butt hurt post about that) have a good day XD

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    have a good day XD

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I made the post without refreshing the thread. I'm on the PS4 too.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I made the post without refreshing the thread. I'm on the PS4 too.

    oh,ok have you noticed the amount of mike players now.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited November 2018

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I made the post without refreshing the thread. I'm on the PS4 too.

    oh,ok have you noticed the amount of mike players now.

    I'm in rank 1, so I often just get matches where the killer is either the Wraith, Hillybilly, Hag or Myers.

    EDIT: There will be days where I will just face the same killer (and same player) match after match.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    dont worry you didnt offend me i found it funny.i was butt hurt and made this so most of it is garbage anyway.i also think the game is tilted towards survivors ( i made another butt hurt post about that).have a good day XD.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I made the post without refreshing the thread. I'm on the PS4 too.

    oh,ok have you noticed the amount of mike players now.

    I'm in rank 1, so I often just get matches where the killer is either the Wraith, Hillybilly, Hag or Myers.

    im still rank 14 after rank reset but i never made it below rank killer made it so rank 11 but i never got not bad but im not great.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I made the post without refreshing the thread. I'm on the PS4 too.

    oh,ok have you noticed the amount of mike players now.

    I'm in rank 1, so I often just get matches where the killer is either the Wraith, Hillybilly, Hag or Myers.

    im still rank 14 after rank reset but i never made it below rank killer made it so rank 11 but i never got not bad but im not great.

    Trust me you do not want to go to the red ranks, my best advice is to avoid it at all costs. The games are always nearly all the same, and the queue times are longer. On the console, you don't even get an achievement for reaching rank 1. I try my best to avoid getting to rank 1, but I always end up back at rank 1.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395
    edited November 2018

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I made the post without refreshing the thread. I'm on the PS4 too.

    oh,ok have you noticed the amount of mike players now.

    I'm in rank 1, so I often just get matches where the killer is either the Wraith, Hillybilly, Hag or Myers.

    im still rank 14 after rank reset but i never made it below rank killer made it so rank 11 but i never got not bad but im not great.

    Trust me you do not want to go to the red ranks, my best advice is to avoid it at all costs. The games are always nearly all the same, and the queue times are longer. On the console, you don't even get an achievement for reaching rank 1. I try my best to avoid getting to rank 1, but I always end up back at rank 1.

    thanks for the advice. i'm probably not going to make it to rank 1. my friends are getting bored of the game which means i'll end up playing it less.

    Post edited by XxAtomicAlfiexX on
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited November 2018

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    edited November 2018
    Master said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    Yeah every killer should be at the power level of freddy.
    Maybe hand out some guns too, the devs are from canada after all....

    I actually thought a gun would be a  cool survivor tool/weapon.

    I often can get so close to a survivor that I can hit them with my knife/axe/blade or spiked club that it would be nice if they could keep me back.

    It could work like a flashlight...only a gun. Maybe every 2 or 3 hits would stun me or knock me back (like in the movies!)similar to what a pallet does to me...only it could be done any time!

    That way, I wouldn't have the chance to hit the survivors with my weapon and they would have a fair chance.

    I think guns would balance out how OP Myers is. And lore....Loomis shot him in that really old movie my grandparents talk about....
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Nutty_Professor said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.

    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I am sure if you play against him more you will learn how to spot when he is strong or weak and slow. I like the learning curve in this game....It rewards skill and learning, which is not true of many games out there.

    It makes me happy to see your comments because this game needs more people that realize this!
  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Attackfrog said:
    XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Nutty_Professor said:

     @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    I'm a survivor main and Micheal is fine as he is at the moment. Having to go back to tier 1 is not a good idea as Micheal can only stalk a survivor for a certain amount of time before stalking them won't fill their evil within.
    Playing against Micheal you just need to be smart about trying to loop him, so that you don't feed his power. You can do this by staying out of his line of sight or putting him in a situation that he does stalk you he'll either lose valuable ground in the chase or he'll lose you entirely.

    The only issue I have with Micheal is his perks, as they encourage a tunnelling style of play.

    if you go through the comments you'll know i have already said that mike is fine and it was me being butt hurt. i'm actually fine with mikes.

    I am sure if you play against him more you will learn how to spot when he is strong or weak and slow. I like the learning curve in this game....It rewards skill and learning, which is not true of many games out there.

    It makes me happy to see your comments because this game needs more people that realize this!

    I've done it twice (complained about something being op when they aren't).i think the game needs to change when really i need to change,and i is annoying to play against mike but i'm getting better.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

    Sorry I mean weaker then the top 4 (who are top tier btw and Huntress isn't near them or Mike imo) Nurse, Hag, Billy and Spirit. In that order. Mike is 5th, Wraith is 6th Doctor is 7th then it's Huntress. Without instahatchets she is the most predictable killer and the easiest to loop. She's only considered top tier because most players are not good at looping her. Both Wraith and Mike have advanced tracking (the stalk ability and the fact Wraith has a built in Stridor) and they have counter to loops. Mike has a weird counter but it works when he's EW2, he can force people away or deal with that loop and instadown them. They also have a very underrated pressure. Both can keep the pressure better then Huntress. Idek why she's still considered top tier she can't do much. Doctor or Huntress is a tough one but I'd give it to Doctor by a bit. And don't get me started on Billy being weaker than Hag ^^.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    you know that thing survivors do when they tell the killer how to ''play''.i do that when mike's use annoys me so i tell them to get monitor and's ironic because of the title of the discussion (me saying mike is op but telling them to run a perk that makes there already small terror radius small)

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @MegMain98 said:
    Myers is one of the most balanced killers in the game.


  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Ok, I see. So now Michael should go buy a red squeaky nose, big shoes, and go work for Freddy at the Clown emporium?
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    poor mikey he needs a buff if anything

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    mike needs a nerf, i think his movement speed should decrease the higher tier he is not the opposite way around, when he leaves tier 3 he should go back to tier 1 and when he goes up a tier his terror radius should increase. this would make it so survivors have a chance against mike. i'm aware that survivors have an upper hand against killers but mike is plain stupid to play against.

    Mike is a worst version of Hillbilly (but admittedly more fun!) He is slower than most killers when in Tier 1 and at tier 2 and 3 he walks as fast as Trapper, Wraith, billy, Doctor, etc. I think you are confused about his speed as he does not get faster in tier 3, the only thing that changes is his lunge range and he get insta down for 60 seconds. I really wish people would take the time to learn and improve their own game play before complaining something needs to be "nerfed". You clearly do not understand how Micheal even works and therefore need to first improve upon your knowledge before making any judgments about his ability to do well in a match.

    In my opinion Micheal is a great "middle of the road" killer that should be a nice baseline for killer power balancing.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    i made this because i got pissed at the game after losing 7 games in a row against mikes (there is a huge mike spike on ps4). i do this type of thing a lot where i say somethings op when im in a bad mood. i dont think mike needs nerfing. and yes i can beat mikes depending on how im playing. sorry for being a bit (very) special.

    I only just read the other comments after posting my own but may I say that the above reason is exactly why the forums continue to be so toxic. People want to post whatever they FEEL rather than cooling off or getting facts straight. Please understand I'm not hating on you but it would be great if we could avoid "spontaneous "mood" posts" in the future.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

    Sorry I mean weaker then the top 4 (who are top tier btw and Huntress isn't near them or Mike imo) Nurse, Hag, Billy and Spirit. In that order. Mike is 5th, Wraith is 6th Doctor is 7th then it's Huntress. Without instahatchets she is the most predictable killer and the easiest to loop. She's only considered top tier because most players are not good at looping her. Both Wraith and Mike have advanced tracking (the stalk ability and the fact Wraith has a built in Stridor) and they have counter to loops. Mike has a weird counter but it works when he's EW2, he can force people away or deal with that loop and instadown them. They also have a very underrated pressure. Both can keep the pressure better then Huntress. Idek why she's still considered top tier she can't do much. Doctor or Huntress is a tough one but I'd give it to Doctor by a bit. And don't get me started on Billy being weaker than Hag ^^.

    Hag can be powerful but I just find her to be extremely easy to go against personally. I dunno if it is the 110% movement speed or the fact that I play on PS4 and it is vastly different than on PC. I know Hag is really great (especially after her rework) but based on my own experiences playing against her she’d be about #5 or #6 in my tier list.

    Spirit on the other hand I’d put at #3 easily, she’s so great at map pressure despite a 110% movement speed. If the player is good with her mechanics she is devastating.

    I maybe exaggerated when I put Huntress in the Top 5 but if the Huntress knows how to use her hatchets then it is a tough challenge. I personally am AWFUL with Huntress so I never play her. Doctor is EXTREMELY overrated.

    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Myers
    5. Hag
    6. Clown
    7. Huntress
    8. Wraith
    9. Pig
    10. Doctor
    11. Trapper
    12. Leatherface
    13. Freddy

    The only really WEAK killers are Leatherface and Freddy. Trapper, Pig, and Doctor are decent killers but they’re all “meh”. I’ve never gotten the hype over the Doctor. He is mediocre at BEST. More of an annoyance than thinking “I’m not gonna survive this round” it’s more like “Uhhhh...a Doctor, seriously? I’m gonna have a migraine after this round.”

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

    Sorry I mean weaker then the top 4 (who are top tier btw and Huntress isn't near them or Mike imo) Nurse, Hag, Billy and Spirit. In that order. Mike is 5th, Wraith is 6th Doctor is 7th then it's Huntress. Without instahatchets she is the most predictable killer and the easiest to loop. She's only considered top tier because most players are not good at looping her. Both Wraith and Mike have advanced tracking (the stalk ability and the fact Wraith has a built in Stridor) and they have counter to loops. Mike has a weird counter but it works when he's EW2, he can force people away or deal with that loop and instadown them. They also have a very underrated pressure. Both can keep the pressure better then Huntress. Idek why she's still considered top tier she can't do much. Doctor or Huntress is a tough one but I'd give it to Doctor by a bit. And don't get me started on Billy being weaker than Hag ^^.

    Hag can be powerful but I just find her to be extremely easy to go against personally. I dunno if it is the 110% movement speed or the fact that I play on PS4 and it is vastly different than on PC. I know Hag is really great (especially after her rework) but based on my own experiences playing against her she’d be about #5 or #6 in my tier list.

    Spirit on the other hand I’d put at #3 easily, she’s so great at map pressure despite a 110% movement speed. If the player is good with her mechanics she is devastating.

    I maybe exaggerated when I put Huntress in the Top 5 but if the Huntress knows how to use her hatchets then it is a tough challenge. I personally am AWFUL with Huntress so I never play her. Doctor is EXTREMELY overrated.

    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Myers
    5. Hag
    6. Clown
    7. Huntress
    8. Wraith
    9. Pig
    10. Doctor
    11. Trapper
    12. Leatherface
    13. Freddy

    The only really WEAK killers are Leatherface and Freddy. Trapper, Pig, and Doctor are decent killers but they’re all “meh”. I’ve never gotten the hype over the Doctor. He is mediocre at BEST. More of an annoyance than thinking “I’m not gonna survive this round” it’s more like “Uhhhh...a Doctor, seriously? I’m gonna have a migraine after this round.”

    Tyde made a video saying how Hag is bad lol. I think he completely forgot how even without an antiheal build, if she keeps going after different people it still takes 32 seconds to heal and that's just the base. If survivors don't mess with her web then she has very good pressure. She's quite strong. Now on PS4 I've seen the killers there, in xbox and in PC and I just gotta admit. PS4 and xbox have the most trashiest killers I've ever seen. One time I faced a Hag who didnt even trap mid chase, got looped for 5 MINUTES by me and he salted me up. So we did KYF I crushed him as Hag in seconds (this was on ps4 when I was playing with a friend) and when he tried to kill me, the other guy who we invited so it's a 2 vs 1 got all the gens done, opened both the doors and helped me out. He blocked me after that. In PC the killers at low ranks 12-20 are dumb as f0ck. But get to 1-12 (when ur not late in the season) and you'll see the good Hags surface. Btw Tyde also said that Leatherface is B tier... I like him as a youtuber and I think his videos are good but Hag being so bad is so wrong. Have a good day.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

    Sorry I mean weaker then the top 4 (who are top tier btw and Huntress isn't near them or Mike imo) Nurse, Hag, Billy and Spirit. In that order. Mike is 5th, Wraith is 6th Doctor is 7th then it's Huntress. Without instahatchets she is the most predictable killer and the easiest to loop. She's only considered top tier because most players are not good at looping her. Both Wraith and Mike have advanced tracking (the stalk ability and the fact Wraith has a built in Stridor) and they have counter to loops. Mike has a weird counter but it works when he's EW2, he can force people away or deal with that loop and instadown them. They also have a very underrated pressure. Both can keep the pressure better then Huntress. Idek why she's still considered top tier she can't do much. Doctor or Huntress is a tough one but I'd give it to Doctor by a bit. And don't get me started on Billy being weaker than Hag ^^.

    Hag can be powerful but I just find her to be extremely easy to go against personally. I dunno if it is the 110% movement speed or the fact that I play on PS4 and it is vastly different than on PC. I know Hag is really great (especially after her rework) but based on my own experiences playing against her she’d be about #5 or #6 in my tier list.

    Spirit on the other hand I’d put at #3 easily, she’s so great at map pressure despite a 110% movement speed. If the player is good with her mechanics she is devastating.

    I maybe exaggerated when I put Huntress in the Top 5 but if the Huntress knows how to use her hatchets then it is a tough challenge. I personally am AWFUL with Huntress so I never play her. Doctor is EXTREMELY overrated.

    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Myers
    5. Hag
    6. Clown
    7. Huntress
    8. Wraith
    9. Pig
    10. Doctor
    11. Trapper
    12. Leatherface
    13. Freddy

    The only really WEAK killers are Leatherface and Freddy. Trapper, Pig, and Doctor are decent killers but they’re all “meh”. I’ve never gotten the hype over the Doctor. He is mediocre at BEST. More of an annoyance than thinking “I’m not gonna survive this round” it’s more like “Uhhhh...a Doctor, seriously? I’m gonna have a migraine after this round.”

    Tyde made a video saying how Hag is bad lol. I think he completely forgot how even without an antiheal build, if she keeps going after different people it still takes 32 seconds to heal and that's just the base. If survivors don't mess with her web then she has very good pressure. She's quite strong. Now on PS4 I've seen the killers there, in xbox and in PC and I just gotta admit. PS4 and xbox have the most trashiest killers I've ever seen. One time I faced a Hag who didnt even trap mid chase, got looped for 5 MINUTES by me and he salted me up. So we did KYF I crushed him as Hag in seconds (this was on ps4 when I was playing with a friend) and when he tried to kill me, the other guy who we invited so it's a 2 vs 1 got all the gens done, opened both the doors and helped me out. He blocked me after that. In PC the killers at low ranks 12-20 are dumb as f0ck. But get to 1-12 (when ur not late in the season) and you'll see the good Hags surface. Btw Tyde also said that Leatherface is B tier... I like him as a youtuber and I think his videos are good but Hag being so bad is so wrong. Have a good day.

    I also watched Tyde’s tier list video and I do agree with some of his choices. In both of his tier videos he left the Top 3 the same. However Hag is still low in the list...I can agree on some of his points mainly because I’ve NEVER seen a Hag demolish a team. I’ve witnessed God tier Nurse, Billy, Myers, Huntress, and even Wraith but Hag? No. Never. She’s just not that great in my opinion. Hag is not bad, she is viable but in my on experiences she isn’t in my VERY top tier list.

    Clown is highly underrated as well. Leatherface is just an all round poor version of Billy who’s ONLY upside is that he is the only killer that can down multiple survivors at once. He is very weak with very little map control. TydeTyme is very great at making accurate points, but I do not agree with every single opinion, namely Leatherface.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
    i made this because i got pissed at the game after losing 7 games in a row against mikes (there is a huge mike spike on ps4). i do this type of thing a lot where i say somethings op when im in a bad mood. i dont think mike needs nerfing. and yes i can beat mikes depending on how im playing. sorry for being a bit (very) special.

    I only just read the other comments after posting my own but may I say that the above reason is exactly why the forums continue to be so toxic. People want to post whatever they FEEL rather than cooling off or getting facts straight. Please understand I'm not hating on you but it would be great if we could avoid "spontaneous "mood" posts" in the future.

    i will try to stop.i hate doing it.i feel like an idiot after.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

    Sorry I mean weaker then the top 4 (who are top tier btw and Huntress isn't near them or Mike imo) Nurse, Hag, Billy and Spirit. In that order. Mike is 5th, Wraith is 6th Doctor is 7th then it's Huntress. Without instahatchets she is the most predictable killer and the easiest to loop. She's only considered top tier because most players are not good at looping her. Both Wraith and Mike have advanced tracking (the stalk ability and the fact Wraith has a built in Stridor) and they have counter to loops. Mike has a weird counter but it works when he's EW2, he can force people away or deal with that loop and instadown them. They also have a very underrated pressure. Both can keep the pressure better then Huntress. Idek why she's still considered top tier she can't do much. Doctor or Huntress is a tough one but I'd give it to Doctor by a bit. And don't get me started on Billy being weaker than Hag ^^.

    Hag can be powerful but I just find her to be extremely easy to go against personally. I dunno if it is the 110% movement speed or the fact that I play on PS4 and it is vastly different than on PC. I know Hag is really great (especially after her rework) but based on my own experiences playing against her she’d be about #5 or #6 in my tier list.

    Spirit on the other hand I’d put at #3 easily, she’s so great at map pressure despite a 110% movement speed. If the player is good with her mechanics she is devastating.

    I maybe exaggerated when I put Huntress in the Top 5 but if the Huntress knows how to use her hatchets then it is a tough challenge. I personally am AWFUL with Huntress so I never play her. Doctor is EXTREMELY overrated.

    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Myers
    5. Hag
    6. Clown
    7. Huntress
    8. Wraith
    9. Pig
    10. Doctor
    11. Trapper
    12. Leatherface
    13. Freddy

    The only really WEAK killers are Leatherface and Freddy. Trapper, Pig, and Doctor are decent killers but they’re all “meh”. I’ve never gotten the hype over the Doctor. He is mediocre at BEST. More of an annoyance than thinking “I’m not gonna survive this round” it’s more like “Uhhhh...a Doctor, seriously? I’m gonna have a migraine after this round.”

    Tyde made a video saying how Hag is bad lol. I think he completely forgot how even without an antiheal build, if she keeps going after different people it still takes 32 seconds to heal and that's just the base. If survivors don't mess with her web then she has very good pressure. She's quite strong. Now on PS4 I've seen the killers there, in xbox and in PC and I just gotta admit. PS4 and xbox have the most trashiest killers I've ever seen. One time I faced a Hag who didnt even trap mid chase, got looped for 5 MINUTES by me and he salted me up. So we did KYF I crushed him as Hag in seconds (this was on ps4 when I was playing with a friend) and when he tried to kill me, the other guy who we invited so it's a 2 vs 1 got all the gens done, opened both the doors and helped me out. He blocked me after that. In PC the killers at low ranks 12-20 are dumb as f0ck. But get to 1-12 (when ur not late in the season) and you'll see the good Hags surface. Btw Tyde also said that Leatherface is B tier... I like him as a youtuber and I think his videos are good but Hag being so bad is so wrong. Have a good day.

    I also watched Tyde’s tier list video and I do agree with some of his choices. In both of his tier videos he left the Top 3 the same. However Hag is still low in the list...I can agree on some of his points mainly because I’ve NEVER seen a Hag demolish a team. I’ve witnessed God tier Nurse, Billy, Myers, Huntress, and even Wraith but Hag? No. Never. She’s just not that great in my opinion. Hag is not bad, she is viable but in my on experiences she isn’t in my VERY top tier list.

    Clown is highly underrated as well. Leatherface is just an all round poor version of Billy who’s ONLY upside is that he is the only killer that can down multiple survivors at once. He is very weak with very little map control. TydeTyme is very great at making accurate points, but I do not agree with every single opinion, namely Leatherface.

    Clown is very good. He's so fun to play as well and so annoying to play against. Hopefully you one day face a good Hag, you'll see what I mean and if u do, come back here and tell me about the game I'd love to hear it. Hag is third rn because her base doesn't have a lot on the Billy now that u think of it. Btw can I just say thank you for helping me counter Myers when u commented on it for me <3. I always survive against him and your advice is really helpful. I destroy Myers and watch my team die. I struggle against no killer except Nurse (a good one not a potato) and Spirit. ^^

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395
    edited November 2018

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Poweas said:
    Entitled survivor main, I dont think Mike needs a nerf at all. Honestly if you're good at running killers in general, you can defeat Mike easily. Just genrush u potato. Plain stupid to play against is Hag, Spirit and Nurse and they dont even need nerfs because they take skill. Mike needs buffs to have a viable base like they do cause he takes skill and isn't rewarded (he takes skill cause he's a tactical killer). (Billy has a viable base too but everyone can loop him it's easy). Just learn to counter him. You think survivors dont have a chance against him just because YOU don't have a chance against him. Don't come crying for nerfs just because he can defeat you easily. You're obviously not an experienced player.

    1.i over exaggerate my titles
    2.yes i am a potato
    3.i play killer and survivor equally
    4.i do gen rush, im a dwight main
    5. why are you so hostile
    6. sorry for not being a rank 1, P3 meg main

    Lol I was just mad seeing someone wanting a weaker killer nerfed. It also doesn't help that Mike and Wraith are my favourite killers to play so if someone wants them nerfed I become hostile. ^^ have a good day.

    How is Myers a “weaker killer”? He is one of the stronger killers to be honest. Of course not like Nurse and Billy but it is up for debate whether you wanna put Spirit, Myers, Hag, or Huntress after those two in a tier list.

    Sorry I mean weaker then the top 4 (who are top tier btw and Huntress isn't near them or Mike imo) Nurse, Hag, Billy and Spirit. In that order. Mike is 5th, Wraith is 6th Doctor is 7th then it's Huntress. Without instahatchets she is the most predictable killer and the easiest to loop. She's only considered top tier because most players are not good at looping her. Both Wraith and Mike have advanced tracking (the stalk ability and the fact Wraith has a built in Stridor) and they have counter to loops. Mike has a weird counter but it works when he's EW2, he can force people away or deal with that loop and instadown them. They also have a very underrated pressure. Both can keep the pressure better then Huntress. Idek why she's still considered top tier she can't do much. Doctor or Huntress is a tough one but I'd give it to Doctor by a bit. And don't get me started on Billy being weaker than Hag ^^.

    Hag can be powerful but I just find her to be extremely easy to go against personally. I dunno if it is the 110% movement speed or the fact that I play on PS4 and it is vastly different than on PC. I know Hag is really great (especially after her rework) but based on my own experiences playing against her she’d be about #5 or #6 in my tier list.

    Spirit on the other hand I’d put at #3 easily, she’s so great at map pressure despite a 110% movement speed. If the player is good with her mechanics she is devastating.

    I maybe exaggerated when I put Huntress in the Top 5 but if the Huntress knows how to use her hatchets then it is a tough challenge. I personally am AWFUL with Huntress so I never play her. Doctor is EXTREMELY overrated.

    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Myers
    5. Hag
    6. Clown
    7. Huntress
    8. Wraith
    9. Pig
    10. Doctor
    11. Trapper
    12. Leatherface
    13. Freddy

    The only really WEAK killers are Leatherface and Freddy. Trapper, Pig, and Doctor are decent killers but they’re all “meh”. I’ve never gotten the hype over the Doctor. He is mediocre at BEST. More of an annoyance than thinking “I’m not gonna survive this round” it’s more like “Uhhhh...a Doctor, seriously? I’m gonna have a migraine after this round.”

    i have never been rank 10-1 but i'm going to give my opinions anyway. im a ps4 player and my highest killer rank was 11 pushing 10. im a doctor and trapper main and they work out well for me.the amount of kills i get depend more on the map then the killer im playing so on a good map (lets go with badham preschool) i can 4k with both on a bad map (lets go with back water swamp) i will get 3 kills pushing it. trappers movement speed is great his ability is helpful mid game and his lunge is very good the bad part about the trapper is the time it takes to place traps and how many you can carry.both problems can be fixed with not saying hes top tier but he is definitely not bottom tier.the doctors ability is useful at the beginning and near the end but i tend to not shock people and driving into madness 3 is a waste of time.i like to find people, hook them, then let the game play out as not saying doc is top tier either but he isn't bottom for sure.

    i have also seen tydes tier list.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Odd I would've thought about buffing him instead of nerfing him. I would like to see him gain faster but lose his tier 3 faster. Just wanna see him in chases more than stalking and farming people.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @mistar_z said:
    Odd I would've thought about buffing him instead of nerfing him. I would like to see him gain faster but lose his tier 3 faster. Just wanna see him in chases more than stalking and farming people.

    check the rest of the discussion.mike is fine.