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General Discussions

New Game Mode: Sole Survivor

Member Posts: 8,243
edited November 2018 in General Discussions
The Game plays how it sounds, your goal is to be the last survivor in the trial and escape through the hatch without being caught by the killer.

General Rules!

There will be 10 survivors and only a single killer in this game mode.

Every survivor will suffer from the exposed status effect for the entire trial and once they are in dying state, you can kill them with a mori. Killers cannot pick up survivors and they will bleed-out in 60 seconds to prevent extended slugging. Additionally, survivors can only walk at anytime during the trial until the end game but every survivor has a built-in Urban Evasion to help them stealth the killer. There's also no pallets in the map until they materialize at the end game as well. Basically if you're caught, period - You're Dead.

Survivor's Objective

Survivors will need to move to certain areas on the map constantly to prevent their aura from being revealed to the killer. Every survivor has their own unique position (40 by 40 meter square area) on the map as to where they need to move to. If you're not in your area within 120 seconds, your aura will be revealed to the killer permanently until you've reached your area. Once the survivor is there, you'll gain a additional 60 seconds to your timer and they can repair one of three generators that is in their area. Generators take 30 seconds to repair and cannot be regressed by the killer. Additionally, the three generators within your area share the same repair progress. Repairing one of the three generators will add 120 seconds to your timer and the timer will pause. Once every survivor alive in the trial reaches their area and finishes one of their generators, the timer will start again and the cycle repeats with a new location and generator placement.

This cycle will stop at where it's at once there's one survivor remaining in the trial. During the end game, pallets will appear, you gain the ability to run, and a 120 second timer will replace your current timer. Every 30 seconds, the killer will see your location for 3 seconds, not your aura. After the 120 seconds, both exit gates will open allowing the survivor to escape and the survivor will have 60 seconds to escape until their aura is permanently revealed to the killer!

To pip, you'll need to be the top 3 survivors remaining in the trial while 2-pip'ing requires you to escape the trial.

Killer's Objective

The killer's goal is to kill as many survivors as possible and maintain a high kills per minute ratio.

To pip, the killer needs to get above average on their kills per minute ratio while 2-pip'ing requires the killer to kill every survivor in the trial and get average on their kills per minute ratio.

That's it, please tell me your feedback. Btw, I'm not sure where this discussion belongs to so I decided to put it in the general discussions, mods, feel free to move this discussion to its proper area!
Post edited by NMCKE on

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  • Member Posts: 608
    I applaud your creativity and the obvious thought that went into it... BUT... this sounds horrible in my opinion. 

    10 survivors incapable of running and forcing a survivor into a confined area or penalizing them by exposed AND aura being revealed? this just seems like a killers wet dream. 

    I like the idea of 10 players versus one killer and even the exposed affect and mori... it would be a very fast-paced intense game...  but I feel this needs some serious tweaking before its even kinda fun for a survivor. 

    the current design just seems like throwing a bowl of cooked meat to a wolf and watching it ravenously devour it. 
  • Member Posts: 770

    Seems like it would be fun but the devs seem to be strictly stick to their 1 game mode for years plan so sadly this might not happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,269
    I would say add in new perks that make it harder but fairer allow running but let people make a choice before a mori they can point out a nerby survivor to the killer and if the killer kills them the survivor that betrayed the other heals and is immune to being downed for 30 seconds and leaves no marks or blood but has a icon on them showing betrayer and as such any survivor near them can see there aura and is awarded points if they make noise that leads the killer to them without consequence and anyone marked with betrayer cannot escape though the gates and must survive though the hatch
  • Member Posts: 1,583
    I'd test it, if the Devs added this mode. :)
  • Member Posts: 8,816
    Cool idea except for not being able to run and no pallets on top of being exposed and your aura being revealed regularly. That's just a brutal combination and does not sound fun We'd spend like 5-10+ minutes waiting to find 10 survivors then more than likely we'd die within the first minute of the trial.
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Cool idea except for not being able to run and no pallets on top of being exposed and your aura being revealed regularly. That's just a brutal combination and does not sound fun We'd spend like 5-10+ minutes waiting to find 10 survivors then more than likely we'd die within the first minute of the trial.
    It just looks bad on paper. If the killer downs someone, you can quickly crouch to your area while the killer is in a mori animation. Your aura doesn't get revealed if you reach your area in time so if you're good at stealth and wanna test it, this mode is for you!
  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It sounds like the queue time would be absolutely insane. How many masochistic players do you think there are that they would all line up to be slaughtered with absolutely no realistic hope of escape? I'm pretty sure the ratio of masochist to sadist isn't 10 to 1. How would it be any fun at all to just crawl around the map hoping not to be discovered with no objective to work for? How is that even fun as the killer? I'm sorry, but just everything about this idea is ill conceived.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    It sounds like the queue time would be absolutely insane. How many masochistic players do you think there are that they would all line up to be slaughtered with absolutely no realistic hope of escape? I'm pretty sure the ratio of masochist to sadist isn't 10 to 1. How would it be any fun at all to just crawl around the map hoping not to be discovered with no objective to work for? How is that even fun as the killer? I'm sorry, but just everything about this idea is ill conceived.

    I'll answer your questions! :)

    Q: How many masochistic players do you think there are that they would all line up to be slaughtered with absolutely no realistic hope of escape?

    A: This game mode will be on the weekends or on events so queue times won't be so bad. There's hope to escape, it's called stealth and make your way to the next area before your timer runs out. Remember the killer can only be in one place at a time so use this to your advantage. I'll also mention that this is more of a stealth type of game mode so this may not suit your play style.

    How would it be any fun at all to just crawl around the map hoping not to be discovered with no objective to work for?

    A: Use No Mither or Unbreakable to counteract this if the killer slugs you.

    How is that even fun as the killer?

    A: It's like Hide and Seek! You are finding the survivors and killing them if you see them!

    "I'm sorry, but just everything about this idea is ill conceived."

    It's okay to think that, everyone has a different PoV. I respect yours and I told how I see things by answering your questions.
  • Member Posts: 1,649
    Lol, find 10 survivors who want just to die like chickens first. Never read such a killer favored gamemode idea ever, where is the fun for survivors? You really think survivors with some playtime enjoy stealthing and urban invading whole time like rank 20 noobs? 
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited November 2018
    Lol, find 10 survivors who want just to die like chickens first. Never read such a killer favored gamemode idea ever, where is the fun for survivors? You really think survivors with some playtime enjoy stealthing and urban invading whole time like rank 20 noobs? 
    Like I said, it looks bad on paper until it's a thing. Besides the killer can only kill one survivor at a time so you can use that to your advantage! :)

    I should make the game mode have more fog and props to make hiding even more easier.
  • Member Posts: 988
    I really like it, sounds fun. I can imagine 11 people all getting on a discord and screaming as they run around the map. 10/10 would play.

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