General Discussions

General Discussions

1500 Hours and Dead.

I cannot take this unbalanced, one sided game anymore.

Any other killers tired of the utter lack of balance, the poor development and overal bias this game has become.

This game is a load garbage now.

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  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Monstarella said:
    I cannot take this unbalanced, one sided game anymore.

    Any other killers tired of the utter lack of balance, the poor development and overal bias this game has become.

    This game is a load garbage now.

    I play other stuff now and watch what the devs do

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    Need more info before we can help.

    If you're using low tier killers against a co-ordinated SwF then yeah it's going to be tough. Most killers don't have the kind of map pressure required for an optimal comms team.

    If you're struggling with high tier killers in all games though maybe people can offer suggestions.
  • Member Posts: 1,911
    I'm going to be straight being killer has been pretty good. As freddy I have been 4king consistently. I dont get how survivours can misplay there pallets but hey i aint complaining. Swf will always be a problem but simple relegating it to a casual queue should mitigate this problem and keep survivours with low awarenss of the games progress if comms are not available to them.

    Dont get me wrong an optimised swf will be frustrating to play against. But hey solo survivours has been getting a pretty rough time. So maybe 8ts time to relegate swf to casual and keep ranked play for smart decision making.
  • Member Posts: 799
    Right now the game is getting some balance changes even if some still need fixes.

    Like the vault change as a lazy fix for the bad maps design and the problems of the RNG. I actually would get rid off RNG totally and have a static well designed map, at least for a while, before re adding random pallet spawns for example

    But I have to admit I liked the latest map changes even if needs improvement. The only thing is, more balanced it gets more survivors would cry for not be able to play mindlessly according to posts in this forum..

    overall Its fun but I'd like to have more mind games spots. Is satisfying lose a killer in that way and I'd love to see more of it
  • Member Posts: 614

    @Monstarella said:
    Any other killers tired of the utter lack of balance, the poor development and overal bias this game has become.

    Who am I kidding, this whole Killers forum is a support group. Its nonstop "boohoo, killers are unbalanced, I'm not having fun" whine fest. I think all the killers should just stop playing until they've gotten the balance they deserve!

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?
  • Member Posts: 5,873

    What are you saying? I play on console and PC and I always get a 3-4 man (3 man being if I give the last guy hatch or if someone made it). ######### are u talking about. I play solo survivor and have a hard time.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    @MisterCremaster said:

    @Monstarella said:
    Any other killers tired of the utter lack of balance, the poor development and overal bias this game has become.

    Who am I kidding, this whole Killers forum is a support group. Its nonstop "boohoo, killers are unbalanced, I'm not having fun" whine fest. I think all the killers should just stop playing until they've gotten the balance they deserve!


  • Member Posts: 3,647

    @Poweas said:
    What are you saying? I play on console and PC and I always get a 3-4 man (3 man being if I give the last guy hatch or if someone made it). ######### are u talking about. I play solo survivor and have a hard time.

    LUL "I 4k every game as killer.. no challenge at all.. survivors so hard" .... dude survivor is still so easy and boring.... survivor game play revolves around gen sim and ring around the rosy.... if you can do those 2 things your survival chances are pretty high.....

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    stats are flawed..... DCs count as deaths, suicides on hooks etc..... the Halloween event may be included as well.... like theres just too many flaws that are to be considered to even think about saying that killer has the favor... the game is moving in the right direction but the devs need to stop nerfing and start implementing new stuff for survivors to do...

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018
    Bravo0413 said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    stats are flawed..... DCs count as deaths, suicides on hooks etc..... the Halloween event may be included as well.... like theres just too many flaws that are to be considered to even think about saying that killer has the favor... the game is moving in the right direction but the devs need to stop nerfing and start implementing new stuff for survivors to do...

    What about all the games killers farm and let anywhere from 1 to all 4 people escape for free? Or the killer dcs? No? Just want to count the numbers and points that help argue with raw data?
  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @Bravo0413 said:

    @Poweas said:
    What are you saying? I play on console and PC and I always get a 3-4 man (3 man being if I give the last guy hatch or if someone made it). ######### are u talking about. I play solo survivor and have a hard time.

    LUL "I 4k every game as killer.. no challenge at all.. survivors so hard" .... dude survivor is still so easy and boring.... survivor game play revolves around gen sim and ring around the rosy.... if you can do those 2 things your survival chances are pretty high.....

    I face Nurses, Hags and Spirits. 50% of my games. It is hard. I never said killer isn't hard so dont go putting words in my mouth (it's an expression. Dont assume I'm entitled like 60% of the people who play survivor.) I play both sides equally and have a hard time with solo. Have you even seen the teams you get. It's stupid. I've had a team that died in 4 minutes to a Freddy they tried to bully. I did 2 gens, unhooked some people and got the hatch. Just play solo survivor and actually get good at it (i'm assuming you're a decent killer which u probably aren't but I'll assume it). Then come back and tell me if solo is ez and tell me all about ur teammates you get. People always assume because I say I 4k a lot that I instantly think killer is easy. .-. I know killer is harder than survivor.

  • Member Posts: 799

    @Monstarella said:
    Any other killers tired of the utter lack of balance, the poor development and overal bias this game has become.

    Who am I kidding, this whole Killers forum is a support group. Its nonstop "boohoo, killers are unbalanced, I'm not having fun" whine fest. I think all the killers should just stop playing until they've gotten the balance they deserve!

    Like the threads on the balance section and survivors as well asking for: 
    Myers nerfs
    Franklin demise Nerf
    Hag Nerf
    Noed Nerf
    BBQ Nerf
    Billy Nerf
    Rancor Nerf
    Spirit Nerf
    Tunneling punishments
    Camping punishment
    Overall killers speed nerf

    And the list go on. I see at least 4-5 new theaters and a ton of comments asking and advocating for these things while killers usually ask 2 things

    DS changes
    Swf balance

    Mh, yeah.. Killers are so whiny compared.. I just get pissed about the map and I want it to be balanced overall to make a fair and fun games for both sides. Even playing both and advocate for the things I think are more healthy for the game I can see everyday how survivors are way more than killers for obvious reasons and how they cry way more because they are bad

    Like you, puking your bias all over the place acting like playing survivor make you better than who doesn't and I always enjoy seeing how people love to play 50% of the game and think to know better

    I have criticism even for people like me but it would take way too long. Still, get down to your high horse
  • Member Posts: 770

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    below 50% is vague. Survivors ######### on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    below 50% is vague. Survivors [BAD WORD] on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.

    Did the devs actually state what the breakdown was or are you like the others assuming what fits your narrative for either side?

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    Global said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    below 50% is vague. Survivors [BAD WORD] on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.

    Killers also farm and give free 1-4 escapes as well..
  • Member Posts: 799

    @powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    below 50% is vague. Survivors [BAD WORD] on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.

    Did the devs actually state what the breakdown was or are you like the others assuming what fits your narrative for either side?

    that's the point. I don't know what that stats mean so its meaningless to me. Does it count dc? how count? as kill or escape?
    Take in consideration deranking before the resets since a lot of people does this and they endorse it?
    They didn't specify a lot of "behavior" people do but just raw stats which means nothing. Its like in a moba i take one hero and say people win 80% of the time with him but don't consider that he get picked 1% of the time for numerous reasons

    Raw stats are meaningless if you don't put it on a contest. I bet low ranks die a lot, and higher wont but when I play survivor from rank 10 to 1 I see 2-3 people escape everytime and rarely 3k or 4k for the killer the stat feel kinda odd. So when someone do a 23 escapes in a row you don't take it into consideration?

    In conclusion the only stats I agree on are the mori ones which is actually pretty accurate but when it comes to surviving it feels weird. Watching various survivor streamings too, I watch them to get better and they rarely die if they are high ranks. Same to me, i'm not that good and i still survive often, so Idk, since they don't specify what that graph mean except a raw estimate I won't take it into consideration especially when they did so many mistakes in the past (freddy) just by looking the raw datas

    When they have a decent amount of beta testers and not us since our opinions could be biased to some extent, and give a detailed explanation of what they take into consideration for these kind of graph, I would actually take it as a fact. For now, its just a random graph that anybody can do, especially when in my matches I see 4 people rank 1-3 and another guy rank 18, aswell as the other way around.

    I think some nerfs are dumb (vault changes) since they prefer do a lazy quick fix instead of taking care of the core problems, they need to figure out what they wanna do with their own game. They seems confused, not really knowing if wanna make it competitive or for fun, doing weird changes that goes in both sides and doesn't really work. You have a rank system, but its easy to get to rank 1 with these emblems. At the same time you nerf and buff things without fully abusing of your ptb to actually have a feedback. Weird changes over and over again every patch nerfing survivors but without really helping killers (except for few things like the healing change). Its odd how they are managing their game, they kinda look afraid and going blindly. If i was them I would abuse the hell out of ptb to have feedbacks on new mechanics, or fixes etc not only a preview of changes that are gonna come eventually.

    That's just my thought, I love this game and I wish the best for it but they need to fix core problems. For both sides. I would suggest to go towards competitive scenarios instead of this weird middle ground that's not either fish or beef. The company would get more attention, more money, easier to pay and hire talented people and make it grow. Kinda how league did, as silly example. Make it entertaining to watch and to play, fun to have a killer chase your ass and think how to outsmart him and as killer feel empowered making them fear you

    its hard, isn't easy, would take some time but as far as I can see they are going, slowly, in the right direction. I want this game to shine as anybody else. Would be great if these "mains" would actually play 100% of the game instead of 50% and cooperate to fix problems for either sides. Pretty hard to happen but we can if we stop to be "Salt and Memes" community

  • Member Posts: 770

    @powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    below 50% is vague. Survivors [BAD WORD] on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.

    Did the devs actually state what the breakdown was or are you like the others assuming what fits your narrative for either side?

    If you watched the streams you would know that answer :)

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Dude recent devstream showed survival rate is below 50%. How is that one sided to survivors?

    below 50% is vague. Survivors [BAD WORD] on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.

    Did the devs actually state what the breakdown was or are you like the others assuming what fits your narrative for either side?

    If you watched the streams you would know that answer :)

    No, both sides are taking what was said and twisting it to fit their narrative and you know that to be the case.

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    Poweas said:

    @Bravo0413 said:

    @Poweas said:
    What are you saying? I play on console and PC and I always get a 3-4 man (3 man being if I give the last guy hatch or if someone made it). ######### are u talking about. I play solo survivor and have a hard time.

    LUL "I 4k every game as killer.. no challenge at all.. survivors so hard" .... dude survivor is still so easy and boring.... survivor game play revolves around gen sim and ring around the rosy.... if you can do those 2 things your survival chances are pretty high.....

    I face Nurses, Hags and Spirits. 50% of my games. It is hard. I never said killer isn't hard so dont go putting words in my mouth (it's an expression. Dont assume I'm entitled like 60% of the people who play survivor.) I play both sides equally and have a hard time with solo. Have you even seen the teams you get. It's stupid. I've had a team that died in 4 minutes to a Freddy they tried to bully. I did 2 gens, unhooked some people and got the hatch. Just play solo survivor and actually get good at it (i'm assuming you're a decent killer which u probably aren't but I'll assume it). Then come back and tell me if solo is ez and tell me all about ur teammates you get. People always assume because I say I 4k a lot that I instantly think killer is easy. .-. I know killer is harder than survivor.

    When I play survivor I play solo... it's a rare moment when I SWF I do main killer..... when you make the statement "I 4k every match" it's easy to take it that way apologies... right now matchmaking is horrible... hopefully whatever the devs are cooking up will help 

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