Should J-Flicking be embraced or taken out of the game? (YES with changes is supposed to be NO)

(I was in favor of it but my opinion has changed greatly and believe its bad for the game.) As a blight main I am curious if some survivor mains find this that hard to go against alot of survivors I play against know how to counter now, just wondering. (didnt mean to vote yes meant to vote yes keep with some changes)
Should J-Flicking be embraced or taken out of the game? (YES with changes is supposed to be NO) 42 votes
yes, it's an exploit. i hate when either killer or survivors use exploits and then they think are god at the game. and for those who say "you need it otherwise he is too weak". well, i can get a 4k without cheating and i face red ranks that are nowhere near potatoes.
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same I dont use them that much but that thing of an exploit well oh boy I can talk about ALOT of things that are "exploits" and either got embraced or never got removed, first of all hag and the scroll wheel problem... not even talked about, 360s werent an intended thing and much like j flicks they are easily counterable and are a last resort taking some practice to do, I get 4ks very often with blight without any flicks or within 1-2 then again 50/50 they get countered and I am punished for it, also hillbilly flicks I believe were toned down a bit and take more skill now if that were done to j flicks and they were now accepted ide think they could be actually quite good for blight and the community as a whole. edit: then again I wouldnt mind if they get removed as I was a blight main a little bit before they were discovered and way before I knew about them.
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this poll is a disaster I meant to put NO with changes not YES with changes and I chose yes as I wanted to choose the one with changes
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i didn't even know hag has an exploit, and that may be because i don't play her too much. but i understand what you are saying.
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Yes. but changed to be more balanced/skillbased etc
I'm ok if they change one of his pinks to allow it with a draw back or if its possible by stacking turning speed add-ons.
But baseline I'd say no as it kinda removes the point of turning speed add-ons.
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sorry if that response came off as salty I think I got salty for a sec
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oh no, you are fine. you weren't salty, you just give your point of view.
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to an extent yeah but I still like turning addons for traversing the map without having to melee in order for the big turn (you have to melee to get the big turn and you need to be quite accurate in order to hit if you werent aware of how they work)
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J flick is an exploit that the devs have said they are going to remove.
This isn't really up for debate, and even if it was it removes skill that Blights on console would need to learn.
Why would a PC j flicking blight need to learn how to pefectly bounce off of terrain to catch a survivor at a TL wall, when they can just basically cheat and turn 180 and the survivor basically can't do anything, because why should a survivor need to expect a Blight to exploit to dodge them.
Look, if someone uses J flick, I don't care. But they shouldn't crap on other blights for not using it, or pretend that they aren't exploiting, because they are.
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They havent said outright theyre gonna remove it only that it wasnt on purpose scott jund or inleast I believe said that and it was a lie
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I mean, I am fairly sure I remember on stream Scott asking McLean (A guy who worked on Blight) if J flicking was intended. And McLean said no and they were going to fix it.
If you want to you can go ask McLean when he streams next.
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"fix" could mean alot of things I think it should be changed to be more balanced and stay to add more complexities to blight
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Which is more complex? Having to bounce off of 3 things perfectly and predict exactly where a survivor is gonna go to perfectly line up a rush.
Or flipping a 180 and slapping them because they would never be able to react to something that fast.
I know which one I would rather go against a survivor because I have a lot more opportunies to go hey, maybe if I do this they won't expect it and I can get away, and the same for the blight.
If you can just flip a 180 at basically any point. Well then, yay the survivor never stood a chance because they cant react in time.
Theres another killer that has that same problem... I think his name is... Sleepslinger?
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I dont use j flicks as anything more than a last resort and they still counter it ALOT usually calculating what to bounce off to hit them is more consistent then flicking them.
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Just because it increases the skill-cap of Blight and just because it has counterplay doesn't mean it's healthy for the game, it's an exploit. It sucks that Blight mains like me are getting bad reps because of the j-flick :/
Non j-flick Blight is one of the most balanced killers in the game so I hope removing it makes people find him more fun to play against.
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Ive been a main since a long while ago before flicks got found out,I at first didnt like j flicks but now that I know how to do them I am in full support of keeping it with some changes to it
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Yeah, I mained Blight a month after his release when I got back into DBD and enjoyed playing him without the flick. I respect your opinion.
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I play Blight without Jflicking. He's fine as is. I've tested it a lot and I don't see this narrative that it raises the skill cap. It stinks like agenda pushing. It literally dumbs down the rush from triangulating and predicting to just rush in a straight line and flick around. It's the same as we did with Oni during the PTB (notwithstanding that Oni can still Jflick due to exploits).
There's no way to make the thing more skill based unless we're talking about something like adding key combos (worked around with macros anyway) or frame-perfect timing. And all these solutions are single-player focused, they've got nothing to do with interaction.
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It doesnt really matter as I know that they plan to take it out so i dont plan to learn how to do it to begin with
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J-Flick should be removed, but Blight should also just have his base turning control improved.
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Yes. but changed to be more balanced/skillbased etc
I do believe that the J-Flick should be removed, but also have something similar to it implemented in his base kit in a way that it'd be fair while also making him truly on par with the best in the game, which is something he's already close to being imo.
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j flicking takes skill if anything they should add sesitivity clutching to the game so console players can do it too
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Im fine with removing j flicking if they also remove stretched res.
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i dont want j flicking, coming from a blight main too.
i dont think its fair that you just need a high mouse sensitivity or high DPI to be able to completely ignore blights slam, all you need is to slam into a single object and you can easily J flick a loop and hit a survivor that cant do anything against it. not to mention the speed addons make it even harder to react, how can you avoid a j flick when they go at 88 miles per hour? if anything i would rather have better turning during a rush in his basekit and make it harder to react to rushes by making it so as soon as you slam there is no audio cue (maybe visual) so that way its easier to hit a rush without needing to throw your mouse.
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Keep in game
am blight main 2 billion hour
and I support this message
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Just fix this dumb thing thats all
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Oh so i've should pick YES if i want it to be taken out? Damn